
"Point of Few" (2000 Demo)
1. Rhizome 2. Reason Rejected 3. Generative Patterns
1. Rhizome
Representative thinking as a way of arranging matter
It is based upon reason which abstracts reality
It only captivates universality, difference won't be abstracted
This abstraction from reality represents an incomplete one
Reason pretends to represent a true abstraction from reality
It's a way of arranging matter, only based upon recognition
Representative thinking is based upon existing matter
It falls in the creation of concepts
Because new matter is neglected
Creation has to evolve from necessity
It's always on the crossing border of
Wxisting and non-existing matter
Creation will be based upon imagination
Rhizome - multiple entries of equal importance
It's not equal to profession or learning
Rhizome - enables one to connect the obvious
With the non-bovious, one will avoid obviousness
2. Reason Rejected
The basis for stagnation is the urge to objectivity
Due to traditional reason
It seperates reality in object and subjectivity
Quality and intuition are rejected, only reason is the guidance
But in the state of stagnation, only quality will prevail
Knowledge according to reason is rearranging matter
It's only the memory of being, without the spirit of living
Reality isn't static but dynamic because of quality and intuition
Which are the spirit of living
It will restrain one from being stuck
Matter has to be objective in order to make it discussible
The object of discussion needs to be a tangible one to every
Subject involved, so it has to refer to a tangible object.
3. Generative Patterns
Stigmatization can occur when complex matter is processed
As a whole with intuition functioning as its guidance
In order to avoid this phenomenon
Matter must be divided in layers
Individually processed
Coincidence defines the outcome
Generative patterns, machines based upon coincidence
They need to be seen more conceptual then physical
The basic layers are specified
Combinations and interactions generated
These systems tridder new concepts inwhich the outcome can't be predicted