
"Into the Funeral Witchs" (2006 Demo)
1. After Disastrous Armageddon 2. Hymn To Mephistopheles 3. Jozame Tabiat 4. Hymn To Pazuzu 5. Gourestane Matrouk 6. Possessed By Black Fucking Metal ( Nargaroth Cover ) 7. Into The Funeral Witchs 8. Distress For Alesandra(Tribute To The Book Of The Della Parte Di Lei)
1. After Disastrous Armageddon
After Disastrous Armageddon
Va An rooz Nazdik Ast
Poosidan Bashar Be Daste Bashar
Ghabrestani Be Vos ate Tarikh
Nabarde Kheir O shar
Marg Noorha...
2. Hymn To Mephistopheles
Hymn To Mephistopheles
Into the depth of darkness
I can feel his unholy soul
I can feel
twirl to reality
regain the nature
Demonic Lament
For All Times that passed
Father Mephistopheles
Open the gates of history
remember our passed
we will return to observe your kingdom
dying sun
dying lights
dying times
dying arts
burning shines
silent nights
empty eyes
sodden hearts
invert lights
shadows fall
madness masks
leprous minds
bitter times...yea....
bitter times
3. Jozame Tabiat
Jozame Tabiat
Dar Kesha Keshe Zamani Bi Ma Na
Hame Chiz Dar Rokoode Khish Dar Taghir Ast
Zendegi Va Fana Ta Abad
Va Tekrare Soali Ke Sokout Tanha Pasokh An Ast
Dar Kesha Keshe Zamani Bi Ma Na
Dar Ahmaghe Salhayee Gong
Ayande Ra Be Yad Khahim Avard Va Dar Entezare Gozashtae Be Farda Chashm Khahim Doukht
Dar Kesha Keshe Zamani Bi Ma Na....Bashariat Chon Jozami Bar Tabiat Oftadeh...
4. Hymn To Pazuzu
Hymn To Pazuzu
Pazuzu Marg Ra Bekhan
Baad haye Khamoush
Tabiati Mahzoun
Asmani Majrouh
Salva Pazuzu
Nang Bar To Badkhim
Ey Ensan
Nang bar To Zalou
Ensan Chon Jozami Bar Tabiat Oftade
Ensan DAR Ayande iee Siah Foroo Oftade
Ey Ensan
Nang Bar To
Mishenavi? Seda Az Jayee Dour Dar In Nazdiki Be Goush Miresad
Mousighiyee Naleha Az Divarha Va Derakhtan Va Amvaj Be Goush Miresad
Man Sedaye Gerye Haye Shab Ra Dar Daroone Rooz Mishenavam
Sedaye Foloute Shaban Haye Gom Shode Ra Dar Pase Kooh haye Tarik Mishenavam
Sedaye Jigh Haye Dehshatnake Mardomane Faramoush Shode Ra Dar Daroune Jangal Haye Siah Mishenavam
Mousighi ye Nefrat Bar Az Hame Ja Be Goush Miresad...Naghmehayee Zem Zeme Var Ke Nam e Gham Bar Khod Gerefteh
Nam e Gham Bar Khod Gerefteh.....Nam e Gham Bar Khod Gerefteh.....Nam e Gham Bar Khod Gerefteh.....
Tabiate Majrouh
Tani Zakhmi
Bashariate Gom Shode Dar Zaman
Mahv Shodane Nalehaye Bashariat Dar Nalehaye Tabiat
5. Gourestane Matrouk
Gourestane Matrouk
Gourestan Kam Kam Dar Siyahi e Shab Forou Miravad
Va Saye Haye Azim Bar Gourha Nazdiki Khamoushi Ra Beyad Miavaranad
Gourestan Tanhast Mesle Hamishe Saket...Ghat e Zamini Manfour
Ke Hambastare Ajsad Ast
Ajsadi Ke Hich Kodam Ba meile Khod Bedan Pa Nagozashteh And
Gourestn Zobale Dane Ensan Hast
Ensan Hayee Ke Roozi Sarasar Arezoo Va Omid Boudand
Hameye Inha Ra Dar Sokoote Gourestan Mitavan Fahmid
Ou Hamishe Saket Ast..Saket Va Ghamgin Az Sarneveshte Khod
Sarneveshte Khod...
Tanha Dar Bastari Hamishegi
Tanha...Tanha Bedour Az Ghamha
Ahesteh Khak Shodan...
Gardesh Doshnam Ra Dar Daroonam Hes Mikonam
Doshnam Haye Be Tabiat Va Sereshte An
Ke Ba Tamame Vos Ateshan Tanha Dar Ghatarate Ashki Be Biroun Mitaravad
Va In Doshvar Ast Az An Sabab Ke Nahamgouni
Shayad Zalouhaye Kouchaki Bish Nistim
Shayad Tanha Ekhlate Tabi Atim
Va Shayad Jozami Khorande Bar Balhaye Sephideh Olovhiat
Vali Har Che Hastim Agahim Ke Yek Eshtebahim
Yek Eshtebahim...
6. Possessed By Black Fucking Metal ( Nargaroth Cover )
Possessed By Black Fucking Metal
Once Upon A Time As Black Metal Ruled.
The Blood Was Hot. The Hearts Were Strong.
The Future Seems To Be Ours.
But Nothing More Remained. Because Black Metal Died.
Gone The Days Of Pure Underground. Of Spirit, Pain And Fire.
So Listen To Your heart, What Black Metal Means To You.
You're Weak Destroy Yourself. You're From Old Days Remember His Corpse.
So I Summon The Old Warriors. That We Shall Begin.
To Kill The False And Hate One To Satisfy Our Hate.
My Soul Is Possessed By Black Fucking Metal
My Soul Is Possessed By Black Fucking Metal
My Soul Is Possessed By Black Fucking Metal
My Soul Is Possessed By Black Fucking Metal
My Soul Is Possessed By Black Fucking Metal
7. Into The Funeral Witchs
Into The Funeral Witchs
Into The Funeral Witchs
The Hate Is Immortal
Into The Funeral Witchs
The Corps Will Burn And Flames Will Cry
Oh...Satan...It's So Tristful
Into The Unholy Night
Under The Magical Moon
Seven Witchs Of Ancient Persian Land Are Around A Fire
The Fire That Will Burn All Of Them
Listen To The Crows
They Are Crying
Dark Angel We Call Your Name For Join To You
We Are Dying But our Souls Never Die
We Leave Our Life Into The Flames That Made By Holy Religions
Oh Mighty Lord Take Our Souls
Oh Mighty Lord Take Our Souls
And Open Your Gates For Us....
8. Distress For Alesandra(Tribute To The Book Of The Della Parte Di Lei)
Distress For Alexandra
Oh...This Is A pain...This Is A sorrow
???? Of The This Painful Book "Della Parte Di Lei"