
"Ctrl" (2006)
1. Way Of Slavery 2. Hypocrisy 3. Dislike 4. Gore ne Može 5. Chaos Crust 6. Silent World 7. Digital God 8. Lifeless 9. Nema Boga 10. Church 11. Ti Si Mrtav 12. Get Drunk 13. World Of Shit
1. Way Of Slavery
multinational globalisation
constant threat to every weak nation
eat shit just to survive
if you're not born under the flag of 50 stars
so called blessed land and land of the free
on way to new world slavery
2. Hypocrisy
hidden behind your beauty mask
two faced stories were discovered
get the FUCK OFF with your lies
your hypocrisy is what we despise
3. Dislike
4. Gore ne Može
sve što živi boji se
kad èovjek pobjeðuje
sve što hoæeš ne može
od sveg toga zlo mi je
5. Chaos Crust
6. Silent World
silent world, flash and bones
if you cry, your eyes won't be dry
if you scream, no one will hear
rotten ears, head full of stupid dreams
gain madness in your brain
pain, chain reaction of emotions
equal zero
7. Digital God
rot in conformity of your silent walls
hiding inside your virtual world
addicted to machinery, erased from reality
praise the new god, you're a servant of technology
you think you have control
how blind you are
submit to power embodiment
obey your digital god
8. Lifeless
your land is not your grave
abyss - no frontier
the limits - words in books
follow not all that shit
it hang us on hooks
dark shroud covers all
but you can cut the hole
there's nothing left to save
your land is not your grave
leave me - with my hate
they deserve it all
with god - rape us hard
clean and tidy bastard
muted joy - love happiness
fuck that it's lifeless
feed me with more mess
worlds - all lifeless
9. Nema Boga
labilna si osoba
prihvaæenih tradicija
kad te stisne depresija
tražiš spas od boga!
nema boga, boga nema ... nema !!!
nema boga, boga nema ... laž !!!
10. Church
11. Ti Si Mrtav
pohlepne ruke, nestaje sve
umire život, sreæa i smijeh
ti si mrtav jer ostavljaš svijet
u rukama onih što ga ne žele
ljudi su bogovi
umire razum
umire svijest
ti si mrtav jer ostavljaš svijet
u rukama onih što ga ne žele
ti si mrtav jer ostavljaš svijet
umire život, umire svijest
12. Get Drunk
13. World Of Shit