
"Concealed" (1995)
1. Tale of the Moon House 2. Waters... 3. Drawning 4. Infinite Space 5. Wound 6. Call of the Fire Pu Out 7. The Last Choice 8. Beginning of What? 9. Image of Fright / Under the Influence.. of Rain
1. Tale of the Moon House
The whole house full of silence
Bolted doors and windows
Light sheens seen throught a cleft
Shadow is wondering about the rooms
Soleley quiet steps heard in the cellar
Calm silence is covering the house
Just sound of waterfall in the distance
Forest around, pack of wolves
The moon reflects in the water
The mill went on as usually
And old miller worked in it
Wheels squeaked, millstones whirled
But oe day something happend in there
Crows flew round in circles
Something reeled around the walls
Waterfall stoped
And old miller's day ended
The mill remained (full of mysteries)
2. Waters...
Waters laving our shore
Hide deep secrets within their depth
Guessed by nobody
Somewhere in deepness black ghosts stick
Alike unearthly, vile beings
That would intrigue us
And who could tell us about them?
Life o Earth - it's eternal dus fog
And I don't believe flowers bloom over there,
There perptual darkness never to be conquered by anybody
Storms and vortexes possess the power there
Vicious souls raise the wind in the ground
Casting out bloody foam onto the shore
3. Drawning
4. Infinite Space
Sullen night replaces day
And endless space seen through grey night
Witch has neither begining nor end.
Just little stars tell something about themselves.
And terrestrial gravitation oppresses us
Not allowing to reach high to the sky, To feel and see something more new.
We got to put up with the idea,
That we'll eternally remain for rest beneath the ground.
Each day hot sun
Oppresses our bodies and minds
Not leaving a single hope remaining for ages.
This pushes us into despair.
We'd love to believe that we'll see existence of plaets
We'll learn their and our destinies.
And maybe we'll rise as dust off the ground
And will find heavenly life there.
5. Wound
6. Call of the Fire Pu Out
Night wrapped the dese fores
The cold autumn wind blew
Trees cracked, branches swinged
Grey clouds disembowled the sky
Only within depth of forest the light was seen
Great oak-trees dwelled aroud
Asps swiged like old widows
Smoke penetrated through bushes
Cold ground was warmed by live coals
Prophets were sitting around the fire
Proud of their religion
Credence lit their pagan faces
Eternal fire burnt, full or riddles
Those who it put out, were sacrificed
Wars devastated our land
Courgeous warriors laid their heads
Times of no return have passed
So much blood spli in the name of "fire"
It's your land, it' your woods
Murmur of the forest, pack of beasts
Your belief goes wrong way
Inflame within yourself the eternal fire - in the name of ancestors
7. The Last Choice
Burden oppresses your body
It falls to pieces from congenital diseases
You feel constant weakness
And your days pass more slowly
Newer would think of
That all this is not becouse of your fault
There are many reasons that this would happen to you
And your mind isn't able to understand it.
All that surrounds us
Is ause of your ruination
Bad habit of a man to believe into others
How can't he understand he's helpless
His eyes are being tied round and mounth is being shut
Freedom "off word" is possessed by chosen ones
Your thoughts remains within your head
You have to draw a conclusion and turn your life
Uncless you are able to "the wise ones" will do it for you
8. Beginning of What?
Maybe this isn't the end,
Maybe this is only begining,
Beginning of what?
There is some strange space around,
Frightening eptiness
And most probably no one can tell
Where i am.
I myself don't know
If it's my body or my spirit
See that strange
Frightening emptiess
I am constantly persecuted by fear
Fear of death
And suddenly when i see
My body from above
I uderstand
That this has already happened
Maybe this isn't the end,
Maybe this is oly beginning,
Beginning of what?
9. Image of Fright / Under the Influence.. of Rain