
"To The Light" (2000 Demo)
1. Intro 2. On The Other Side 3. Unintentional #1 4. CC II 5. Man Without Face 6. World Turns Around 7. The Last Experience 8. Ticket To Hell Y2K 9. 202 (CCII, CZ)
1. Intro
2. On The Other Side
In darkness they wonder
Matterless under curse
Without hope to get higher dimension for their souls
With the signs on their foreheads from previous lifes
Ref.: To the light are going souls of dead from Dachau
This light souls of sinners will not see it
To the light are going souls of fair
To the light
Bloody tears of their victims are on their hands
Invisible spirits must be closed forever
Ref.: To the light …
We`re living without time and space…there is nothing everywhere…
Emptiness absorbs us but we will not better…we will live
there forever and we`re
Living from other`s power
We raped their lives
We thrashed their conscience
We want more than now!
Lightness – darkness – warm – cold
We nevwer desert you, newer!
To be ashamedand have fear to be happy, to fight
You can`t forgot we are still here we never desert you
We are here and you`ll feel it again
We are with you and we will stay
Here we are!!!
3. Unintentional #1
Black star doesn`t shine, bleeds from the sky
On the dark side of the Earth begins the tale…
The woman lives here, she waits for a day
The day of birth of her child – first one
The woman lives in the forest all alone
And – maybe – the forest is the father of child
But if is it truth or not nobody doesn`t know
Her child – first one
Her beauty`s burning everything and movements are so
Cold, what child can be created by naked perfection?
Dark night – storm so strong
Hellrise – something`s near
In dark forest somewhere in mountines
Was borned night butterfly
From the clouds hangs ropes of rain
And lightnings crosses the sky
Branches of trees bends in hurricane
Butterfly smooth its wings in the while of doom …
One day by sunrise woman looked to the clouds
And said: „Welcome my day!“
Then big storm again sounded the landscape
Scream of the hurricaneroared, suddenly as never before
Rain ended and evwrywhere was silence
Only at distance in mountain the wolves howled
Little girl was born and watching the whole world
By black eyes created from hell`s dark
Black star doesn`t shine, bleed from the sky
On the dark side of the Earth beggins the tale …
… and mother died!!!
4. CC II
Kill your mather and kill your father
You`re listenning that voices, they knows you suffer
Don`t ask my father, don`t ask my mother
Can`t see me inside, they must to die
Their chance comes lower, their life is over
The lost sound left her mouth
And crimson mask felt down from face
The last picture what she could see
Was her son / last of the men
Ref.: Tell why I`m prisoner of mine
Why in prison of bestiality
Tell why I`m listenning that dark voices
Why in prison of schizophrenic brutality
Straight jacket over him and white angels
Attract him to the bed and go to pray to church
At the light moments they pray the god
Want to take time back, be together
Ref.: Tell why…
5. Man Without Face
You`re walking through the time
And looking for the lost rest
Only ring of stone reminds some of the past
You are not dying, Your life doesn`t fly away
It flies in you, deep in you
You are looking for the beauty
But where you want to find it?
This is not a dream, this is “only” real
Ref.: I found the cruel beauty
And now I am Man without face
I live in the real story of
Man without face
When You hear your name, It`s like echo
Repeled by the walls of the endless rocks
Something inside me dzing…how I can trust to love…who am I…
…can you help me? …no!?
Ref.: I found…
6. World Turns Around
Through dark space full of unlit stars
Our world dash – You can`t stop it
Final stop is destruction, not promised paradise
Adam and Eve and their descendants
Could be created for paradise
But is only empty word
Of empty madly liars
In deed there is a paradise
Full of emptiness and deadly silence
Nature was raped by violence
Now we must show our open veins
Heart of the universe
Is in the end
World turns around – Watched with milion eyes
World turns around – Rode by invisible driver
World turns around – It turns around yet
World turns around
Liquidation of rain forests
Toxic trace in our minds
Inversion in our towns
Is it just small evil?
Madness in eyes, madness in brains
It is sign of coming doom
Ticket to hell is paid
Departure can be now, tomorrow
Or after thousand years
Here remains only scream of alarm
So unnecessary scream of alarm
Dead seas, ilness, suffering, death
Burning air
We and our future
Are in agony
7. The Last Experience
I felt down through the darkness in bottomless abbys
I hope in the expectations I long for to live again
I look for the caouse of my baneful illness
Maybe I find the answer in the world of dreams
My sun felt down or felt down to snow
And from the dark star night is approaching
I`m leaving far away, I can`t see back
I`m living by way, ending in tears walley
Expectation`s dead, just memory stay
Recalling all beauty, for what I loved
I spend my infinity, in frozen landscape
Burried in the ice, sleep there forewer
I look for the cause, of my baneful illness
Maybe I find the answer, in the world of dreams
8. Ticket To Hell Y2K
Liquidation of rain forests
Toxic trace in our minds
Inversion in our towns
Is it just small evil?
Madness in eyes, madness in brains
It is sign of coming doom
Destroy of enviroment, massacre of of animals
I hate your fucking activity, you primitives
I must vomit when I see your swollen faces
I`d like to kick you with the pleasure
In your fucking testicles
What do you do? I wait for our end
What do you see? Hypocrisy in our eyes
What do you do? I wait for our end
What do you see? Hypocrisy in our eyes
Ref.: Ticket to hell – We are paing big price for
Ticket to hell– Just ticket to doom
Ticket to hell – We are paing big price for
Ticket to hell
Liquidation of rain forests
Toxic trace in our minds
Inversion in our towns
Is it just small evil?
Madness in eyes, madness in brains
It is sign of coming doom
Destroy of enviroment, massacre of of animals
I hate your fucking activity, you primitives
I must vomit when I see your swollen faces
I`d like to kick you with the pleasure
In your fucking testicles
Ref.: Ticket to hell…
9. 202 (CCII, CZ)