
"Dusk And Void Became Alive" (2006)
1. Dusk And Void Became Alive 2. Mistrust 3. Winter's Night 4. Unquiet Thoughts 5. Cease to Breathe 6. Praise Blindness Eyes 7. Virtue's Cloak 8. Moon Muse 9. Catharsis
1. Dusk And Void Became Alive
And nothing more that keeps its sense
fire looses its warmth and its light
The truth is lost behind a fence
cannot show what is wrong and what�s right
Just silence stays forevermore
To be an only friendly guest
To be a keeper of the lore
Which can't be found in your quest
But dusk and void became alive
They call, they pray, they whisper to be heard
And ask to join them, just to try
To turn into a songless bird
They ask, they call, they pray, they force
To leave your grave under grey stone
To cross all borders, break the doors
To understand that you are all alone
2. Mistrust
My thoughts are wingd'd with hopes, my hopes with love.
Mount love under the moons's night ... the moon in clearest night.
And say as she doth in the heavens move,
In earth so wanes my delight, so wanes and waxeth delight.
And you-u my thoughts, that my mistrust do carry.
If for mistrust my mistress do you blame.
Say though you alter, yet you do not vary,
As she doth change and yet remain the same.
If she for this, with clouds do mask her eyes.
And make the heavens dark with her disdain.
With windy sights, disperse them in the skies,
Or with thy tears dissolve them into rain.
3. Winter's Night
The sky won't be blue again
The scent of meadows forever gone
Fading cries, a colden reign
The magic land of sparkling snow...
Enchanting beauty in its pride
A mystic stranger, softest might
A sad and colden nameless bride
Never forgiving winter's night
sky won't be blue again
The scent of meadows forever gone.
Fading cries, colden reign
The magic land of sparkling snow.
Enchanting beauty in its pride
A mystic stranger softest might
A sad and nameless bride
Never forgiving winter's night.
4. Unquiet Thoughts
Unquiet thoughts, your civil slaughter stint
And wrap your wrongs within a pensive heart.
And you my tongue that makes my mouth a mint,
And stamps my thoughts to coin them words by art.
But what can stay my thoughts they may not start
Or put my tongue in dura-ance for to die.
When as these the keys of mouth and heart,
Open the lock where all my love doth lie.
How shall I then gaze on my mistress eyes?
My thought must have some vent: else my heart will break.
My tongue would rust as in my mouth it lies.
If eyes and thoughts were free and that not speak.
5. Cease to Breathe
Cease to breathe, my friend, no moore!
Please, no longer live not now
Close your eyes forevermore
Stop your heartbeat sounds somehow.
Tell me no farewell, don't speak!
I won't bury you, don't ask!
Choose your place in mystic dusk
Choose it on the highest peak.
Cease to breathe, my friend, I'll leave
Leave your shadow, leave your shape
Promise me: we'll meet in grief!
Silence nothing more to say.
I will help you now, just wait,
I shall see you'll come to stars.
Bring illusions there so far!
Bring the death there, don't be late!
6. Praise Blindness Eyes
7. Virtue's Cloak
Can she excuse my wrongs with Virue's cloak?
Shall I call her good when she proves unkind?
Are those clear fires which vanish to smoke?
Must I praise the leaves where no fruit I find?
No, no where shadows do for bodies stand.
Thou may'st be abu-used thy sight be dim.
Cold loves is like to words written on sand.
Or to bublles wich on the waters swim.
If she will yield, to that which reason is,
It is reaons's will that loveshould be just.
Dear make me happy stil by granting this,
Or cut off deleays if that I die must.
No where shadows for bodies stand.
May'st be abuused sight be dim.
Cold loves like to words written on sand.
bubles wich on waters swim.
8. Moon Muse
She lived in darkness and in light
For pilgrims in the deepest night
For poets searching for the sign
But seen seen the sense only to die
She wasn't warm, she was so cold
But granted warmth to every heart
Of those who were so brave and bold
To let themselves to be apart.
She was to blame of every hope
Of those who�re wandering in vain
Who found inhuman deadly cold
Discovering their own ways.
She was the one, she was the star
Or could be brightest, saddest for eternity.
But she was pale, and not so far
To not fall down on Earth one day.
9. Catharsis