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"Erinnerungen" (1995 EP)

1. tuus in aeternum (Intro)
2. Final Journey
3. Dreadful Crimes
4. The Exorcist
5. Slowly passing timeless Horrors
6. Threatening Precipice
7. At the End...
8. Mortal Runs
9. Forgotten Worlds
10. Sacred Vomit
11. Mortal Agony
12. Defy your Master
13. Submit to Mutilation
14. Impious Land
15. God
16. Unreal Relations
17. Knee deep in rancid Bowels
18. Legions of Scorn
19. Desperation
20. Vale of Tears
21. Witching Hour
22. cursus res negotium (Outro)

1. tuus in aeternum (Intro)

2. Final Journey

3. Dreadful Crimes

"Scientists and biologists
Make experiments on deformed bodies
They think with their absurd brains
That they must manipulate

But they want only investigate
Dreadful crimes
Dreadful crimes

The clinic is full of corpses
Cadaverous smell and rigor mortis
Now it will be a hellish massacre
Cause they come and practice their job

But they want only investigate
Dreadful crimes
Dreadful crimes

They insert animal sperm cell
And fill it in a testicle
Spread legs and they licked lustful
Until they reach the bloody womb

But they want only investigate
Dreadful crimes
They will always be"

4. The Exorcist

5. Slowly passing timeless Horrors

"I�ve got something in my mind
Sometimes I wish I could die
Once I�ve killed a helpless child
In my dreams I hear it cry

It�s too late, my victim is dead
I heard many things in heaven
And all thing in hell
It haunted me all day and night

She looks to me
But she can�t see
She speaks to me
But I can�t hear

I�ve blew up my chains
Now I�m unleashed
But when its time to leave this world
Where is my eternal place?
(In heaven or in hell?)"

6. Threatening Precipice

7. At the End...

"You have suffered a whole life
It was only pain and hate
Emotions are dark and strong
Your face is emaciated

The process of decay
You feel it now
Your legs become necrotic
Until your falling down

All life will close
You are alone
Silence in your room
It�s detestable

You have suffered a whole life
It was only pain and hate
Emotions are dark and strong
Your face is emaciated

A living corpse � vegetate
No vital force � livelong"

8. Mortal Runs

9. Forgotten Worlds

I see the angel falls, my master
When it�s time to die for me
I see that my blood runs faster
When I am unleashed and free?

Forgotten Worlds

Paralysis snatches my soul
The claw of heaven is so far
Lucifer, hear my last growl
I�m no victim on your black altar

Forgotten Worlds

You�re not my messiah
I�m not wrapped in your mighty
Escaping from the unholy fire
I�ve lost my memories

Forgotten Worlds

Wrong consciousness � Shadows from beyond
Devilish errors � Mental decay
Total horror � Chanceless pray
Inward mutilation � Unknown fate

The falcon stops my saveless falling
And show me the entrance to eternal sleep
No god hears my calling
The abyss is far to deep�

Forgotten Worlds

10. Sacred Vomit

11. Mortal Agony

"When I was a child, I had bad dreams
I was frightened, but no one heard my lonely screams
Years have fade away and I�m nearly a young man
But I�ve still these dreams and I�m scream as loud as I can

Mortal Agony

I feel that there is something growing up in me
Something unknown, dark and big as the sea
I knew that I�m possessed by all evil of the dark
Cause look at me, the dark has left it�s mark

Mortal Agony

There is only one way out for me
Save my soul and find the holy key
The holy key of life is somewhere deep inside of my heart
But I�ve to search and be faster than the dark"

Mortal Agony

12. Defy your Master

13. Submit to Mutilation

14. Impious Land

"Abominable creations reign
They are looking for victims
Where is a lovely virgin?
They are very starving

There comes a beauty
They prepare the meal
She is catched quickly
And will be slaughtered

Tormentors cut off limbs
And worn out the body
They paw the flesh
And eat it hasty

Then they have digested
And belched loud
Where�s the next virgin?
What an appetite!

Impious lands
Terrible habits"

15. God

�Mysterious eyes of the raven
Are increasing my Depression
And his eyes have all the seeming
Of the demon that is dreaming�


This day father, I put back in your hands
Cause you have given it to me
Dark shadows are coming over the world
When the fear of life attacks me

Why don�t you turn the dark into light?!

16. Unreal Relations

"He seems to understand you
Your look and your feelings
But he has an unreal smile
To use your kindness

He speaks about you
Say �you are a failure�
You have to observe his commands
And he left you isolated

Then you realize his character
- A fucking bastard
Seek your true friends
Who are always at your side

Don�t listen to this fools
And have only an own opinion"

17. Knee deep in rancid Bowels

18. Legions of Scorn

19. Desperation

"When I�m breathing � I must die
When I�m laughing � I should cry
When I�m happy � I�m sad
My only wish is to be dead

The love of live has ceased
I know this suffering days too long
Come along to rest with me
Now death is better than life

Love is the worst kind of pain!

It�s in my dreams and in my soul
Take the ruins of me
Lonely are my tears of pain
And I�m loved my their cause

Only time will tell
If I can break the spell
Back to the unreal world
I await this day

I await this day!!"

20. Vale of Tears

"Härter immer härter, jetzt fühlt ihr Euch toll
Schneller immer schneller, wir ha´m die Schnauze voll
Ihr glaubt ihr wärt die Coolen, Satan ist der Hit
Was wollt ihr blöden Schwulen, das ist doch alles Shit

Ihr habt doch keine Ahnung, ihr wisst doch nicht was läuft
Alles feige Tarnung, Hauptsache man säuft
Was für ´ne geile Kutte mit Maiden auf der Brust
Uns ist die Sache peinlich, es herrscht totaler Frust

I raise my fist to the sky
A vale of tears in front of my
Please go out of my eyes
You are the last one I want to see

Ein Tritt voll in die Fresse, das wäre gut für Euch
´Ne schöne schwarze Messe, was soll das ganze Zeug
Ihr seit totale Loser, ihr seit der letzte Dreck
Auf unserer grauen Erde nur ein schwarzer Fleck

I raise my fist to the sky
A vale of tears in front of my
Please go out of my eyes
You are the last one I want to see"

21. Witching Hour

22. cursus res negotium (Outro)


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