
"Imanusi" (2005 EP)
1. Tsunami 2. Total Fucking Massacre 3. Demon Sex 4. Slava Panoramix’u 5. Where’s The Pig
1. Tsunami
¯ywych ju¿ nie ma, martwych nikt nie rozpozna.
Trupi odór obezw³adnia,
Na ziemi, w ka³u¿ach le¿y mnóstwo przedmiotów
Spuchniête cia³a wystaj¹ przez okno.
Mordercze fale tsunami!!!
Tysi¹ce ofiar ¿ywio³u,
Œwiat op³akuje poleg³ych,
Pamiêæ o nich wyp³ywa z serc naszych.
Setki gapiów ogl¹daj¹ to, co zosta³o ze zniszczonego poci¹gu.
Niczym zabawka, zmia¿d¿ony przez tsunami,
Le¿y w rowie z rozk³adaj¹cymi siê zw³okami.
Tylko nieliczni ocaleli z katastrofy.
Ofiary fal tsunami
Na zawsze pozostan¹ w sercach naszych!!!
Nieopanowana si³a przyrody pokona³a technologiê ludzi,
¯ywio³ów nikt nie powstrzyma.
Geniusz umys³u cz³owieka,
Nie zapanuje nad przyrod¹.
Tsunami, gniew bogów!!!
2. Total Fucking Massacre
Flowers and candles by the shabby building
Over three hundred thirty incur death
In front of houses gloomy toasts for dead
One hundred seventy two children died
In they hearts despair and mind to revenge
terrorism a way to nowhere
Czar puts mask of murderer!
Warriors of freedom, knights of death
They made children own hostages
Innocent and helpless died
After onrush troop liberation
Mother Russia doesn’t love her own children!
Herod made butchery!
Blood's children on the parent's hands
Time of revenge will come
Dead angels, despair in mother's heart
Hate will dispense two nations
Czar's honor brought to tragedy
Blood will not congeal on hands
3. Demon Sex
I don't know his name,
Maybe he's a devil,
He rapes little girls
and kills their mothers
It's his passion,
He loves scream,
loves pain,
Naked child on his body -
that's his existence.
Rapist - angry demon sex.
Monster who rapes children,
sixteen girls, twenty boys.
What is he thinking about when he’s doing it?
He laughs when the children cry
'Monster demon' who rapes children,
maniac of pain,
maniac of blood,
He hates everyone,
He's only love is violence,
Naked child on his body - It's his space,
Rapist - angry demon sex,
Rapist - angry demon of pain,
Rapist - angry demon blood
Rapist - angry demon of death.
I always want his death
He escapes
but they finally find him,
and now I want to kill
this 'Monster-Rapist'
I wish he was dead
4. Slava Panoramix’u
Understand the past tragedy of prohibition,
I accept the necessity of smuggling,
Standing against excises and state monopoly
I watch the man with pride,
Who invented Panoramix,
I run away from the culture
Of small beers and suppressed joy,
I disturb the sober order of the world
Being sure of doing the right thing,
you can follow me:
Let's drink to:
Restless dream of several perpetual presidents
or in the name of the ordinary amenities.
5. Where’s The Pig