
"From Chaos to Disorder" (2004 Demo)
1. Bonus track: From Chaos to Disorder 2. Educated Scum 3. There Is... 4. Lethargic Era 5. Where Is Justice??? 6. Cannon Fodder 7. Psalm to Life (Part I: Rejuvenation) 8. Psalm to Life (Part II) 9. Propaganda 10. Technical Progress 11. Stop the Madness 12. Digital Apocalypse 13. Anti-Globalistic Manifest 14. Global Suicide 15. Religious Insanity (Part I: Jihad) 16. Requiem 17. Happy End 18. Japanese Bonus Track: Nutopian International Anthem
1. Bonus track: From Chaos to Disorder
Inbred instinct of a slave
To deify the master -
How many times has it brought
Our natoion to disaster?
History repeats itself,
New tzars are on their thrones.
Another circle of tyranny
And wars that can’t be won…
Wasting our lives dreaming
Of what’s beyond the border,
Moving forward, step by step
From chaos to disorder.
Cult of personality -
A nightmare we made true.
We’re our own worst enemies
In false idols we choose.
There is only one chance
For us all to win
(Is to) rise up from our bleeding knees
And kill the slave within!
2. Educated Scum
You open your mouth,
The words come out,
But they don’t make any sense.
What you say is not what you do.
Your existence is just an offence.
Everything you’ve
Learned from college
Is a fucking
Carnal knowledge!
Everything you do - senseless.
Everything you say - meaningless.
Everything you know - useless.
You’re educated scum.
(You) talk of higher matters
While high on booze and coke.
Your intelligence is a fake.
(Your) education is a stupid joke.
Don’t pretend that
You’re so smart
You were braindead
From the start.
3. There Is...
No power, no authority,
No justice, no remorse,
No compromise, no pity,
Noone to die for the cause.
No freedom and no liberties,
No future and no destiny.
No respect, no honesty,
No destination, no solution,
No guts - no glory, no way out,
No-deciding constitution.
4. Lethargic Era
The same old song, the same old suck.
The same old consciousness we lack.
The same old STAIN of same old mind.
Same all blind still lead the blind.
Same old stories, same old lies.
Same old truth nowhere to find.
Same old chains (that) are always on.
The same old shit, the same old song.
There’s no regression but there’s no progress.
Time goes by but nothing changes.
Still all we hope and still we wait.
Instead of doing… WE HESITATE!
Same old state, same old mentality.
Same brainwash distorts reality.
Same old why with no reply.
(In) lethargic era we born and die.
Same old ignorance, same old greed.
Same old leaders nation to bleed.
Right are (the) ones who have more rights.
Same old promises, same old lies!
5. Where Is Justice???
Where is justice?
6. Cannon Fodder
Pledge allegiance to the flag,
Get ready to die for their cause.
War kills people like a plague.
There’s no remorse!
Double march to common grave,
Salute and obey the order.
Puppets in a brutal game.
Cannon fodder!
In this warfare noone wins
As slaughter rages on.
No end justifies the means
Cemetaries (are) overflown!
7. Psalm to Life (Part I: Rejuvenation)
8. Psalm to Life (Part II)
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.
Psalm To Life!
9. Propaganda
The world of intrigues,
world of lies.
Truth is raped
and left to die.
Their sickening fake
We forcedly fed.
Don’t trust noone
Or you’ll regret.
Hypocrisy’s their work and love.
Sick of this shit I’ve had enough.
Trap for the naive.
They decide for you
What to believe.
Use your own eyes,
Use your own brain,
Cast out the false
Pride is your gain.
‘Tis cruel game.
We must defend.
Yourself is only
Your true friend.
Brainwashed minds
Swallow their every word.
In this chaos
The voice of truth unheard.
Freedom is myth, equality’s a dream.
Falsity’s web, there’s no chance to redeem.
10. Technical Progress
Technical progress, cultural regress!
11. Stop the Madness
Ornament of wounds on your veins.
Thousand black holes in your brain.
Can’t live a day without a fix.
Kind of life that makes me sick!
Creating your own paradise,
Death shall be the final prize.
Stop the madness!
Before it’s too late.
By your own hand
Stop the hand of fate.
With every day you fade away.
Personality disintegrate.
The only thing now on your mind
(Is) to rob and steal just to survive.
Abstinent pains show you hell,
And from now on here you shall dwell.
Stop the hand of fate
Before it’s too late.
Save yourself from mortality.
Stop the madness closing in!
12. Digital Apocalypse
Unknown virus
Infects the world wide web.
Fatal system failure.
Internet is dead.
Digital, digital, digital
All informatin deleted,
Hardware out of order!
Cyber-empire falls.
Global collapse!
Digital, digital
13. Anti-Globalistic Manifest
14. Global Suicide
Esotheric catastrophe.
Secret weapon unleashed.
From the laboratory
Spread the rays bringing decease.
Psychotrophic technology.
No place to hide or flee.
Experiment is out of control.
Death to every human soul.
Global suicide.
Every man on Earth will die!
Global suicide.
End of all mankind.
Wave of death prevails.
Consciousness fails.
Noone (now) is master of his mind.
Strongest urge to take your own life.
Zombified we crawl
To our graves to lie.
Noone is sane now
Just to survive.
Global suicide.
A bitter end of all mankind.
Global suicide.
Time to die!
15. Religious Insanity (Part I: Jihad)
There’s a fine line
Between faith and insanity.
Religious minds
Practise the laws of brutality.
A cancer on the face of humanity.
Conspiracy of lunatics.
Middle ages
Reborn at the dawn of new millennium.
False beliefs
Are no disguise for terrorism.
Money and power
The only rules of this passion play.
Endless slaughter
Crimes are done, but who will pay?
16. Requiem
What are you doing,
What have you done?
How could you be so blind?
Wake up!
Open your eyes!
With your self-destructive ways
Can’t you see that you are
Digging your own grave?
Wake up!
Open your eyes!
Wake up!
Your time is running out!
17. Happy End
18. Japanese Bonus Track: Nutopian International Anthem