
"Sweet Disillusions" (2004)
1. Song Of Liberty 2. Velvet Confessions 3. From Them 4. Do You Want To Fly? 5. Tender Renown 6. Summer Dream 7. Him Faraway 8. Within Reach 9. High On The Blind Speed 10. Sweet Disillusions
1. Song Of Liberty
When we wake up in the morning baby
Hot kisses start the new day
Get up straight, we cannot wait
Rule over these whiles
Just you and me
Itfs our run away to nowhere
To comfort our hearts
Itfs our run away
Come caress me more and more
So we are both lost
We wanna be mad
We feel secure in the dimension we have
No one can steal that
One body, one soul
Itfs our run away to nowhere
To be closer to the nature
The city left behind
As we decided to leave
So we are both lost
We wanna be mad
We feel secure in the dimension we have
No one can steal that
One body, one soul
2. Velvet Confessions
I am a savage beast hidden in velvet
- Angel of dark
Bound up with windstorm
Captured in the dark alone
The Grave of the volumeless
You are coming straight to help me
Or signify my destruction
Nevermind !!!
Sooner or later
cherished by the hope
I scramble ahead
- No step back!
Despite the distance between us
Nursed by the power of seeing you again
It's like a roaring hurricane
Like lava breaking
- too much terrifying
And time passes
I must warn you
- I am the chaos itself
I am praying to God to see you again
I'm burning, yes Ifm burning with desire!
Despite the distance between us
Nursed by the power of seeing you again
It's like a roaring hurricane
Like lava breaking
- too much terrifying
3. From Them
Don't let them take you and bring you down
By those who lead you astray
Anywhere round each corner
set the traps to catch you
When we will meet again
In calm warm Orient
We'll educate our souls
So high we'll grow
Till their own traps become their burden
Don't let them take you and bring you down
By those who lead you astray
Anywhere round each corner
set the traps to catch you
Pay my regrets
They will hate themselves
To the end of the days
But their disease will not dissapear
It's deep in their minds, deep in their hearts
Deep below, deeper then deep
Deep below, the evil sleep
deep in their minds, deep in their hearts
Don't let them take you and bring you down
They're waiting for you
4. Do You Want To Fly?
(Mystery theme)
More and more I'm getting mad
Look, what I'm doing!
I expect it's beyond my grasp
Do you want to fly with me today?
Dusk flow down to the pools
Out of a rose's grown up an obscure shade
Trees are making love with the skies
This made the grey smoke to slow down
And mystery from birdfs-eye view
In the coldest embrace
The sonate's circling in the air
Rocking through the forest
My face sleeps cought in dreams
It flies away to another place
At this game theyfre also deads
Though dreams do not lose thier wings
Itfs a weight put on my mind
And makes fateful blows
(PAIN theme)
The flame burning in a cruel manner
defined an uneasy story
(Devotion theme)
We will drift so deep
Till we crash the sea
And after while we will fly so high
We will drift so deep
Till we crash the sea
And after while we will hit the sky
We'll meet our old good friend
He cannot stand waiting
This's the first record in my files
then it's easy to learn to fly
We'll meet our old good friend
He will show us the way
Come and give it try
Then it's easy to learn to fly
I know you come with me
No doubt about it
Now youfre my a little lost soul
In the world of searchers
5. Tender Renown
I hide myself within my flower,
That wearing on your breast,
You, unsuspecting, wear me too
And angels know the rest.
I hide myself within my flower,
That, fading from your vase,
You, unsuspecting, feel for me
Almost a loneliness.
He touched me, so I live to know
That such a day, permitted so,
I groped upon his breast.
It's a boundless place to me,
And silence, as the awful sea
Puts minor streams to rest.
And now, I'm different from before,
As of I breathed superior air,
Or brushed a royal grown;
My feet, too, that had wandered so,
My gypsy face transfigured now
To tender renown.
6. Summer Dream
A something in a summer's day,
As slow her flambeaux burn away,
Which solemnizes me.
A something in a summer's noon,
An azure depth, a wordless tune,
Transcending ecstasy.
And still within a summer's night
A something so transporting bright,
I clap my hands to see;
A something in a summer's dream
7. Him Faraway
Another finished chapter
- on one side the cry with laughter
Pale candles, without a sin
Pushed off the mole I keep on floating
But there're no rings on water
Nothing's on
I feel no more then grief in my soul
That time may heal
As week starts with Monday
So next chapters shall appear!
May not be infected with so much boredom
So next chapters shall appear!
I feel no more then grief in my soul
That time may heal
8. Within Reach
Just few steps in front of me
And I WIll be there with you again
Your thoughts suggest to come along
Thatfs a very moment
Ifve been looking for
For all my life
I've Always tried to copy you
I've walked devoted in your shadow
Stumbling in your footsteps
But you didn't spare me pain and played tricks on me
Despite of these Ifve been following you
And your noble grace
Now I'm wiser
I have learnt my ups and downs
Met entire nations
Bled them dry just what you called
"The Way to Me"
You told me itfs the only way
To keep up with you and made me a fool
Despite of these Ifve been following you
Despite of these Ifve been following you
and your noble grace
And I'll be in your arms for this once
Embraced with your gracious love
Within my reach!
Just to touch!
I should try that way!
9. High On The Blind Speed
Step right up!
This is it!
Drive to the edge of awakening.
There was no way out.
I gave up everything.
When i open my eyes what I can see
Is the road unwinding into me
I see flashing shadows of trees vibrating
Above us stars illuminating
So fast we drive in the daytime
Like madmen throughout the ghostly night
Enjoying this dreamt-of presence
It's an unbelievable substance
Still we drive, no thought of sleep
Till we'll get to the end of our need
The sun is golden, the air keen blue
The clouds are close and huge and rise.
Still we drive, no thought of sleep
Till we'll get to the end of our need
Don't try to resist
Our future don't exist
Nothing can stop us!
10. Sweet Disillusions
You have escaped from all of the darkness
And now itfs up to you
Where your steps will lead
You have escaped from all of heart-breaking
So come along, donft be slow
I miss my mom.
When she woke me in the morning
And her touch brought me
A beautiful sunny day
I woke up to your shinning light
but just one turn back
Bite me with frost
I was near to your world
But then I was sailing off
On the waves of my tenacious search
I was alone, far away from home
Away from you.
Your beaten tracks seemed multiplied into my eyes
Set off my fortune
I pulled a cart filled with soil and stones
Just to find you
I was near to your world
But then I was sailing off
On the waves of my tenacious search
I was alone, far away from home
Away from you.
Have a smile!
I'm only dying.
I'm closer to you.