
"Slicing and bleeding until the bones crack" (2006 Best of/Compilation)
1. Sliced, Seasoned, Served Holmolka 2. Breeding The Apocalypse 3. Playboy Is A Cheap Excuse For Porn (A Girl Should Get Down And Spread Her Legs) 4. Cut His Throat 5. Amenable 6. Watch The World Die 7. The Split Dick 8. Hate Within Hatred 9. Necrophuck 10. Sledgehammer Death
1. Sliced, Seasoned, Served Holmolka
2. Breeding The Apocalypse
3. Playboy Is A Cheap Excuse For Porn (A Girl Should Get Down And Spread Her Legs)
4. Cut His Throat
5. Amenable
6. Watch The World Die
7. The Split Dick
8. Hate Within Hatred
(Words - Figs)
(Music - Figs, Sean)
The Visions Within Me
To Dictate Your Souls
The Lives of Millions
The Ones To Know Their Own
I Will Cease Death
Parading My Words
In My Visions
The Way To Prove You Wrong
(Solo - Brian)
Hate Within Hatred
Kill Your Husband
Blaming It On The System
The Way To Prove You Wrong
(Solo - Sean)
(Solo - Brian)
9. Necrophuck
(Words, Music - A.Schiedel)
Dead Bodies Brought Back To Life
Flesh Hanging From Bone
Maggots Lay On Her Carcass
That Swiftly Walks Towards Me
Incantations And Spells
Brought Back My Love From Hell
For Me To Fuck And Butcher
Let The Necrophilism Begin
Her Carcass Lay On The Bed
Her Rotten Legs I Spread
Her Maggoty Pussy I Lick
And Probe It With My Dick
10. Sledgehammer Death
(Words, Music - A.Schiedel)
Hack The Face Till The Dome Cracked
Blood Caked Empty Stare
She's Out Cold But Still Alive
I Hung Her From A Meat hook
Her Carcass Is Swaying Side To Side
She's Giving Me That Look
Lust Through Her Lifeless Eyes
My Hand Caress Upon Her Fucking Thighs
She Wakes Up From Her Daze Screaming
Her Body's Barely Breathing
(Solo - Brian)
Sledgehammer Death
Hanging Her On Her Meat Hook Noose
Her Bladder And Bowels Let Loose
A Puddle Of Piss On The Floor
I Bash Her Until I Cant No More