
"Hardcore Hits" (1999 Best of/Compilation)
1. Realities of War 2. They Declare It 3. Fight Back 4. Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing 5. Protest and Survive 6. Decontrol 7. Tomorrow Belongs to Us 8. Never Again 9. The Nightmare Continues 10. Drunk With Power 11. Why 12. Does This System Work 13. A Look at Tomorrow 14. Ain't No Feeble Bastard 15. State Violence/State Control 16. The Price of Silence 17. The More I See 18. Ignorance
1. Realities of War
War is a black hole to avoid
The realities of war are so disturbing
They declare it but they don't hear
The cries of fear
War is a black hole to avoid
Mutilated corpses and charcoal flesh
Litter the battlefields
But their dead bodies
Are not to be found
War is a black hole to avoid
2. They Declare It
They have the right what fuckin' right?
To say I must fight in their fuckin' wars?
They declare it!
Why should I fight in their fuckin' wars?
When they don't consult my views of war?
They declare it!
Why should I fight in their fuckin' wars?
Why should I do their killing and be killed?
They declare it!
It's nothing to them if I were dead or alive
All they want is death or glory
They declare it!
They! They! They declare it!
They! They! They declare it!
They! They! They declare it!
They! They! They declare it!
War! War! War!
3. Fight Back
Bristols riots was a result of people's anger
Towards the system
Fight the system fight back
Fight the system fight back
People die in police custody
Where's the justice in that, don't see none
Fight the system fight back
Fight the system fight back
We've been shit on far too long
There are no equalities, no freedom
Fight the system fight back
Fight the system fight back
Stand up fight for freedom
Stand up fight for your rights
Fight the system fight back
Fight the system fight back
Fight the system fight back
4. Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
Lied to threatened cheated and decieved
Hear nothing see nothing say nothing
Led up garden paths and into blind alleys
5. Protest and Survive
The savage mutilation of the human race is set on course
Protest and survive
Protest and survive
It is up to us to change that course
Protest and survive
Protest and survive
6. Decontrol
They fill you up with their fucking lies
You're the victims of government schemes
They take liberties they've no right to take
And you believe they're oh so right
They only show concern when war is declared
Cos you're their power and glory
This whole affair's so fucking unfair
It's so fucking sick
Decontrol, decontrol - We're being shit on far too long
Decontrol, decontrol - We're being shit on far too long
Decontrol, decontrol - We're being shit on far too long
Decontrol, decontrol - We're being shit on far too long
Decontrol, decontrol
We're being shit on far too long
We're being shit on far too long
We're being shit on far too long
We're being shit on far too long
Decontrol, decontrol - We're being shit on far too long
Decontrol, decontrol - We're being shit on far too long
Decontrol, decontrol - We're being shit on far too long
Decontrol, decontrol - We're being shit on far too long
7. Tomorrow Belongs to Us
You're so afraid to stand up
But without you they are nothing
Unite unite unite and fight
Tomorrow belongs to us
Unite unite unite and fight
Tomorrow belongs to us
Why should we suffer to fulfil
Their schemes of position and greed
Unite unite unite and fight
Tomorrow belongs to us
Unite unite unite and fight
Tomorrow belongs to us
8. Never Again
A blinding light and firestorms agonised crying
Never never never again
Never never never again
Unanswered cries of help panic and desperation
Dazed and stricken survivors
Search for lost families
Choking dust crazy with thirst
Drinking from poisoned pools and streams
9. The Nightmare Continues
And still men and women drag out their lives in misery
The nightmare continues
Blinded disfigured and mentally scared
10. Drunk With Power
For how long do we tolerate
These fools drunk with power
Drunk with powere
Obsessed with death
Death and destruction
Drunk with power
A giant game of chess they play
With you and I as the disposable peices
11. Why
Besides her man she kneels
Holds him tight and begins to cry
Why why why but why
Her loved one's just another piece of
Meat on the battlefields
Her cries break out into screams
As she now becomes hysterical with grief
Her loved one's just another piece of
Meat on the battlefields
12. Does This System Work
Men and women young and old
Out on the streets homeless
Does the system
Does the system
Does this system work
In plastic bags they carry their homes
Clothes in rags they walk the streets
Men and women young and old
Out on the streets homeless
In bins they search for the odd dog end
The odd dog end and food
13. A Look at Tomorrow
I look out my window to a blinding bright light
Enola passes passes by
Tomorrow tomorrow
A look at tomorrow
Hysterical men women and children
Run in search of their families
I look out of my window to a blinding bring light
Enola passes passes by
Skin is shed like that of snakes
But it's not the work of mother nature
14. Ain't No Feeble Bastard
Ain't no feeble bastard that obeys their every say
They say do this they say do that
No I'm no dogs body
Ain't no feeble bastard
No fucking scapegoat
Ain't no feeble bastard that has no say
I say what I think
Not what they want me to think
15. State Violence/State Control
Kept in line with truncheons
Rifle butts and truncheons
This is state control this is state control
State control state control
This is state control
Beaten up behind closed doors
Cracked and bruised ribs bloody mouth
Cracked and bruised skull bloody mouth
State control state control
This is state control
16. The Price of Silence
Living In A Shadow Shadow Of Fear
This Is The Price The Price Of Silence
Waiting In Death Row One Foot In The Grave
This Is The Price The Price Of Silence
17. The More I See
From Where I Stand I See
Pain Suffering And Misery
The More I See The More I See
The Less The Less I Believe
From Where I Stand I See
Hate Violence And War
The More I See The More I See
The Less The Less I Believe
18. Ignorance
Propaganda On The T.V.
Propaganda In The News
To Keep Us All Divided
To Keep Us All In Line
Your Ignorance Is
Ignorance Is Their Bliss
Slaves By Your Own Compulsion
Puppets In A Playing Hand
Slaves By Your Own Compulsion
Puppets In A Playing Hand