
"Of Light and Darkness" (2001)
1. They Killed Kenny 2. Values-Life 3. Howling 4. WC Arija 5. Life on the Farm 6. Impaled 7. Babagrind 8. Azulyin 9. Revenants 10. Warday 11. Bullshit Propaganda 12. Trilogy of Horror 13. Brainwashing System 14. Reincremation 15. Copyrights (The 8th Day of Creation) 16. Of Light and Darkness 17. Deeds of Flesh 18. Downfall 19. I Wanna Rock (bonus) 20. Zderi kornjaca, kurvo (bonus)
1. They Killed Kenny
substitute teacher called Mrs. Ellen
she has killed and she will again
surrounded by innocent children
who help her to hide her true face
children love her and nobody knows
that her real name is Makarskash!
soon she was found by the patriot warriors from Iraq
she took the sword and throw it in the little boy named Kenny
"Oh my God, they killed Kenny! You bastard!"
they killed Kenny - bloody bastards
they killed Kenny - now the rats are feasting upon his rotting flesh!
2. Values-Life
your generation failed on every line
is it all just waste of time?
non-existence 'til you die
(fake lives)... grotesque divine
slapped with the symbol "X" (mark of shame)
values mean nothing - so does life - ghosts deserve no name!
values - life
suffer - lies
you don't wanna change it!
values - life
non - divine
chains still blind you!
meaningless existence once again
doing nothing to change the plan
buried under chains - you're blind!
unfortunately this is... life!
3. Howling
When full moon rises
My body is on fire
Animal in me awakes
Unleashes dark desires
Teeth turn into fangs
Hair covers my body
Jaw extends rapidly
Whole bone structure changes
Your hear the howling run away
You're my prey howling be thy name
Feel the fangs tearing you apart
Blood flows as I drink it all
Bones shatter into dust hear my howl as the bloodfeast ends
Howling be thy name
4. WC Arija
Lyrics by Martin "Barti" Pinteriè
Tako lepo jutro me je zbudilo
Umo me v kopalnico napotilo
Kar naenkrat prdnit me je zagrabilo
Ah, kaj zato, bo pa mal smrdelo
Je�e� Marija!
Se klikerji skozi hlaènice priplazijo
Ogromno svinjarijo napravijo!
Se smejem, se joèem, se sam sebe sramujem!
Eh kaj, pod tu� bo treba, ti seronja!
Toplota, terasa - to je Udobje �ivljenja
Duh ljubezni je v zraku
In vita veritas!
Naenkrat WC potreba!
Ampak Junkijev sedem presenetil sem
Onemin in ne vem, kaj naj naredim
Glavni mi reèe - VEN!
Umaknem se in� mislim si svoje
Naenkrat pridejo ven
Eden me prosi za cigaret
Je imel lepo zasanjan pogled
�e vedno ti�èal je na �ilo in dal sem mu tist' cigaret
Po WC-ju èudne reèi se vrstijo
Ob tem, kar je �e tu reèeno
Seveda, �e sex!
Razumljivo, ampak to je �e drugo zadovoljstvo
Lepo pa je!
In WC veritas!
5. Life on the Farm
6. Impaled
Cold stick through your body
Starts at genitals
Near your liver
Vital organs remain undamaged
It ends near your neck (suffocation with your own blood)
Pain� No!
Am I dead or still alive?
Body temperature is falling slow
At least three days of suffering
Facing your worst nightmares
Feel the heat of my razors
as I'm cutting your veins
sucking your liquid life
until you finally die
7. Babagrind
8. Azulyin
Ko to �eèe grobovima?
Belji zubi kao dan - azuljin
9. Revenants
Where fog lies all over the land
Which is filled with blood and pain
There's no sun just endless rain
There dance the revenants of man
A song like wind but nobody hears it
We just pass by and don't even shiver
Eternal silence lies over these unmarked graves
And nobody dares to listen to the revenants of the past -
Singing and dancing
Forgotten times will never awake
10. Warday
Sky burns in infernal lights
Flames of doom burn us into dust
Immense shock-waves rip us all apart
Unleashed lethal force pulverizes
Whole nation has been erased in this showing of balance of terror
Misunderstood anti-nuke process
Instead of piece - armageddon
"War was not hell� it's consequences are!"
as the land is destroyed
civilization in ruins
people are confused
nobody knows nothing
radiation contaminates
people die of incurable diseases
is it worth - death in a second or slow agony
as you fade away?
Can you feel your eyes melting?
Your organs pulverized
Ashes are swept away
"Here lies" - an ashen cenotaph
11. Bullshit Propaganda
Lies fill your head
Believe what you see
Believe what you've read
Constantly deceived!
