
"Transerpentual" (2003)
1. You will not kill (intro) 2. Tranquil he slay's 3. Two teeth 4. A Sudden Interest for Snakes 5. Anatasatana 6. Here to Torment the Likes Of You 7. Transerpentual 8. No Hand Path 9. All Shall Love Me and Despair
1. You will not kill (intro)
2. Tranquil he slay's
**Important note**
some words was unable to read,because of the print..i wrote them with ( )
* * *
2.Tranqull he slay's
Inside a kingdom a kingstand alone,by serpents
his skin is by throns/waiting his slaves they arrived from
fog/holding his curse and the crown of god
he promised to slaves to give all his water/dog with
two heads the heart of his daughter/the slaves
must bring the crown of god the wind of dark
land the secrets of blood.
seven times and seven wound snake bites a snake
then he turns his head and say tranquil beast tranquil he slay's
razor in his tongue and nails in his eyes holding bowels of dogs
he is not the king of lies
this is all that you can see
a sin-nister anomally
babylon baby-lon damnations son-bastard son
can't break free can't break vicious (sleek)
or sin-ster anomally.
king is retisence ex-communicate snake bites a snake
both gods larvs the made.
3. Two teeth
3.Two teeth
Memories burns burns in my eyes
opening gates freezing the lies
amoral head will you believe all ?
last day of all last day of all
i grab you from past and must dissapear
give me your filth i give you my fears
i hold in my hands your hands and your mind
the reasons you live now are mineday after day getting more higher
stronger than you stronger than you
battle for nothing battle for all
last day of all last day of all
time move fast its moving like fire
im coming from past you desire
prison from though still i as i
thirsty to know feeling are dying
4. A Sudden Interest for Snakes
5. Anatasatana
4.anata satana
and i want to rub you more
i prefer to call me throne
i just want your influence
i approach your shadowdance
and i loose the sense of shame
harmless eterophobic (satenia)
parody hole cheep trash
church fashion trash
fucking trash....
genious luticrously who speak
orgy universally (llqus) your gods money
im clean your sin-protein
fucking-teenage-new age
man's skin eating
6. Here to Torment the Likes Of You
here to torment the likes of you
I have this pain in my outrails
sometimes struggles to comes out
its eradicate my heart
makes me obey to his desire
its a freak so scare and shy
crussifer in a bitter sky
begotten of a toxic shame
wanted so far someone to blame
fear agony, (a??thy) deprression
i become a co dependent person
im falling in ymy minds hole
i am seventy pount three years old
sabdue conceal my memories
but their growing (threnodies)
an abortive connection
an enhanting life of fiction
i was in cell of fear and they were
keeping frighten me
now i escape my self from there
(????) my self a glorious king
lost in imagestig kingdome
where i cannot be the king
there is not one in my dreamland
a dieamondcrown is wating me
7. Transerpentual
transerpentual [A beautiful rapture]
If you thing im past yes you have right
if you thing im pert i dont know yet
if i started to overgrow you'll afraid of me
and if i (throtth?) you thus its time to.....
burst thrust needs your fall
you cunt fucking grim dont prey im not dim
transerpentual the goat the goatof the fallcoddle and he spoils
his baby for a beautiful rapture
concern for hideous in tutoring schools serve the
hystericals and devout fools pretend the willing arrangement
your plans be wishas adder reload your guns
t r a n s e r p e n t u a l me thee/come with me
and taste the free transerpentual me-stain your flesh and
cum your meal take a risk and profit me
im the onlysubmissive but deeply i exist that is your big mistake
giving (spurn) now you take [fake bastard] fall on your knees for
a stare you please my cold-calmkiss ruin and bliss
now im changeing skin embellezer of sin i am unccused but clean
inside an away of me.Now i am changeing skin as a snake within
thanks for the unchain now it's too late.
8. No Hand Path
no hand path
the un used fields of no hand path
so quite but so alive
volcanic flower dismount
flame waves abia majore takes
i searchin every cave or soul
to find the queen of road
the hords of mild and hords of wild
they fought a colourlesssoundless war
seven years to paint my body
moral semen curse-drink from aura
seminallis lust loss love and sweetes horns
bright astral inner shape consumed
by firesnake raise the beast inside
your space enjoy allperfumed lace
the art of passionthe count of all
develope strenght of hold
be your wish steal the wine
rape your self and start to shine
wellcome fears as a friend feasting the whore
untill your blood ends
procreat your princess drink
your blood and eat your flesh
persecute your penitence
burned out of all that pervert
send-spit your cult facility
embrace the posibility
i want control the space
a being without a face
i want unite the snake
the true inside the fake
lex occulta-lex interna
deus occulta-deus interna
9. All Shall Love Me and Despair
all shall love me and despair
Torment times will come again
and fires from north burns blazing
shout's now hearing from the south
they know that he will hunt them
creatures snort gathering behind
fog wispering malice chanter bestial
chains sulphur land savage pain
he is not dead but not yet there
proclaim the harvester of the thiefs
a rigid turbid raid
bizzare prays (??????) ravenous
child tempest maze-law of rigor
manifest down of horns freezing place
beware the shadow sinks beware the thrones
he brings beware the breed and the reborn
beware the archon of red horn
all shall love me and despair
howling in the midnight air
thousand lions by my side
thousand demons spoil my light
all shall love me and despair
sove reigh and sorcerer
sober pig or terrible lamp
revel me reverance
all shall love me and despair
(reverle) the gray air
mournful elves and melting
swords grim unshaken merciless
kneel to my majestic war
kill for the ancient whore
feel that you want me more
curse me and bless me more