
"The Beast has risen" (2003)
1. Preamble 2. Desecrating Massacre 3. Slayer of Trinity 4. Crushing Heaven's Walls 5. Forces of Hades 6. The Beast Ascendeth 7. Open the Gates of Hell 8. Lords of Chaos 9. Revel in Eternity 10. Rock'n Roll (Motörhead cover) 11. Halrack 12. Outro
1. Preamble
At the sound of the witching hour, the bells chime across the valley. When the nockthurnaal come to life, the powers of Hell begin to stir, and rise from the Netherworld… It is time for… Total Desecration!
(Vocals by JA. Lyrics by JA. Music by JA. February year 2002)
2. Desecrating Massacre
Desecrating Massacre
Midnight sky covers the sacred hill. All is silent on this night so still. The nuns dream their hallow sleep. Soon they’ll be grasped on unholy grip.
A mist slowly rises from the Abyss. Heavenly dreams are touched by malice. Dark figures come under the moonlight. Powerful fangs in eager smiles so bright.
Desecrating massacre. Death was summoned tonight. Desecrating massacre.
(Leads: JA… Hugo…)
Impure minds obsessed by carnal lust. Drive massive hulks into mighty thrust. The virgins of God awake in shock. Lambs to the slaughter are his flock.
Cloth is ripen and flesh is cherished. Holy vows are quickly blemished. Uncontrolled is the sinful fire. The virgins now thrive in desire.
Desecrating massacre. Death was summoned tonight. Desecrating massacre.
(Lyrics by JA. Music by JA/Hugo/JM. January year 2002)
3. Slayer of Trinity
Slayer Of The Trinity
Riding his black stallion from Hell. Demon of Wrath chimes death’s knell. Ascending the damned circles of fire. Vengeance burns within, his only desire.
Slayer of the Holy Trinity. Bearer of the axe of Impurity. Slayer of the Trinity.
Riding with pride across the sky. In full glory declaring his death cry. The angels of God crawl in fear. All now that their hour draws near.
Slayer of the Holy Trinity. Bearer of the axe of Impurity. Slayer of the Trinity.
Slayer of the Holy Trinity…
(Leads: Hugo… JA…)
Riding through the angelic domain. Spreading death and immortal pain. Entering the holiest of shrines. Where the grace of God no longer shines.
Slayer of the Holy Trinity. Bearer of the axe of Impurity. Slayer of the Trinity.
Slayer of the Holy Trinity!
(Second vocals by JA. Lyrics by JA. Music by JA/JM and DKD. January year 202 and May year 1991)
Support the campaigns against The Church and their hate-religion. It must be eradicated from this fucked up world.
4. Crushing Heaven's Walls
Crushing Heaven’s Walls
(Initial screams by Conqueror)
Tonight I call upon Ares to rise from beyond. Lead our legions with destruction and vengeance. Awaken Éris, Enyo, Fobos and the Amazones. Greek Avenger, grant us our worthy victory.
Crushing down Heaven’s walls. Burning down the sacred halls.
Crushing down Heaven’s walls. Rejoice as Christianity falls.
I conjure Ninanna to bring her mighty host. Hear me ancient summerian Queen of the Sky. Naked you shall lead our unholy forces. Our enemies, in shame their corpses will remain.
Crushing down Heaven’s walls. Burning down the sacred halls.
Crushing down Heaven’s walls. Rejoice as Christianity falls.
And God shall be dead.
(Lead: JA…)
I beseech Wooden to ride the wonder Sleipnir. To ride the Valkyries into the final war. One-eyed God crush the kingdom of lies. Plunge your spear into the Deceiver’s heart.
(Lead: Hugo…)
Crushing down Heaven’s walls. Burning down the sacred halls.
Crushing down Heaven’s walls. Rejoice as Christianity falls.
I now summon the dark Hecate to come forth. Lady of the Underworld, light us with thy torch. Lead your howling dogs into the battlefield. Strike down misfortune upon our wretched foes.
Crushing down Heaven’s walls. Burning down the sacred halls.
Crushing down Heaven’s walls. Rejoice as Christianity falls.
(Second vocals by Ladnah. Lyrics by JA. Music by JA and JM. April year 2001)
5. Forces of Hades
Forces Of Hades
Church of God spread their hate-religion. Breeding death among the blind mortals. Two thousand years of lies and corruption. The deception can no longer be sustained.
Thunders roar across the sky. The rain pours red as blood. Holy Ones pray in vain. The Forces have been stirred.
Forces of Hades.
Uncontrolled the flames of Hell now do rise. Satanic force flows from unholy throne. The Fallen One laughs in merciless revenge. No repent given to the Priest of Lies.
Thunders roar across the sky. The rain pours red as blood. Holy Ones pray in vain. The Forces have been stirred.
Forces of Hades.
