
"King of Fools" (2004 EP)
1. King of Fools 2. New Age Messiah 3. The Savage Union 4. Holy Water 5. Life and Times of A Bonus Track
1. King of Fools
What do you think when you spit in my face
How does if feel to accuse and to haze
Now look at me, I'm not one of your kind
And I prefer to stay behind
And walk the wicked way
We don't wanna be like you
We don't get than king of fools
We don't mind your life is trite
You are the king of fools.
We are never gonna be like you
We don't follow - King of fools
You're the blind to lead the blind
And I walk the wicked way
You feel at ease as you flock with the masses
What do you see with your heads in their asses
Keep on railing at what I believe
Call me insane and I am proud to be
And walk the wicked way
We don't wanna be like you
Don't you get than king of fools
We don't mind your life is trite
You are the king of fools
We're not gonna be like you
We don't follow - King of fools
You are the blind to lead the blind - oh
2. New Age Messiah
Countless pointing fingers
A nameless crowd too swollen to analyse
Takes a rise our of the stranger
Don't know where he's come from
Bumfuck raises birds of paradise
They surmise - very wise
One night they witnessed
How he lit his backdoor winds
Fire turned the night into day
And they prayed, fell on their knees
And turned their glances off his face
And they knew they have been chosen to obey
Pardon me
Raise a graven image
I'm the new messiah for the world
You can't see the splendor of my nimbus
But I'm the new messiah for the world
For the blind
The word shall spread like wildfire
Here you got a new messiah holding sway
Delightful game
Don't you give away: I'm no redeemer
But bring me grapes and diamonds right away
And a maid to lay...
One day oblivion will swallow up my fame
The common run of mankind will forget my name
Forget my name
Like a phoenix rising someone else is gunna reign
Till then you know that you are to obey me
Pardon me...
Gluttony and ecstasy, there's velvet on my dais
Lions, ladies, roataries they never spare with praise
A million pointing fingers
Have turned to clapping hands
Now I'm off to Betty Ford
See you in hell my friends
Pardon fucking me, who the fucking fuck is Jesus
I'm the motherfucking new messiah
For the fucking world
Pardon me...
3. The Savage Union
Here I'm standing at the junction of my life
So many ways, I don't know witch one is the right
Do I wanna keep it up or throw it all away
Or close my eyes, go on and live just for today
I'm alive, I'm alive
We're gonna dive into madness of life
Heat stroke and nuts, don't live a lie
No one to blame, we don't play your game
We don't give a fuck, we're savage united
Savage united we stand!
Life is what happens to you while you're making plans
It's time to find your mental equilibrium again
Pedal to the metal and hit the passing lane
Kill the demons, cut the crap, quit their wicked game
I feel high, hell I'm high
We're gonna dive into madness of life...
4. Holy Water
Waiting all the time to erase it from my mind
I feel like I've been left behind, my heart is frozen
Punished to rush and fall and again I'm gonna crawl
Is there really no return from the life been chosen
You wanted more from me than I could ever be
Rains is falling, pouring down on me
Holy water to ease my pain, purify me
Rain is falling, pouring down on me
Holy water to ease my pain
I'm driving down my way to digest yesterday
Under rain clouds towards the sundown to be devoured
And then come out alive
Dripping wet but purified
Ready to beard the memories of golden hours
No, there's nothing else than we can do
We gotta walk on through
Rain is falling, pouring down on me...
5. Life and Times of A Bonus Track
Poor artist went to label, truckloads of money in mind
Rich artist left the buildings
Cause all the labels had been standing in line
And so they signed
Artist wrote rock'n roll history
Concentrated on a album so strong
But business claimed limited editions
Insisting on a additional songs
That was the time when I had born
When I first saw the light of day
And even if you got a different opinion
From my point of view - needless to say -
That I'm happy to be
Ever if you don't want me to be
The world wouldn't go round without me
I'm a bonus track on my way to Japan
And I'm gonna be spread on Internet
I'm a bonus track, to Brazil and back
Enjoying worldwide fame
They'll screw the industry, pay no royalty
Burn me on CD, all illegally
Chinese bootlegs, Russian piracy
Cuthroat Germans the all copy me
And I don't give a shit, to me it's all the same
As long as I get all the fame
And the girls know my name
I don't give a fucking shit, no, I don't give a shit
Don't give a fucking shit, no, no...
Not a single little fucking shit
Oh this is it... This is it! It!
I'm a bonus traaaaaaaaaaaaack...