
"Valley of Thorns" (2005 EP)
1. The Betrayers 2. Wasted Grace 3. Blood on Sand 4. Payment
1. The Betrayers
All the great betrayers
Have they felt like I have?
All the great liars
felt like I have?
On this bed I lay.
All of the artful diers
Judases and Brutus,
Have they felt like I have,
When I
(go) against the Name?
Take me;
Take this from me.
And when I stand
Before the gate...
2. Wasted Grace
Do you hear me
Do you hear what I
What I have to say?
Will you unstop your ears
Just for a day?
Will you go away?
Will you turn and
Turn and walk away?
Will you live your life
In the same old way?
My blood
Nothing is done in vain
This blood
This is not
Wasted grace
If I speak aloud
If I say the words
Say the words out loud
Do I dare to say
Say your name?
One thing that is true,
One thing that
Always remains --
One love, one hope
One sacrifice.
My blood
Nothing is done in vain
This blood
This is not
Wasted grace
3. Blood on Sand
And when I'm falling down
Through the predictable comfortable pain,
I close my eyes...
And think again
Of something greater than me,
To escape
This misery...
I see blood on sand.
I cannot even raise my hands
Or my eyes to see,
But I know without
Seeing further,
Blood on sand.
"Could we ever be free?"
Someone will ask, sadistically.
"You're enslaved by this skin
(By this skin).
Your Jesus is just nicotene
A grandfather in the sky,
To help fools get through life."
I see blood on sand.
I cannot even raise my hands
Or my eyes to see,
But I know without
Seeing further,
Blood on sand.
So what do you do
When you're all through?
Here at the world's end
Here at the world's end
You're falling down through shadows;
Is torment your only hope?
Where do you turn?
Where do you run?
Into the stained arms of man
In gods much less than Him you loathe?
In money? In drugs?
In everyday idolatry?
Self-hewn things that fade and decay?
Close your eyes to see.
I see blood on sand.
I cannot even raise my hands
Or my eyes to see,
But I know without
Seeing further,
Blood on sand.
4. Payment