
"Jouhou" (1998)
1. Vertigo Index 2. Panoptic 3. Aperture of Pinholes 4. Information Sniper 5. Carcass Lottery 6. Come Apart Together Come Together Alone 7. Rain Perimeter 8. A Broken Tomorrow 9. Attrition 10. Nikola Tesla 11. Flow My Tears the Policemen Said 12. Eye Gag 13. Area Trinity 14. Integer 15. A Crack in the Cataracts 16. Numb(ers) 17. Ashtray Ballpoint 18. Typeface 19. Reciprocity 20. Reincarnation 21. Alzheimer 22. Flow My Tears the Policemen Said 23. Eye Gag 24. Area Trinity 25. Integer 26. Information Sniper 27. Tip 28. Tokyo 29. So Unfilial Rule 30. Junk Utopia 31. Continuity 32. Untitled (Live in Tokyo)
1. Vertigo Index
Alienation washes over me, downloading world apartment horror
Wheezing through tea stained lungs comes a voice piped in from a vacuum
A tiled grove of telephone wires, rabbit ears and power lines
Insinuated in the residential disintegration that assassinates the sky
And now my being is networked
To be shared among us all.
And my world falls back into place
Or do I fall back into place
In my world.
2. Panoptic
Plain clothes
Duck decoys
Continue steady
Rapt in the expansion
Of an impregnable circle
Imminent circle
Canceled eyes scan
For like minded divorce
A dance with the damned with carpal tunnel syndrome
My binary self-portrait operates like a traffic jam
With obsessive resolution...pressing on.
Step up foresighted blindness to a Panopticism
Player piano spits out Pollyana noise
Rehearsing for the death...of Gilgamesh.
Growing out of patterns of ruin and grey into a knot that resolves itself
But lifeless to your touch, I am content to distribute torque.
3. Aperture of Pinholes
Eyeless turrets survey
Picture perfect soot post cards
Flat silvers, dull panes
Anti-personnel impersonal
Do paper targets
Get a premonition
Up and down
Escher's chutes and ladders?
Clay pigeons on hangars
Track left and down, zoom the finder
Every inch fortified
By its aperture
How long spent against the grain
Before concrete soul gives way
In concerted surrender we play dead but never really die
4. Information Sniper
Reassure my, security obsession
Beneath column headers and appraisals
Pages and pages to define
The eclipse of averages
Intently grinding in a circle
Piece by...piece
There's no joy on the nail head
When the hammer hits.
Dutifully hand over
Or regularly confiscated
A hit forfeited for a delusion
Or extra paranoia insecurity
5. Carcass Lottery
Paper covers rock
Rock blunts stone
Paper covers rock
Paper covers rock
Paper cuts rock
Trading paper cuts
Tattooed design
Name fucking
Dearly ordained
Gouged out behind
But am I
Privy to your
Anemic antipathy
Vacuum ready
Paper covers rock
Paper covers rock
Paper covers rock
Paper cuts rock
Paper cuts scissors
Rock blunts stone
A legible price quote the only death certificate
Throat slit silent, spin the wheel of misfortune
Carcass lottery one room four walls
When displacement takes you out, on the killing floor.
6. Come Apart Together Come Together Alone
Engineer the archetype of forgery
With insistent protocols that won't take no
Technical support is complimentary
In suicide parlors where channel surfing is vogue
Admire the diorama of a sweetened death
From behind a blindfold, a smile fixed in nails
Borrow emptiness and make it yours
But dot the i's and cross the t's
Scoring the wings of angels to feather and bone
With scotch tape and paper clippings
Mind gets recycled backwards
Through the navigational delusion
Until this trojan hearse
It terminates...its thread.
7. Rain Perimeter
I hear the
Drawn to the clouds
Violently dilapidated ozone
Can't hold ultraviolet from the sun back
In anticipation of a dead half life
Chlorine deep inside of me
This pale outcropping of water
Sounds a death rattle for us all
For everything a last time.
