
"The Last Tale of Eternity" (2003 DVD)
1. The Hand 2. The Fading Tale 3. Spring Day 4. Last Temptation 5. Carving the Way 6. Stained Glass 7. Whale's Lungs 8. Backwards 9. Nymphea 10. The Sun 11. Sombre Wine 12. Careless Whisper 13. Wieczny Final 14. I Promise 15. The Hand 16. Spring Day 17. The Fading Tale 18. Stained Glass 19. Carving the Way 20. Stained Glass
1. The Hand
If you give me your hand
I will not let it go
This is why I`m scared
I`m scared of not letting you go
I want it so much
That I`m shrinking fast
I reach out my hand
At the microworld`s length
If you give me your hand
I will not let it go
This is why I`m scared
I`m scared of not letting you go
If you give me your hand
I will not let it go
This is why I`m scared
I`m scared of not letting you go
I want that hand
That has never never existed
To open my eyes
?Cause I've always had to go on alone
If you give me your hand
I will not let it go
This is why I`m scared
I`m scared of not letting you go
I`m falling down the microworld
Infinity is between us
Lead me blind before
I finally open my door
Lead me for a moment please
A moment taken from the microworld
Without you I`m shrinking
And falling down the nanoworld
Lead me blind before I open my eyes
Lead me blind before I open my eyes
2. The Fading Tale
The crowd is lamenting over
The tragic fates of victims
Despite the fact that about the Drama
On the stage of her ensnare soul
They are silent
Desolate scene under the old tree's neck
Waiting for justice from the stormy sky
On the dark faded pictures
Among shards, raspberries were scattered
Only little stream of blood
Was fouling porcelain mouth
A figure of the beloved in the glassy glance
The sweetness of her face
Was absorbing crowd's attention
In darkness the troubled eyes
Have aroused true emotions
The knife was still warm
The betrayed lover
Which was scalding hand
She has thrown it straight away...
Bitter wine on their wedding day
She'd been drinking it in loneliness
In the circle of whirling crowd
Holy silence instead of scream
She had become desirous of what
She shouldn't have ever dreamt
Playing a part of a beautiful bride
Was not her destiny
The old tree's neck within the sight
To put to death her insanity
Desolate scene under the old tree's neck
Waiting for justice from the stormy sky
On the dark faded pictures
Among shards, raspberries were scattered
3. Spring Day
I will dance and it will make
The world rise from the dead beneath my feet
I will weave the threads of sound
That will fall on my breast
When I finish my dance
When I finish my dance
And when the breaths will set the rhythm
My feet will worship the death of the floor
I will announce the birth of the king
Naked among the empty plates` splendour
The laughter will return
When the green walls reflect it
Broken glass can be useful
Wood can be burnt
I will dance and it will make
The world rise from the dead beneath my feet
I will weave the threads of sound
That will fall on my breast
When I finish my dance
When I finish my dance
The laughter will return
When the green walls reflect it
Broken glass can be useful
Wood can be burnt
4. Last Temptation
You breathe so quietly
While you sleep
I want to feel every breath of yours
I am not here
Silver smoke from your mouth
Flies away to the sky
It grows like ivy
Straining your hair
I want to be like it
Touch you and fly away...
My skin burns in fever
It is Thirsty for your cold hands
Open your eyes, see me now...
The last temptation...
When you breathe so quietly
While you sleep
I catch each breath of yours
5. Carving the Way
Wings of a butterfly inside
My spirit revives, I feel
The horizon is widening the circle
My destiny is in the clouds
The Stone Pilgrim kneels
Carving his way
One grind of sand
Every night and every day
I believe the Eternity lasts
In unreal ocean
Which is pervading us
Mixing the colours of epochs
Hearing the whispers of silence
Over the roofs of this town
I want to restrain the time
Love is a dance of butterfly
The Stone Pilgrim kneels
Carving his way
One grind of sand
Every night and every day
I believe the Eternity lasts
In unreal ocean
Which is pervading us
Mixing the colours of epochs
I ask is the freedom a gift or is it
just a punishment for courage of humans
Do we find the divinity in Your silence, my God?
6. Stained Glass
I came here to see the stained glass
And God raising his hand in the temple`s window
A ray of light is shinning through
The divine soul`s prism in the temple`s window
Inevitable events
Make me sick
I cannot pull myself together
I`m smashed to pieces
A ray of light shining through
Each piece of my soul
I have my doubts
I came here to see the stained glass
And God raising his hand in the temple`s window
A ray of light is shinning through
The divine soul`s prism in the temple`s window
I`m observing the autumn from hiding
I can see it in the temple`s window
I came here for the smell of old wood
And warmth of marble floor
While seeking a way home
I came here to see the stained glass
And God raising his hand in the temple`s window
A ray of light is shinning through
The divine soul`s prism in the temple`s window
7. Whale's Lungs
A long long time ago
He used to pull her plaits
But he wanted more
The patience is a virtue
So a white dress
Flashed before her eyes
It's like in fairy tales
A whale on the shore
Is breathing harsh smoke
It's like in fairy tales
He came to take
What her naivety had
A stain on the bedclothes
An envelope with a verdict
Do whatever you want he said
It's like in fairy tales
A whale on the shore
Is breathing harsh smoke
It's like in fairy tales
The wind is blowing
Behind the window at night
And the blue whale's body
Is gliding over the cradle
I'm living my life...
