
"Destruction Statement" (2007)
1. Destruction Statement 2. Eternal Hope 3. Infected World 4. I Beg For the Assassin Blood 5. The Fall of Towards the Abyss 6. Criminal Mind 7. Violent Manipulation 8. Reality of the War System 9. Wall of the Time
1. Destruction Statement
Arise ….¡¡¡
When the impartialitydoesn’t
Exist and all the fucking work
Continue to get it wishes
And to oppose with the ashes
And the memory….
Ofthe infamy….
My nature is getting over
For the destruction machine
Biology Are not the same
and the technology Is destroying
many minds disturbeds
Now the bio mechanical gobern
the human edge is divided
Diseases goes
Also of drugs created
… die , die….¡¡¡¡
Now my mindis trying to jump
Thisbig wallit suffersome strikes
But it try to continue immune
The upsethuman mind lives
in misery doesn’tknow what to do
When the impartialitydoesn’t
Exist and all the fucking work
Continue to get it wishes
And to oppose with the ashes
And the memory….
Of the infamy.
2. Eternal Hope
The dominion of masses
By false promises
Filling of hatred without
Reason to which it
Does not deserve
to feel it.
You believe in its minds
Single chaos, discord
And destruction
Without mattering
What do you think?
Your nor that is to your side.
The avarice
and the greed
The dominion of masses
By false promises
Filling of hatred without
Reason to which it
Does not deserve
to feel it.
You believe in its minds
Single chaos, discord
And destruction
Without mattering
Are mixed only with an aim,
The one to be to those
Innocent poor men who
Only have the hope
To survive in a mortal world
That only seize of its lives
Vague without sense,
By streets
Desolate and dark,
Plagued of rats and diseases
That took you to the aim
Of your existence
Eternal hope
In your mind
single in this full empty world of weeping
and desolation to live in the abyss
without being able to escape of the pain
3. Infected World
Corruption of system
False doctrines
Disguised men
Politicians hungry of power
Lost world, hungry wolves
Dirty moral, single disguises to my around
Damn i am the redentor …
My sun is black, you disguise the religion
In the week you rob, bushes assholes
They are adulterous,
Sunday you say the oration, of the hebrew lie…
Shade of the money buys everything
And it hides to the true culprit
Daugthers of brothers fornic
While cabron works
The society is an infection
Sacrife the religions…
You adulterate kill
you cure kill, homosexuals kill…
4. I Beg For the Assassin Blood
It undergoes auditory
Hallucinations a series
of voices
that request
to him that
it commits new crimes
and that profanes cemeteries.
The voices are end
They say to me
That they want
Assassin Blood.
Then I removed
the heart to him.
And I bit a piece...
It went by the street
as if it did
not exist, it did not hit people,
Was as if it did not have body.
It watched me at the mirrors as if not outside
I clear the life
to you the one
that youwant
to take revenge
single you want
the blood of that
you took revenge yourself
It undergoes auditory
Hallucinations a series
of voices
that request
to him that
it commits new crimes
and that profanes cemeteries.
The voices are end
They say to me
that they want
assassin Blood
5. The Fall of Towards the Abyss
The day arrived
Where you are not going
To be right of where
And when your soul
It goes away
To the abyss
But dark that
In your mind did
Not pass an idea
From the site at which
It arrived
Cold dark moans
Single you listened
Is no option the life
I take you to this
Not to think
About the assignment
Now without words
When seeing creatures
Inert who never you imagined
To see who tore to you and
You would is owners of you of your
Soul that already this damn one
The light sparkle
Is your hope under rocks
Branches with thorns cover hell
You cannot leave is safe that
Your misery this sides with bloody
Eyes the life no longer exists
Neither your orations here nor serve
You now adores the dark
Being covered with ardent flames
6. Criminal Mind
I am the crazy person,
The wise person, the mind
The reason, I see many suns
I do not see soldiers….
Twisted minds
Suicidal assassins
Cover their backs
Symbolmadness mind
To assassinate Nothing
Else and single The blood
Another one without stopping
Of pumps in name of an
Insensible God.....
Damn father bushes your son
By divinity
To the anything Engaged
Earth nobody has chosen to you
Symbolmadness mind
To assassinate Nothing
Else and single The blood
Another one without stopping
Dirty deceit, criminal minds
They manipulate third in name of creeds.....
Without sensethey are appropriated
Your innocent damn thoughts
My mind a knife that it perforates
Unnatural systems
In search of marginal flocks
I am the crazy person,
The wise person, the mind
The reason, I see many suns
I do not see soldiers….
Twisted minds
Suicidal assassins
Cover their backs
Symbolmadness mind
To assassinate Nothing
Else and single The blood
Another one without stopping
7. Violent Manipulation
I feel my blood
To boil when I see
Bad of eye
To the common opposed
One my soul
A hungry knife
Of blood when
They see a manipulated
By the social lie
Breathing impulsive air
They see a manipulated
By the blood you guided
Their doubt is sinned
And apparently the opposed
One to the regime
He appears tortured
The life is a hospital
The death is nothing
When it arrives no longer I am
It debate the live self takes many manipulation
Kills that creation
I feel my blood
To boil when I see
Bad of eye
To the common opposed
One my soul
A hungry knife
Of blood when
They see a manipulated idiot
By the social lie
Breathing impulsive air
They see a manipulated
By the blood you guided
Their doubt is sinned
Violent manipulation
8. Reality of the War System
All this that I did learn
With Effort and sacrifice
Will remains in the depth
And the abyss will
How everything in your place
In a war where my perspective
Change and consecutively affect
In my weapon the most used
For My defence more wished
I begin with scare but in my
Exposure the time gives me the projection
Forget the good things
Here don’t worth nothing
When pass the seconds and
In the curse of the war don’t have
The memory of each one value
And have weight just like them
I could be in the hollow too
For My defence more wished
I begin with scare but in my
Exposure the time gives me the projection
TO Kill or TO die
The reality of the war
this in all place where similar
discord between people
does exist ideal equal or originate
the wars and the blood spilled
All this that I did learn
With Effort and sacrifice
Will remains in the depth
And the abyss will
How everything in your place
In a war where my perspective
Change and consecutively affect in
In my weapon the most used
9. Wall of the Time