An unmerciful attack on the Christian faith. Replacing the cross with the ancient pentagram. The Legions of Satan make total war. Kingdoms of Jehovah are bound to fall. The dead rise from their forgotten graves. Armies of the accursed, Armageddon has come…
(Leads: Hugo… JA…)
The Holy City lies under satanic siege. Angels cry in despair the chants of Doom. Hope has vanished has the Heavens fall. Satan slaughters the King of Kings.
Thunders roar across the sky. The rain pours red as blood. Holy Ones pray in vain. The Forces have been stirred.
Forces of Hades.
(Mid vocals by JA. Second vocals by Nocturnus. Lyrics by JA. Music by JA and JM. January year 2002)
6. The Beast Ascendeth
The Beast Ascendeth
Long ago He roamed across this land. Before the rivers and the trees. Watched the first rains fell from the sky. He made paths that no one have trod. He was here before kings of men rose. Knew the dark before it was feared.
“The Beast shall arise from the pits of Hell. The fiery realms where the cursed dwell. The Beast shall rise to make war. And the Golden Halls will be no more.”
But then the Great Deceiver arrived. And cast into an abyss He was stranded. Great monuments were raised in glory. There were battles and bloodshed. The Sun and Moon shone on greedy swords. Forged in the name of the one Life-God.
“The Beast shall arise from the pits of Hell. The fiery realms where the cursed dwell. The Beast shall rise to make war. And the Golden Halls will be no more.”
There was victory and vile obliteration. Towers fell, fortresses were burned. Flames and flesh to the Holy Kingdom. And darkness covered this world.
But now the dark has turned into chaos. And bones are stirred in their graves. The souls of those who died with pride. Scream forth their ancient hate!
(Leads: Hugo… JA… H… JA… H… JA…)
Swords, axes and mail rise once again. Stone rings grin out in the moonlight. Ascending from His forgotten realms. The Ancient One rides out in command. An army of undead and chosen ones. The Earth shall be cleansed of foulness.
“The Beast shall arise from the pits of Hell. The fiery realms where the cursed dwell. The Beast shall rise to make war. And the Golden Halls will be no more.”
(Second vocals by Nefastus. Lyrics by JA. Music by JA and JM. January year 2002, December 2001)
7. Open the Gates of Hell
Open The Gates Of Hell
Congregation assembled in unholy ground. Cries of the virgin breaking the night’s sound. Infernal Master I summon to come to me. Witness our devotion as we fall on our knees.
Come forth from realms far beyond. Open the gates and grant us power. Come forth from realms far beyond. Open wide the Gates of Hell.
Open now the infernal Gates of Hell. Open at once the fiendish gates!
Ride the night in your black stallion. Take this offering to your battalions. Come through the nocturnal air. Join the ones which your marks do bear.
Come forth from realms far beyond. Open the gates and grant us power. Come forth from realms far beyond. Open wide the Gates of Hell.
Open now the infernal Gates of Hell. Open at once the fiendish gates!
The Gates are open…
(Leads: JA… Hugo… JA…)
We scorn the ones who live as slaves. Desecrating their damned holy graves. Turning the cross towards Hell’s domain. We remember the Nazarene’s pain.
Come forth from realms far beyond. Open the gates and grant us power. Come forth from realms far beyond. Open wide the Gates of Hell.
Open now the infernal Gates of Hell. Open at once the fiendish gates!
The hour has come…
(Second vocals by JA. Lyrics by JA. Music by JA and JM. January year 2002)
This song is dedicated to Carla S. S. B. Muito obrigado pelo teu apoio e por estares ao meu lado nos momentos mais sombrios.
8. Lords of Chaos
Lords Of Chaos
Sleeping a dreamless lethargic existence. Stranded in a world where no life dwells. Where Insanity forever reigns supreme. And nightmares become a dark reality.
Ancient Ones forgotten by the God of Light. Await a summoning soon to be heard. This land of Death and Hate theirs to rule. Take heed, the Lords of Chaos will awaken.
Lords of Chaos, masters of this realm. Ancient Ones are you, dead but dreaming.
Gathered in this unholy place, we summon Them. This world of Chaos demands your guidance. Masters come to those who wait your arrival. Ignore not the calling of those who are in despair.
Waiting for your awakening of ancient slumber. Feel the hate that burns within us for this deceit. Follow the flames that have kept us alive undead. No more we can wait, no more can be denied.
Lords of Chaos, masters of this realm. Ancient Ones are you, dead but dreaming.
Masters of Chaos, lords of this realm. Ancient Ones are you, far but not gone.
(Leads: Hugo… JA…)
Break the seals and crush open the tombs. Spread your wings and strengthen for battle. Cry out your revenge across the Universe. Let all know that you have awakened.
Masters fly out with Insanity and Her legions. Come through Time and across Space. Came and take what is rightfully yours. Masters fly out with Insanity and your legions.
Lords of Chaos, masters of this realm. Ancient Ones are you, dead but dreaming.
Masters of Chaos, lords of this realm. Ancient Ones are you, far but not gone.