8. Backwards
I remember that warmth
Which I felt inside
Awaken to a new life
The temple of unborn child
Hollow sounds of world
Like an ancient tales
Were the prophecies
Of great Judgement Day
On that shiny day
The separation came
Like the prophecy
Of my coming End
Acute sharps of the rocks
Which wound my feet
The roots of fear
Have grown into my skin
Sometimes I stop to hide
Underneath the linen of his arms
After that, on sleepless night
I sing sweet lullaby
For my loneliness
I will come back there someday
And the rustle of the lost cities
Will relieve me with its prayer
Mother Earth will cover me
The Nature will destroy the body structures
As lightly as she had built them before
The Act of Destruction
Will redeem the miracle of birth
From the ashes to new creature
We will rise from dead
From the ashes to new creature
We will rise from dead
From the ashes to new creature
Although we won't be the same
9. Nymphea
Confiding thoughts
My skin is too loose
It covers winged arms
Dancing beneath closed eyelids
Dancing beneath closed eyelids...
The sleeping ancient goddess
Chasing her dreams
With the open trembling arms
Dance beneath eyelids
With a delicate smile
On her mild face
With the wind flowing down
With the drops of silky rain
Flying over the ocean...
I've been afraid of the night
Solitude at the end of nightmare
Faces which brisk up
On the dark paintings
Over empty bed...
The sleeping ancient goddess
Chasing her dreams
With the open trembling arms
Dance beneath eyelids
With a delicate smile
On her mild face
With the wind flowing down
With the drops of silky rain
10. The Sun
I am the Sun
That from the plinth of shadow
Looks at something that was yesterday tomorrow
If you went the paths of my thoughts
You could say a few words
That are missing
In the late summer
...a lazy late summer
I am the Star
That knows somewhere there is someone
Shining like my sorrow
He`s looking at yesterday tomorrow
He knows the paths of my thoughts
He would say a few words
That are missing
In the late summer
...a lazy late summer
Thinking about the inessential
Daydreaming about the reality
Makes me build while destroying
Without the skin`s shield
Naked flesh is bleeding
Like the touch of knife in a drawer
Not expecting the awakening
...a lazy late summer
11. Sombre Wine
When he kisses without doubt
He dances at the edge of desire
He is silent when his warm mouth
Are subjugating her conscience
Afterwards unbidden thoughts come back
But he's already gone
Like a beast of prey
Like a master of chase
It's the nature of rapacity
Frolic with her sensuality
I still believe in people who think
Love is something more than desire
Although it flavours our life
With a taste of sombre wine
When she walks the air becomes so heavy
Underneath the naivety there's her silent slyness
To fall a victim to you is only a delight
Often the Beast is the Beauty
The wolf can be eaten by the lamb
Afterwards unbidden thoughts come back
But she's already gone
Like a beast of prey
Like a mistress of chase
It's the nature of rapacity
Frolic with our sensuality
There's no divinity
Which can't be sold
Please don't talk about love
Until I believe in it
But I still believe
Although I see rivers of lies
Which have taken possession of us
So please don't tell me
That true love is what she's searching for
Because it can't be found
Through the perdition in following arms
12. Careless Whisper
I feel so unsure,
As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor.
As the music dies...
Something in your eyes,
Calls to mind a silver screen,
And all its sad goodbyes.
I'm never gonna dance again,
Guilty feet have got no rhythm.
Though it's easy to pretend,
I know you're not a fool.
I should have known better than to cheat a friend,
And waste a chance that I'd been given.
So I'm never gonna dance again,
The way I danced with you.
Time can never mend,
The careless whisper of a good friend.
To the heart and mind
If your answer's kind...
There's no comfort in the truth,
Pain is all you find.
What am I without your love?
Tonite the music seems so loud,
I wish that we could lose this crowd.
Maybe it's better this way'
We've hurt each other with the things we want to say.
We could have been so good together,
We could have lived forever...
But now, who's gonna dance with me?
Please stay.
Now that you're gone...
Was what I did so wrong?
So wrong that you had to leave me alone?
