
"The Act Of Degradation" (2002)
1. Creeping Seed (Intro) 2. Hydra's Scaffold 3. The Mirror 4. The Lord Of Burning Heaven 5. The Act Of Degradation 6. The Venom 7. The Stream Of Scarlet Tear 8. The End Of Light's Era 9. Belamor (The Flower Of Eternal Pain) 10. Versuvia 11. The Wizard 12. Earth's Gate 13. Crop Of Despair
1. Creeping Seed (Intro)
2. Hydra's Scaffold
Crazy apocalyptic troublemakers
Tighten the thorny rope
My neck is gushing with longing
Whizing gibberish comes out from my mouth
They can see...
Mocking smile on their faces
Silent... they pass me by
Like a pack of starving hyenas
They touch me in disbelief
Infusion still pulsates in me
Full of Hecate's scream
It spills throughout my body
Boiling, sticky mucks
He is staggering...
Dazed with rotten wine
Slowly he's harnessing the steeds
For the Queen of Dream's carriage
Hollow snap tears the silence apart
With quick whip it becomes quiet
Muffled in wet grass
The rattle of horses' hooves
Embryos of meanness
Suppressed not with scream but with lasting
Infusion still pulsates in me
Full of Hecate's scream
It spills throughout my body
Boiling, sticky mucks
Yes, I can see...
Empty eyes... wide open
Full of stinking rot
And scathing laugh ends
And it becomes a whisper... I can't hear anything
Figures - stooped shadows
They quickly make off
Crazy apocalyptic troublemakers
Tighten the thorny rope
Embryos of meanness
Suppressed not with scream but with lasting
3. The Mirror
It's time to plunge in the world of ... depravation ?
When I was looking in the mirror
I found out I could break on
Through to the other side if only I wanted
And I've been there
The birds were seeking refuge on the highest trees
And sadness and terror were sown like grains of wheat
On the boundless field of forgetfulness
I found fear
Nesting in the farthest places of the planet
I saw people's disputes
Dirty, wandering from place to place
Anger and hatred walking in pairs
Giving oneself away to lustful kisses
And love - full of fear, grey and sad
Was hidden in the middle of it all... somewhere deep
And I brought out the sword of truth
I wanted to disperse the darkness
But all my thoughts were wrapped up by black fog
Pulling the weapon out of my hands
It covered me softly with its tentacles
And the truth evaporated, like it had never existed
It is time to plunge in the world of ... depravation ?
And I believed
I believed in fear, hatred and violence
And my faith was unshaken
I looked in the mirror again
To see my soul completely
And there weren't truth or love anymore
Only anger was filling my heart like fire
4. The Lord Of Burning Heaven
Handsome, dignified, uncompromising and...
Empty as a dried up goblet of wine
The Lord of Burning Heaven
My Lord, sadness fills up you heart
Sadness and scarlet tears
Drowning in golden blood
Sweet but treacherous
Screaming shedding tears
Screaming from behind the glass wall
Take out your hand
Catch the branch of the oak
Pick up from the ground your standard
Don't let it wallow in the mud
Don't stop singing
Let your hymn be heard
Stand in the front of your regiments
Let your name be praised again
Don't stop singing
Let your hymn be heard
Let it flow over the mountains
Like an eagle let it rise
Don't stop singing
Handsome, dignified, uncompromising and...
Empty as a dried up goblet of wine
The Lord of Burning Heaven
My Lord, sadness fills up you heart
Sadness and scarlet tears
Drowning in golden blood
My Lord, sadness fills up you heart
Pick up from the ground your standard
Don't stop singing
Let your hymn be heard
Let it flow over the mountains
Like an eagle let it rise
Don't stop singing
5. The Act Of Degradation
Carried away by a crazy dance
In the fire of hellish fury
Torn by anger, burning with hatred
It's time to start the act of brutish violence
Oh, whirlwind - howl the monstrous groan now
Take off the crowns from the iniquitous heads
Hypocrisy is creeping from their mouths full of venom
Their pride is still insatiable
I'm paying for falsity with falsity
The gardens of my mind breed roses
... black ones!
Their thorns will slay many people
Let's rise the axe of the wind
Dressed in the scarlet coat
Taste the goblet of bitterness
Know the smell of degradation
Touch the frames of fall
I can see deaf despair
Lurking in the empty eyes
I can feel eternal fear
Wandering around in their rotten hearts
Justice has been done
The shadow has escaped out of the dusk
And he threw the iniquitous down into the abyss
And it took the snake's crown from their heads
Taste the goblet of bitterness
Know the smell of degradation
Touch the frames of fall
I can see deaf despair
Lurking in the empty eyes
I can feel eternal fear
Wandering around in their rotten hearts
6. The Venom
Here it comes again...
The shiver
Delicate rustle of leaves
Then... more and more distinct
Dressed in airy gown
Then... stronger devil's patter
It goes faster and faster driven by hatred body
It tears the thought apart with beast's claw
It flexes its spine and spits the venom
Here it comes again...
