
"Birth of Virgin Feelings" (2004)
1. The Light Of Lost Souls 2. Guimplen 3. Impat 4. Volt 5. Funeral Of Vait 6. Silent Loneless 7. Fataly
1. The Light Of Lost Souls
Groan! Do you hear their shouts and groans?
Here, here my house was burned
Here, in torments they waited for death
And died with the honor, with no mercy for them.
Their souls were trampled by black combat boots
And left decomposed among fields and in woods
Here their bones have been broken by tanks, butt in face
And the crosses on tanks mean God blessed their race
Groan! Do you hear their shouts and groans?
Since that a nightmare can't leave me alone
I see all this fear and slaughter, I hear pitiful cry
And butcher in soldier's clothes let all this people die.
Groan! Can't you hear the voice and the groan?
Screams of innocent victims blend in gloomy dark moan
It seems it's impossible even to try this to forget
The horror in children's eyes who were born alive but for death.
2. Guimplen
Not laughing, I am crying with the dark
Accompanied by your drunk shouts
I'm guimplen by fate and God
Whose mercy doesn't cost a pound
I spit on your disgusting muzzles
On your religion and your prayer
I hate the light, I hate the darkness
They fall in front of greedy razor
I hate your lie
Which hides behind the truth
And so I better die
Than I accept your rules
My ugliness is now your fate
You laugh, you curse, you live
And now for you it is too late
On time confess your sin
I spit on law and your regards
I am a creature of your founds
I'm guimplen by fate and God
Whose mercy doesn't cost a pound.
3. Impat
I candles blew out in churches
The glare of somebody's pain
The pain that everyone searches
In this holly walls again
I candles blew out in churches
Weeping on those God's cinique
I asked but the priest was laughing
Hiding behind luxury
He hates the questions and answers
But still he smiles to me
His pain's other people's disaster
Wandering and flee
And I haven't found the answer
I tore away all the pain
From candles, from walls and from icons
And cry pierced the temple again
My wrists were terribly bleeding
And hands all the pain couldn't hold
Two nails in my veins penetrating
And wounds have been poured with salt
My pain was thrown and taken
By priests of the sacred Will
With black thorny wreath it was piercing
Was thrown in flame and was killed
I candles blew out, not knowing
That pain is much stronger than us
It wasn't weeping and groaning
Because it is human being's parts
4. Volt
The God was sitting on the throne
The doll has been made of clay
It was condemned on torments
Human was its name
Angels took off their wings
In front of sacred Creator
Accepting contemption of being
They were waiting for Christ's resurrection
But fate judged in different way
It gave to its toy bit of weeping
And law's substituted by grave
Of virgin and innocent feeling
The God was leaving his coffin
With angry knocked over his throne
All people are misanthropic
There are no icons - they're gone
5. Funeral Of Vait
I am cursing your face
Staring on holy heavens
Full of false is your praise
Irritate me whenever
World's created by you
Killing all us at once
And your law is a mud
Making sinners all us
So get out in your myth
And forget about me
Son of Earth and the Peace
Pure of heart and in fist
I reject your venom
Flesh of flesh and your blood
I don't need now your
False and unreal love
I am cursing your face
I am cursing your true
I am cursing your myth
I reject Christ and you.
6. Silent Loneless
7. Fataly
Don't ask me what I feel
It is my personal hell
There is no cure my wound to heal
I know I won't get well
A thorn embedded in my skin
It left a deepest weal
Like poison from the poisoned sting
Pain penetrates in me
I crave to live but it's too hard
I'm tired to pretend
But it's impossible to stop
I'll bear my cross to end
I must be strong I have to fight
I won't accept defeat
But do I seek dark side in light
And why do I find it?
Perhaps I just deceive myself
That I can bear all trials
And maybe on my cold deathbed
I'll understand what life is…