
"Tiahtocayotl Amiquini (Immortal Realm)" (2005 Demo)
1. On the Wings of Nightmare 2. Nitlayocoya 3. Zan Tontemiquico 4. The Great Castle at Frozen Hearts 5. Ma Zan Moquetzacan 6. An Invocation of the Aztec Gods
1. On the Wings of Nightmare
On The Wings Of Nightmare
I had a dream before
Across the enchanted night
Believing in your fears so much
That I became the truly living lie
Trapped in this dream I tried to understand
Why spiders try to fly and eagles try to crawl in sand
Creatures from nothing are falling on me
I just saw their immense scars
trying to carry my only light
You know, I have been so wicked
So you know, the only way out
But you know, this was just a dream
You know, this was just a dream
Screams in vain, desperation in dead gallery
I had to grin on their face
Because my blaze was extinguished by their rage
My cremator was there,
laughing he knew all my fears
and grimly he was approaching to me
You know, I have been so desperate
So you know, the only way out
But you know, this was just a dream
I am so glad, this was just a dream
Nothing to fear, this was just a dream
But I realize, I have not wake up (yet).
2. Nitlayocoya
Nitlayocoya, nicnotlamatiya,
Zan, nitepiltzin Nezahualcoyotl.
Xochitliza ye ihuan cuicatica
Niquimilnamiqui tepilhuan.
Ayn oyaque,
Yegua tezozomoctzin, o yehuan quahquauhtzin.
Oc nellin nemoan,
¡Maya niquitoca in intepilhuan,
maya niquimonitquili toxochiuh!
Ma ic ytech nonaci,
Yectli yan cuicatl in Tezozomoctzin.
O ayc ompolihuiz in moteyo,
¡Nopaltzin, Tezozomoctzin!,
anca za ye in mocuic a yca
yn zan nihualicnotlamatico,
Zan nihualayocoya, nicnotlamati.
Ayoquic, ayoc,
Titechyaitaquiuh in tlalticpac,
Yza, nontiya.
3. Zan Tontemiquico
Zan Tontemiquico
(Tochihuitzin Coyolchiuhqui)
In ic conitotehuac in Tochihuitzin;
In ic conitotehuac in Coyolchiuqui;
Zan tocochitlehuaco,
Zan tontemiquico,
Ah nelli, ah nelli
Tinemico in tlalticpac.
Xoxopan xihuitl ipan
Hual cecilia, hual itzmolini in toyollo
Xochitl in tonacayo.
Cequi cueponi,
On cuetlahuia.
In conitotehuac in tochihuitzin.
4. The Great Castle at Frozen Hearts
The Great Castle at Frozen Hearts
It’s raining blood!
The gardens are covered by darkness
The light has been buried in catacombs
Some candles are burning the bones
An earthquake shall bring the wrath of the Gods
I won’t show you the path
I’m just showing you what is here,
And what always will be
On your moon, on your world in your mind
A Vampire behind the mirror
Sacrifice your neck for a taste of blood
Fear is at your side, night became your courage
So at this winter fields you shall enjoy
The teeth of insanity.
5. Ma Zan Moquetzacan
Ma Zan Moquetzacan
¡Ma zan moquetzacan, nicnihuan!
In icnoque on cate in tepilhuan,
Non Nezahualcoyotzin,
Ni cuicanitl,
Xocon cui moxochiuh ihuan in mecacehuaz,
¡Ma ica xi mototi!
Zan tehuan nopiltzin,
Zan ye ti Yoyontzin.
Ma xocon cua in cacahuate,
In cacahuazochitl,
¡ma ya on ihua in!
¡Ma ya netotilo,
ma necuicatilo!
Ah nican tochan,
Ah nican tinemizque,
Tonyaz ye yuhcan.
6. An Invocation of the Aztec Gods
An Invocation of the Aztec Gods