
"Soft Orange" (1997)
1. Soft Orange 2. Trip 3. Crimson Wind 4. Childhood's End 5. Blue 6. Stonehands 7. Plainsong 8. Poker Face 9. The 3rd Bank Of The River 10. The Bell
1. Soft Orange
A billion ships are among my hair
Needle-shaped shoes tread in my thoughts
If orange DYNAMITE stiffened in your chest
Sleeplessness shows me new ways
My rubber ring has broken
I bury myself in soft orange sounds
We run in the dark
I saw his dream was hopeless
And I knew the reason of the self-deception lie
Painless his coat
Carrying it on him, like his face
That's shoutless and he rests pitifully
The dreambird's wings are too weak
Gets weak and forgets the aim
He'll wake up again
If he recognizes the fruitless effort of his wall
One last cut
And his underfall
The fog of the ignorance hugs him
Aimless is looking around
Curious flowers in his eyes
Is this vision a dream or utopia?
If I have a daughter
I will tell her this story
And she's understand
Why don't get a worm reward
When his dream is over
2. Trip
What I was
I can't remember with pleasure
Now accept me as I am
Get ready for
Sometimes you have to fight against yourself
I step outside of myself
I'm free
I'm approaching you
I'm not under control
As the sun burns down the ground I burn my past
I flew above your house
I felt the sunbeams
They warmed me up
I saw you in the window
I have been waiting
But you didn't give me the sign to land
I know you know
Anyway I return
You must know that you are important too
But you also can't be a private island
I love your voice
I love your face
I love your smile
I love your eyes
And all...
Don't let it disappear
Hey you, call me beside you
3. Crimson Wind
Disappointing black moon
And it never will be better
All the colours turn into grey
Emptiness relaxes on the wall
I talk to the wind
My words disappear without echo
When I see the light
The way out of the chaos
I'll create tomorrow out of the fear
I feel the dreads
Filtering through my wall
I see the disinterest of the ice-cold smiles
I guess... I can't go on...
Is there only one page in this book?
Hurting sight... I loathe them...
I close my eyes...
Who tells us great banality?
Who steals our dreams?
Who sits on wrong seats?
For whom doesn't it mean anything?
Scheme under the black clothes
Preplanned pain-program is grinding
Where the mud is also grey and the dreams are chased
And a hand-shaking incites the collapse
I'm not cold
I'm not a medicine
And I can't give you a tip
4. Childhood's End
Screams of the steel-wheels
Anxious rumbling
Cuts my body
I think I've already gone
And I bang the door
I wish I could fly up to the sky
Cemetery of the century
Tore bodies
Broad bloodline
Exploded notions
Fears and nightmares
The world's purulent ulcer
In the entreaty eyes of animals
As we evaporate from the universe
Our feelings are slipping away
On the noteworthy pictures
Of the global presence movie
Here on the endless ocean of time
Only the compulsion bears words
Life is dying
And screaming with sirens
The crackbrains of blood are
Moaning in fires
Ice in the machine
The cogwheels are rusting slowly
That nobody repairs
But all hands construct new things
And the index of production is rising and rising
I try to clean myself
5. Blue
Water and sky
I fly high
From the dark 'til the light
I always try to fly
Entangled lines of clouds in the sky
The sun mirrored in your eyes
Claims tears
Hand combs you to sleep
I imagine myself under your skin
I'm travelling through your head
Through your thoughts
I am a bullet
Your smile
Once upon a time
There was the pain
Don't call me again
Mendacious difference
Strangers from far away
Neither be known nor do I know anybody
And nor my black flag means anything
Pleasant idleness - the beauty keeps close
I've been waiting - the marvel is late again
I'm blind on the fields
The horses trample me down
I've changed my opinion on you
You lie too much
And you treat me like a dog
The unpleasant thoughts
Root in the deep
I don't know you
Your surface is too smooth
I know you are a liar
You are a liar
6. Stonehands
Vivid pictures
Mirror from the future
In the heart to the burning mountains
Never-ending minute
I bend into embryonic figure
To fire myself in the head
There is a deep swamp
Some brown thoughts in my head
The dirty days are black
Tell me where is the sun?
The atavistic remains after the rain
Close blueness
Ice-brain future
Fiery forest is grazing its flames
When sounds of the drums
Push your blinkers aside
You will realize that
There are bugs in the information shops too
Foolish questions
Get foolish cliches
Reality must be:
A vision
A morning performance
A dream, where I become a picture with you
Cold water disillusions
Stonehands are still on hand
The vomit has already frozen
I recharge myself
Reality bears me on my way
Mechanical consciousness reanimates me
Pleasure of the absolutely nothing
Pours me some hot coffee
Stonehands order
Stonehands wave
7. Plainsong
When you were born
When you understood nothing
When you first crossed the road
You were happy
Now, you've known the phone
And you say: I need anybody
After all
You're only a little part of the whole
You saw her
Who thinks too much of herself
And you know she wouldn't bear a baby
At the expense of her figure
When the smile turned
Rings of pain are cracked
My song is a rough howling
Dead things slowly disappear
I make the future
Forgetting the fashion
And hunting for noises
My favourite fears
My favourite pains
My favourite songs
All for you
My favourite face
My favourite picture
I show you them
In all of my songs
8. Poker Face
Liar, Liar soul
Poker face
That's your style
You mustn't change
They rip of you mask
The sign another below
What you can't refused
Whatever they now
Dogs growl at you
From behind the gates
Forget about it
Just rest a pokerface
Some people like you
From behind every growl
Forget about it
Just care you goal
Be quite - hide yourself in your deep
Be selfish - your posessess if your keep
9. The 3rd Bank Of The River
On the third bank of the river
I look at our wonderful world
While other have forgetful days
I steal between cold walls
Their reams collapsed into bricks around me
Pseudo-skeletons crawl after me
Waving from the shore
Now I don't mind the empty words and others
I don't eat or drink if they see me
I breath together with the water
The explosive words of the tapes
Are as loud as the bombs
Like you talking to me
I need these voices
I lay down on the tunes
Now it turns me into the sky
I'm sensible of the things
At last I may set myself free
Laughing at them who're laughing at me
TV's behind a window
No-one needs its colour
As if were in a forest
Who needs old-fashioned idols?
If you drew a line in the sand with your feet
I you took the street into your room by stones
If I felt your scent from faraway
Then I realize your words
And I turn away from my depression
I'll stand up from the floor
I'll start a new life with you
Please, don't shoot me
I'm only your reflection
10. The Bell
Your hand gives birth to black letter
Red fog in front of my eyes
I'm falling
My finger-nails are ploughing the wall
Something is wet - I feel
My body
I must scratch myself our of the ground
Please hold my rests together
Take me beside you
Solitude shatters me
Calm me and caress me
Tell me the secret of happiness
Help me to understand
The incomprehensible infinity
Another sphere - another existence
Yes, floating in time
I'm alive
Being is wonderful
This pleasure makes me shiver
(I lie beside you and caress you)
My secret garden is your grave
Among stones
The sound of the bell
Drives me - some tune
Towards you
Flowers around you - my feelings
I gave you everything
You are me
Scream for you
Let me out