
"World Wide Genocide" (2004 Demo)
1. Meaning of Life 2. Color Blind 3. Isolate Dissolution 4. Limb to Limb 5. Inside Me 6. Tough Shit
1. Meaning of Life
Meaning of Life
You want to know why you’re here
What’s the meaning of this
Why you do all you do
You want to know the meaning
Do all you can while you’re here
Your life will only last so long
Realize you’re not immortal
Rush to do all you want
So you can get it all done
If you were here forever
It would all be so pointless
Life is the meaning of life
Don’t you understand it?
You hurry to do all you want
To do all the things you need
Life is the meaning
If you were here forever
Life would be so meaningless
So do everything you can
While you still have it.
Life is so precious
ever so meaningful
because you’re here
for only so long
Think how boring
it would all be
if you were here
2. Color Blind
Color Blind
Broken skin
and bloody lies
spin the wheel
everyone dies
war breaks out
an orphan cries
I wish this world
wasn’t mine
black verse white
your god or mine
we’re better
better than thine
great arms race
first on the moon
disrespect us
and we’ll kill you
countries at war
for no real reason
blood for oil
you’re fucking spoiled
racial hatred
is fucking stupid
hate me aesthetically
I’m color blind
color blind: the world should be
color blind: the way for me
color blind: would end the wars
color blind: would make us free
all because of some
stupid petty differences
that wouldn’t be looked past
3. Isolate Dissolution
Isolate Dissolution
A black clouds hails over my head once again
The cold showers soak me under a moonless sky
Nothing good is the plague of my life
My tears accompany the droplets from above
Consideration of relieving myself
of the rubicon sea residing within me
Too depressed to think straight
To decide what my next move should be
Under this black cloud called life
The small sign of hope and opportunity
Abruptly shut, closed, destroyed
Killing everything within me
The thickness of my body
Thoroughly drenched by the black rains or the darkened skies
Will the moisture of all that’s not good ever stop controlling my life
Expanded coldness with every failure
Following me with each trial
Slowly tightening the noose around my neck
Cutting away all happiness, enjoyment of life
4. Limb to Limb
Limb to Limb
Sometimes I don’t know why I’m like this
don’t you know I try to fight it
Maybe you shouldn’t have started the war
Now you’ll never be how you were before
I’m going to tear you apart limb to limb
Your life line is running thin
The light of your life is going dim
I’m going to tear you apart limb to limb
Tear apart, rip apart, cut apart, limb to limb
I’m not like this
Try to fight it
I’ll fight no more
‘ Cuz I like it
I love to see the look in your eyes
when you realize you life is being torn apart
limb to limb
The dead body falls to the floor
into the puddle that came from tearing you apart
limb to limb
The blood runs down my chin and fingers
bathe in the blood that came from tearing you apart
limb to limb
screaming, tearing, cutting, look at me
bleeding, bloody, crying, come to me
lying, yelling, falling, don’t you see
beating, breathing, choking, pleasing me
killing, spilling, filling, cleansing me
ripping, dying, bathing, now you scream
tear apart, cut apart, rip apart, limb to limb
ripping, tearing, cutting, limb to limb
5. Inside Me
Inside Me
Take my hand
come walk with me
see what it’s like
to live like me
all by myself
always lonely
look through my eyes
see all I see
holding ever tighter
as you walk with me
feeling all the pain
looking less lively
a tear drips down
blurring what you see
feeling what I feel
the pain inside me
Can’t you see the pain: inside me
Can’t you feel the pain: inside
Don’t you see the pain: inside me
Don’t you feel the pain: inside
In the blood, guts and gore.
Inside me lies a broken soul
That could have been lovely
broken by this world, most horribly
beaten, battered, and raped.
Don’t you see, the pain inside me
6. Tough Shit