13. Wieczny Final
obiecywa³am niebo
ale to nie prawda
bo ja ciê w piek³o powiodê
w czerwieñ - ból
nie bêdziemy obchodziæ rajskich ogrodów
ani zagl¹daæ przez szpary
jak kwitnie georginia i hiacynt
my-po³o¿ymy siê na ziemi
przed bram¹ czarciego pa³acu
zaszeleścimy anielsko
skrzyd³ami o pociemnia³ych zg³oskach
zaśpiewamy piosenkê
o prostej ludzkiej mi³ości
w promyku latarni
świec¹cej stamt¹d
poca³ujemy siê w usta
szepniemy sobie - dobranoc
rano - stró¿ nas przegoni
z odrapanej parkowej ³awki
i śmiej¹c siê okropnie
wska¿e - ogryzek jab³ka
le¿¹cy pod pniem jab³oni
Halina Poświatowska
z tomu "Hymn ba³wochwalczy"
14. I Promise
They promise Heaven
Where there`s no Sun
They promise peace
Where there are no moments
Without the conscience scream
They promise
There are no fulfilled promises
I promise you a cold morning
When you`ll be making love to loneliness
I promise you the thoughts confusion
I promise
There are no fulfilled promises
I promise you
But you must know that there are
No fulfilled promises
Even thought I promise you
I will give you the infernal heat
I will light your fire
I will give you the soul`s scar
And the red apple`s bite
If the cold is an oasis
Than hide your night dreams
A starving devil is waiting for your fear
If you don`t want to be burning
The snow statue`s body
Is waiting for your soul
15. The Hand
If you give me your hand
I will not let it go
This is why I`m scared
I`m scared of not letting you go
I want it so much
That I`m shrinking fast
I reach out my hand
At the microworld`s length
If you give me your hand
I will not let it go
This is why I`m scared
I`m scared of not letting you go
If you give me your hand
I will not let it go
This is why I`m scared
I`m scared of not letting you go
I want that hand
That has never never existed
To open my eyes
?Cause I've always had to go on alone
If you give me your hand
I will not let it go
This is why I`m scared
I`m scared of not letting you go
I`m falling down the microworld
Infinity is between us
Lead me blind before
I finally open my door
Lead me for a moment please
A moment taken from the microworld
Without you I`m shrinking
And falling down the nanoworld
Lead me blind before I open my eyes
Lead me blind before I open my eyes
16. Spring Day
I will dance and it will make
The world rise from the dead beneath my feet
I will weave the threads of sound
That will fall on my breast
When I finish my dance
When I finish my dance
And when the breaths will set the rhythm
My feet will worship the death of the floor
I will announce the birth of the king
Naked among the empty plates` splendour
The laughter will return
When the green walls reflect it
Broken glass can be useful
Wood can be burnt
I will dance and it will make
The world rise from the dead beneath my feet
I will weave the threads of sound
That will fall on my breast
When I finish my dance
When I finish my dance
The laughter will return
When the green walls reflect it
Broken glass can be useful
Wood can be burnt
17. The Fading Tale
The crowd is lamenting over
The tragic fates of victims
Despite the fact that about the Drama
On the stage of her ensnare soul
They are silent
Desolate scene under the old tree's neck
Waiting for justice from the stormy sky
On the dark faded pictures
Among shards, raspberries were scattered
Only little stream of blood
Was fouling porcelain mouth
A figure of the beloved in the glassy glance
The sweetness of her face
Was absorbing crowd's attention
In darkness the troubled eyes
Have aroused true emotions
The knife was still warm
The betrayed lover
Which was scalding hand
She has thrown it straight away...
Bitter wine on their wedding day
She'd been drinking it in loneliness
In the circle of whirling crowd
Holy silence instead of scream
She had become desirous of what
She shouldn't have ever dreamt
Playing a part of a beautiful bride
Was not her destiny
The old tree's neck within the sight
To put to death her insanity
Desolate scene under the old tree's neck
Waiting for justice from the stormy sky
On the dark faded pictures
Among shards, raspberries were scattered
18. Stained Glass
I came here to see the stained glass
And God raising his hand in the temple`s window
A ray of light is shinning through
The divine soul`s prism in the temple`s window
Inevitable events
Make me sick
I cannot pull myself together
I`m smashed to pieces
A ray of light shining through
Each piece of my soul
I have my doubts
I came here to see the stained glass
And God raising his hand in the temple`s window
A ray of light is shinning through
The divine soul`s prism in the temple`s window
I`m observing the autumn from hiding
I can see it in the temple`s window
I came here for the smell of old wood
And warmth of marble floor
While seeking a way home
I came here to see the stained glass
And God raising his hand in the temple`s window
A ray of light is shinning through
The divine soul`s prism in the temple`s window
19. Carving the Way
Wings of a butterfly inside
My spirit revives, I feel
The horizon is widening the circle
My destiny is in the clouds
The Stone Pilgrim kneels
Carving his way
One grind of sand
Every night and every day
I believe the Eternity lasts
In unreal ocean
Which is pervading us
Mixing the colours of epochs
Hearing the whispers of silence
Over the roofs of this town
I want to restrain the time
Love is a dance of butterfly
The Stone Pilgrim kneels
Carving his way
One grind of sand
Every night and every day
I believe the Eternity lasts
In unreal ocean
Which is pervading us
Mixing the colours of epochs
I ask is the freedom a gift or is it
just a punishment for courage of humans
Do we find the divinity in Your silence, my God?
20. Stained Glass