Bullshit propaganda
Panoptikon life
Controlled and misled
Connect into program
Free will now dead
Bullshit propaganda
Don't believe what you see!
Don't believe what you read!
12. Trilogy of Horror
Pathology feast
New corpse to grind
Eating raw flesh, lungs, intestine
With acid I melt your skin
Than drink
With axe I chop your limbs off
Condemned as insane
But I ate my shrink
A pound of brain
Eyes squashed like flies
Torn out spine
Your scream's so high
Quartered and burnt alive
Beating your head with stick 'till it explodes
Electrocuting geintals on overload
Pocking the electric stick up your ass
Intestines puked melted - what a mess!
Nailed to door, I'm sawing off your legs
Pulling nails out
Tearing apart your jaw
Smashing your bones into dust
With your sawed-off legs…
With your agony I gained now something more
A new way of art - blood soaking gore
Another victim
Another feasts starts
All in the name of gore metal!
13. Brainwashing System
14. Reincremation
Sunrise of endless flames
To purify what's been polluted
Every sin gone to dust
Rebirth of silence
Light as never seen before
Heat boils through the eyes
Fire purifies
Cleansweep - moment of silence
(which lasts forever)
Molecules reduced to ash
Combined in unique torture
Reborn once again
Baptism of fire - reincremation
What was once is now again
Chosen ones who won't fail
Will they succeed?
They have no other choice
Through barren wastelands and the sand
Looking for the promised land
That was once destroyed
Baptism of fire - reincremation
Moment of silence -
Which lasts forever
One more lifetime of suffering
Once again to struggle the impossible
Pain and fear as they walk again
Silence burns through stone cold veins
Gods don't repeat mistakes
What about exceptions?
When old ones fail
The new arrive - reincremation!
15. Copyrights (The 8th Day of Creation)
Take my genes
Write new DNA
Make improvements
Annihilate everything strange
Then destroy the basic model
Erase original shell
Put my copy into store
Tag a price
Write "For sale"
Following the commands installed I cannot escape
Slave to my corporate masters
No resistance
This isn't me (who was I once?)
Remaining trapped inside
Everything I was before -
For perfection died I improved replica
Yet inhumane
Replaced with a perfect copy
Spontaneity becomes routine hell
Destroy - erase - improve!
My memories no longer exist
My values are buried and gone
I scream inside this bionic tomb
No one to hear me
I'm all alone, alone…
This isn't me (who was I once?)
Remaining trapped inside
Everything I was before for perfection died!
My life's now a written program
Every detail on a disc
I'm human dehumanised - my soul has been computerised!
Destroy - erase - improve!
16. Of Light and Darkness
I step into darkened room
On the table lies a crystal ball
Concentrating on my power
I shall see it all
Now I reveal secrets of time
They lie on my hand
My spirit steps into time line
Observing… fascinated
Everything turns back
I see fire and seas of blood
Army of the ultimate evil
Tides of darkness bring the end!
My soul frightened by a spirit
Its laugh screams like a nightmare
I run away but I'm captured
Just before the exit
My spirit never returns
Brutally tortured
Trying to escape into crimson skies
Where heaven once used to be
I pray to God my soul to keep
But I'm caught… taken deep… into endless nightmare
Supreme darkness conquers
The 7th millennium lies at hand
Unimaginable horror
God's throne taken off its stand…
17. Deeds of Flesh
Desire commands your hands
Enigma must be solved
The box opens the gates to hell
Coenobites arrive
Now you'll see the endless pleasure
Reachable through endless torment
Enter the realm of brutality
As the chains tear your soul apart
Flesh torn by sharp chains
Your scream is the music of the razor cutting through flesh
"…Don't cry it's a waste of good suffering!…"
Wanted to reach the ultimate pleasure
"…We have an eternity to meet your flesh…
Your suffering will be legenday…"
Deeds of flesh Pain?
I am pain!
"…There is no good, there is no evil, there is only flesh…
You called us, we came…
Flesh, power, dominion…"
18. Downfall
Glory of creation blinds me
I see light
You see it dark
Order of life defines me
Traveling on long lost ark
Your tears and pain crush my perfect world to pieces
Values left within me
Leave me indecisive
I choose the fall
The Rubicon has been transcended
Through mists and darkness immortal existence ended
My wings are burnt to ashes
I choose to walk beside you among the ghosts and chains
That bind in chaotic nightmare - peace I'll find
Earth, the blazing torment
Dark descends onto its surface
We now share eternal sadness
Heaven through pain, our purpose
Tears from stone cold eyes as I know realize
Perfect world is reachable only through suffering
Child of light cries as the order dies
Choose to walk among you all
Walking the pain of downfall
Downfall… I choose to walk among you
19. I Wanna Rock (bonus)
20. Zderi kornjaca, kurvo (bonus)