
"Anemone" (2001)
1. T.E.N. 2. Iesus Hominum Salvator 3. Mind (demo version) 4. The Man of the Chicken Eyes 5. Soul Murder 6. Anemone 7. Aquí el Infierno (live) 8. Actitud e Inconsciencia (live) 9. Cultura de la Violencia (live) 10. Instinto (live)
1. T.E.N.
It's a fake!
I said, your compassion is a fake
you are an idea from stupid man.
2. Iesus Hominum Salvator
Salvator? for what reason? I'm fine
I don't need of anybody and I don't ignore your truth
created by your frustrations, fears, just your human thought.
Am so tired, listening that bullshit
don't I maybe know?, about the pain and the misery?
I am well and I don't complain, for nothing!
I even feel the pain and the rottenness feeding my soul
Christ! comes to save the imbeciles
take them! to that life so repugnant like this.
A promised paradise without human thought
You are the comfort, you are the hope, for all them
thinking that the disgrace and death is not the limit.
Christ! comes to save the imbeciles
take them! to that life so repugnant like this.
Murder your stupid hope and with that your future repression.
3. Mind (demo version)
I'll poke in my mind, the illusion of the silence
all is hatred , I'll tear innocence and pardon
And I drag me but never I'll shout it
your easy life, your stupid agony.
4. The Man of the Chicken Eyes
I am the man of the chicken eyes
created from the rotten earth
Dead for centuries and now born-again.
I am the man of the chicken eyes
so now, am I your God?
I engender the sickness for all us.
My soul marked by the blind human stupidity
it even pours in their consciences, innocuous in their disgrace
mixed in their blood and spilled as food for this beautiful world.
The days will be miserable and you will be happy.
I am protected by my thought but infected from the womb,
I am a vomit of the ignorance, murdered by my own decision.
Then there won't be difference between yesterday and today!
between yesterday and today!
I am the man of the chicken eyes.
5. Soul Murder
Blind, caught into myself
sometimes I remember to be outside from me
and I can see myself (in my own prison)
even floating I can feel the pain.
Inside me the death is protect to me
but now, where is your scythe?
A long story before my eyes
but my endless road is enough for me
the life, the things, my time
everything around is nothing to me.
Inside me the death is protect to me
but now, where is your scythe?
just kill the moment, just kill my hope
just take out me, send me to the other reality, just kill my soul.
6. Anemone
Prayers to the future
waiting the eternal nothingness
The now violent and without control
My days are long (but) they are not anxious
(then) the time passes and it breaks down
I can see you inside me strangling my conscience.
fear of not breathing
impatient life, perpetual situations
I can see you inside me strangling my conscience.
7. Aquí el Infierno (live)
Mundo lleno de variables, todos dependiendo de todos
gente acostumbrada al dolor como a la vida misma.
Nada ha cambiado en esta carrera de sobrevivencia
y este mundo se cansó de gritar en silencio
Estás parado sobre él y no lo sabes
te cagas sobre él y no lo sabes
levántate antes que te pisen
o morirás sin levantar el cuello
apaga tu fuego tu fuego interior
ya no lo eches todo a perder.
8. Actitud e Inconsciencia (live)
Gente con gran poder con sus miserables
diálogos, intercambio de actitudes y
listos para destruir...
Y contemplarás el dinero y la idiotez
la sangre y el rencor por intereses creados.
Selva ya mutilada los ríos contaminados
especies que migrarán a esos últimos refugios
Observa el futuro caminar al retroceso cegados
en su idea del humano progreso.
9. Cultura de la Violencia (live)
No me agrada ver esto y no hay a donde mirar,
nuestra propia destrucción,
sentir por momentos... desprecio y miedo mezclados
lo humano e inevitable.
Discriminar e ignorar la vieja cultura sigue en pie
el mundo es perfecto y ahora sé porqué
Decimos la conciencia perdemos, pero nunca la tuvimos
la mejor sonrisa es para las malas noticias
sistema eres el arma fría yo soy el suicida...
Escorias errantes para lidiar, grita impotente en este teatro
resignarse es la religión, ser aplastado y obedecer también.
10. Instinto (live)
Transforma mi vida déshazte de la tuya
corroe en tu exterior mi verdadero placer
asesina a los demás y ocúltate de mí
en tus dualidades te guiaré por siempre.
Mas cuando sea el momento te dejaré ir
vagarás por el mundo sin saber por que.
Te estaré esperando y no me sorprenderás
y sabré al mirarte si debo morir en tus manos
Une tu sangre con la mía y ya déjame morir
toma mi eterno lugar y hazte de los demás.