The shiver
Delicate rustle of leaves
Then... more and more distinct
Dressed in airy gown
Then... stronger devil's patter
Fall on your knees in front of the altar of humility
Cover yourself with the coat of pessimism
Stabbing with a dagger
Scream stopped in the middle
Stillness and silence
So calm and blissfully
Lave is cooling down
It's coming down from the mountains
But it won't touch me
I've got wings again
Fall on your knees in front of the altar of humility
Put Gabriel's sceptre up
Damn source of pain
It comes to life again
Fatal wounds are covered with phlegm
It becomes as strong as titans again
Where is my God
Has he gone away for ever?
Too much suffering
So little hope
It's time I feel for Nemesis
Damn source of pain
It comes to life again
Fatal wounds are covered with phlegm
Here it comes again...
The shiver
Delicate rustle of leaves
Then... more and more distinct
Dressed in airy gown
7. The Stream Of Scarlet Tear
Fast wind is whistling over the field
And the evening blood is flowing
This is an echo from a bottom of a legend
When no bird had sung behind the window
I knew - the ancient evil has revived
I must leave fear before I split in the face of death
Oh, damned demonic warlock
I will snatch the spear from your fist - the fire
I will tear off the night from your neck - your coat
And whirling clouds were flowing in the sky, that sky was alive
I could swear, that I'd heard suppressed whispers coming up from above
And the sky has fallen on me with despair
Oh, damned demonic warlock
You are the conjurer of words, the charlatan of feelings
Let the wind sow your bones like seeds
I must go, breathe in the breeze of anger
Nevertheless ... You don't have to search for the gloom
Looking through the twisted paths
It's already here, the embodiment of impurity
He's looking at me in silence
And he's scenting my blood, and my fear
Possessed with pain and rage
I'm burning with rage, I'm screaming in pain
It's time to blind the shadows
It's time to blow off the spectres
8. The End Of Light's Era
... Scream In the abyss of dark, when the moon is full
When time...
Somewhere there
Where light can't reach
Lack of sanctity
Like a thorn embedded in the body
On the barren land
The temple is being built
Not for God...
The circle of power
Sketched by black candles
The hellish priests open the gates
All the dimensions flowing together into one
Like a stone
Glittering with many colours
And the wind becomes stronger
And the nightmare is dancing in the air
The creation of human's pride
And contempt for the weak
Somewhere there
Where light can't reach
Lack of sanctity
Like a thorn embedded in the body
On the barren land
The temple is being built
Not for God...
The circle of power
Sketched by black candles
And the wind becomes stronger
And the nightmare is dancing in the air
It is freedom for the relentless
It is a slavery for the cowardly
Untamed force
9. Belamor (The Flower Of Eternal Pain)
Somewhere between the eternal abyss
And the never ending heaven
Between the wood smelling of needles
And the valley of oblivion
There is a place
Meadow colourfully covered with flowers
Flowers bathed in the morning dew
I can hear... they whisper among themselves
I can feel... they hunt... cruel hunt
Who is the game?!?
The shiver of delight pierces my heart
The spectre of fear tears my soul
I can see the beauty of some buds
They are full of amazing colours
So beautiful that each look causes pain
But I'm still looking
And cry bloody tears
I come closer and pick it
Burning heat inside of it - it's venom
And blood on hands
I picked the flower of oblivion
I picked the flower of non-existence
10. Versuvia
Help me fall asleep my dear
Hold me in your soft arms
Kiss me so gentle
And full of admiration kiss
Your scarf had been woven by witches
When you were covering your lovers
With a cobweb stealing a kiss from death
Don't say a word... I can't remember
That night... I want to forget
When you and your brother-shadow
In total silence in the midst of snakes
As solace in pain
You were born with wail of stars
The tumult of the battle was fading
And anger set in my veins
When by the power of your commandments
You woke me up
Now my blood is blended with wine
My fist is tightened by wild passion
Enough of fear
Enough of despair
Enough of sorrow!
Enough of stupefaction
Enough of bending your head
You can hear the lament of the dying
I will raise Versuvia's sword
The geyser of hatred will explode
It will spit the juice of its guts out
Ulcerated foetus of my thoughts
My rotten daydream
Angry grimace on my face
Death slips on it
Cursing its own pride
Biting its lips in pain
Oh, my priestess
I've got the ocean of fire around
It's my forest of hope burning
11. The Wizard
The last of the darkness to breathe the night
Where the abstraction of stars hide the nest of words
And where the body suffers from the number wound
Given to the knowledge couldn't bless
It's blessing falls on the poor plunged into ignorance
12. Earth's Gate
Whom have I been?
Whom have I become?
Silent dust of beaten pride or maybe just a poor useless rock?
Sudden chill surrounded me
Something goes out of this place
I want to catch what's transient
I won't manage, not this time
All my senses go away
But my body still lies there
Something cries in it, but no tears are saled
I can see them... how?!?
I can feel everything, but I can't see
I can hear everything, but I don't speak
Although I scream... fear
I can see greyish body
From above, so empty it seems
I'm going around it
Like a hungry vulture over its carrion
The transformation of conscience
Comeback to reality
As who?
I'm standing over minds
I know what's unpredictable
I'm the soul's dictator
The immortal admiral
I paid my contribution
I gave my life to death
I've got secret key in my hand
It opens earth's gate
But I won't come back... I'll wait
I'm the master defeated, yet...
13. Crop Of Despair