
"Fallen, Suicided & Forgotten" (2006 Demo)
1. Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten 2. Sick And Tired Of Life 3. Following The Way To Psychiatric Asylum 4. Without You (Broken Heart) 5. Life Is Not Worth To Be Lived 6. My Funeral 7. Outro (The End Of My Life)
1. Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten
The vice which wrings my heart
becomes more unbearable
as I'm waking up
on a new day of suffering
I've forget how to smile
I'll never be able to laugh
I consider this time
as the end of my life
I prepare the rope
I'm passing it around my neck
as I check the knot
I'm ready to fade
perhaps in my death
everything will be better
perhaps its light one's way
as the rope is taut
now I'm far away
but nobody cries my loss
no tears, no affliction
no one to remember who I was
alone I stay
alone I die
alone forever
fallen, suicided and forgotten...
2. Sick And Tired Of Life
My life is a way I've been forced to choose
and everyday is the sign of dizzyness and disgust
I've stop to wait for any emotional comfort
or any reason to stay here for a long time ago
sick and tired of life
hunted, rejected as a rotten carrion
I've ever give up any hope to appreciate anything
'cause forever I've to wander alone as a ghost
'cause every good thing which happened to me is lost
sick and tired of life
I can just scream and cry in my hole
rejecting my feelings, flooded with sadness and hatred
and remembering everytime that I am alone
erased and useless, ready to disappears
sick and tired of life
I am a cockroach crawling in the filth
haunted by sad memories, I sink in a sea of torment
I'm waiting for the moment when I fanally die alone.
I am worst than an underdog
worst than nothing, completely erased
worst than nothing
sick and tired of life
3. Following The Way To Psychiatric Asylum
Walking in an obscure tunnel
which seems to be never-ending
I feel exhausted, step by step
feeling that I'll never overcome
As I walk, years after years
I've not found an issue yet
so I carry on with move forward
with no hope of any end
As a stairway which forever climbs
I follow this tiring way
during my walking, days after days
I remember my own life
But I feel so indifferent
that I forget these sad thinks
I carry on with move forward
fallawing always the same way
Sometimes I stop, to make a break
to rest myself a moment
after I've seen that I can't turn back
and I take to my way again
Slowly, hours after hours
I'm walking step by step
following my way
and I wonder if this way has got an end...
4. Without You (Broken Heart)
5. Life Is Not Worth To Be Lived
I follow the furrow of my suffering
no light, no hope come to me
just pain and a vengeful sorrow
which forever worry me
want to escape from this life
to run away further at last
far from this world
as I give my last sight
damned unbearable existence
rhythmed by an unsilent pain
twisted by a whirl of torment
witness of wickedness of life
witness of everything I want to leave...
6. My Funeral
In a gloomy dark and filthy hole
forgotten and lost from the others
my misfortune founds an end
as I disappear from this world
I was right to distrust you
'cause you made my funeral
you bury me by your lies
and work for my sorrow
no drug made me forget
the life in which I lived
but now I leave this peat
I go away for good
I've no thanks to express
to these treacherous deiceitful
except for the gravedigger
for this insane I'm understanding
I've never wait for compassion
I've never wait for any truth
I just note one thing
that it's you who have dig my grave
you made my funeral...
7. Outro (The End Of My Life)