8. A Broken Tomorrow
Cat scans inside, conducted, without soul, or are you
Deep inside, piece of you, fragmentation, variant
Sunbaked you, fossil soul, counts misfortune, one minute old
After you've, hacked your way in, you can show, yourself.
The fucking way out.
Information jet lag
Kills me on a dime
Riding mice
Into a brave new world.
9. Attrition
I recall tomorrow presently, corpse to corpse
Like cut out paper knitted close tied dead souls
Chain smoking number crunchers, one step forward two steps back
I've grown fluent in a language
Whose literacy is classified.
Death glossed over into joint
10. Nikola Tesla
11. Flow My Tears the Policemen Said
Information certainly detained
Paranoia near omniscient
Updated files accessorize
Flow my tears, the policeman said.
Flow my tears
Along the platform track, narrow blind line
Hostage management a formula, for a new kind of lifeless life
Assimilation seen through
To an incomplete, a prototype, rote.
Infocentric time line driven
Ready? Die.
12. Eye Gag
13. Area Trinity
14. Integer
15. A Crack in the Cataracts
Depleted uranium in chrome and snow
The cutting edge is bleeding
Concertina like clipper chips
Trash your soul till it's no more
Thrown by arthritis appended with obsolescence
Just don't fall down the rabbit hole to hell
Another crack in the cataracts
So brilliantly dull
It's just a white out
16. Numb(ers)
Going back forth at the indelible pace of erasure, stifled and filed human staple
Paper weights
Into everything at once, now
Well all chime in like metronomes, fluent in scale, submerged in mercurochrome, dribbling air
Blind deafen deaden, a new retreat syndrome, that acknowledges compression, with a nod its head
Just the same
Statistical chains are fitted with teeth, in a harping audit that never will end
To calculate
The value
Of life's net worth.
Ambient claustrophobia hangs like a drop of ink in the air beneath dead halogens
Bound to expire.
17. Ashtray Ballpoint
Scuffed displays, care take artifacts
Of dandelion seed and bone
Condensations forms on a metal skin
A piece of something, in a mercurochrome
Melting ice cubes at room temperature
A finite suffering prolonged
The desiccated sperm of Prometheus
Some ashes for you to dine on.
Into the middle
Of nowhere
18. Typeface
In the pilot tunnel
Arranged printers blocks
Slowly deranged
Contours twice removed
Amputated from myself
Asbestos head rush
Flushes memory
Registration marks
(Of) memory.
People fonts
Scaled to one.
Disposal protocols for a human typo
In a library operating backwards.
19. Reciprocity
This broken arrow points to nowhere
Close ended, clusterfucked and emotionally plowshared
Glove compartments and paper clipped files
Conjugated heart can't even sigh.
Tapping catheter in rolling black out grids
Survey the blood, a labor of old
To what end do you pyramid?
Another entry in the phone book
With paperwork always a given
Every form filled out in triplicate squared
Intense pacing of attrition
Inside out
Of a digitally retouched identity
A choppy ending
With synch sound rekeyed
Foreshortened autonomy
I reciprocate beat.
20. Reincarnation
Reincarnation, is a dead refrain
So this what it's like to be a butterfly
Is this the gift of fire?
Or the making of a perfect diamond
Digital climber plummets
In a canceled dive.
Like a flower petal in autumn I'm brittle to the touch disintegrating the pieces swim.
Intelligent toasters, troubleshoot through caffeine
Backwards engineering a death span, without dreams.
Invisible shadows slip into mirrors through ceilings and out into floors.
21. Alzheimer
22. Flow My Tears the Policemen Said
Information certainly detained
Paranoia near omniscient
Updated files accessorize
Flow my tears, the policeman said.
Flow my tears
Along the platform track, narrow blind line
Hostage management a formula, for a new kind of lifeless life
Assimilation seen through
To an incomplete, a prototype, rote.
Infocentric time line driven
Ready? Die.
23. Eye Gag
24. Area Trinity
25. Integer
26. Information Sniper
27. Tip
28. Tokyo
29. So Unfilial Rule
30. Junk Utopia
31. Continuity
32. Untitled (Live in Tokyo)