(Spoken intro by JA. Scream by Ladnah. Second vocals by Jó. Lyrics by JA. Music by JA and DKD. January year 2002 and May year 1993)
9. Revel in Eternity
Revel In Eternity
Ageless I am… But old and tired I feel. This world has become a burden, that I no longer want… Here among these ancient trees, I cut my flesh and let Mother Earth drink my blood, to the last drop… As I close my eyes one last time.
Away from flesh and bones, I soar far across the open Universe. No longer seeking, but still searching. He, who has been embraced by Eternity looses all concept of Time and Space.
(Vocals by JA. Lyrics by JA. Music by JA. February year 2002 and 1997)
Long live the Ancient Gods.
10. Rock'n Roll (Motörhead cover)
Well here, babe, look at you, and you with someone else,
Turned out like all the others, leave me by myself,
That's how it works I guess, and you like all the rest
Guess I can handle it, if that's the way it is
'Cos I'm in love with rock 'n' roll, satisfies my soul
If that's how it has to be, I won't get mad
I got rock 'n' roll, to save me from the gold
And if that's all there is, it ain't so bad
Rock 'n' roll
I never been a one to have no stedy girl,
I love the way I live, runnin' round the world
I like to fool around, love to tear 'em down
And if I leave, you love to miss me when I'm gone
I can't imagine growin' old with anyone
Marching to a different drum, I hear a different song
I swear I love 'em all, I don't care if they're small
I don't care if they're tall, love 'em anyway
11. Halrack
Halrack G.D.
Primeira Parte:
Sou ser de negro sangue. Sou fruto da terra do planeta mais distante. Sou ser de um sonhador sonante. Sou semente de um horizonte impenetrante…
Sou visível no invisível. Sou possível no impossível. Sou morte tornada forte. Sou a mentira em que reside a vida…
Sou o desejo indesejado. Sou o mal tornado verdade. Sou espírito inderrubado. Sou o Sol agora apagado…
Sou maldito amaldiçoado. Sou carne de um corpo invalidado. Sou pensamento intragado. Sou ser humano… descristianizado.
Segunda Parte:
Quando o dia se esvanece. E a irrealidade do dia se escurece. A noite amanhece. E a realidade acontece…
A escuridão a minha mente tece. Como se a Morte a minha vida fizesse. Como se tudo o que eu lhe peço. Me fosse dado pelo fogo que me aquece…
O retorno ao tempo antigo. Não sei onde pertenço. Paro a olhar o meu jazigo.
…O meu fogo permanece…
Vagueando… Vadiando…
Com vida convivo com a Morte.
Gritando… Odiando…
No corpo humano inflijo o corte.
Terceira Parte:
Noite sublime por mim abraçada. Silêncio em ruínas ensanguentadas. Através dos tempos raças humanas torturadas. O Inferno é terra pelos mortais invejada. Sombrios tempos de flagelo. Nuvens negras numa eterna estação. O mar tornado gelo. Morte total de tudo com coração…
O Sol para sempre encoberto. Morrendo o meu espírito liberto. A Terra pelo Universo à deriva. A escuridão é a luz da vida…
Em tempos vindouros de recuados tempos ancestrais. Mil milhões de mortos em cânticos infernais. Morte e Destruição. Do novo milénio são sinais.
Quarta Parte:
Hoje acordei para não mais viver. Neste mundo mais nada quero saber. Já não quero mais aqui sobreviver. Quero liberdade e assim devo morrer…
O meu corpo desenterro desta vida. Esta existência aqui termina…
Aqui não estarei mais tempo. Nada aqui me prende. Mais tempo não aguento. Esta vida já não mais defendo…
(A Vida a Morte come…)
Não suporto mais viver. Não quero esta vida ter. Outra vida quero ser. Hei-de morrer e renascer…
Quero morrer! Não quero viver!
Quinta Parte:
Pela noite… Regresso. Do dia me despeço. Na sombra ingresso…
No limiar me transformo. Meu corpo de negro adorno. Venerado o Inferno. Ser humano é ser enfermo.
Guerra… Paz…
Alegria… Tristeza.
Já nada na Terra me satisfaz. Já nada na Terra me é beleza…
Invisível cor nocturna. Nada mais ali dura. A esperança antes diurna. É agora o tempo da rotura…
Morte faminta de vida. É o fim do dia.
Noite de cor lívida. Não há um amanhã com forma luzidia…
O vento as sombras transporta. Tece os ramos do velho carvalho. Nada da Terra me importa. O meu espírito é de negro orvalho.
Sexta Parte:
A solidão é agora ocultada. A lágrima é agora ofuscada. A dor é agora asfixiada. A vontade é agora aprisionada…
Já não tenho terra para ser pisada. Já não tenho pessoa para ser abraçada. Já não tenho luz para ser visada. Já não tenho alegria para ser embelezada…
A Morte é agora cavalgada. A tristeza é agora navegada. A agonia é agora amada. A amargura é agora soletrada…
Sou vida jejuada. Numa direcção por mim guiada. Num cantar da madrugada. Sou morte pela vida sufragiada.
Sétima Parte:
Milhões de estrelas permanecem a brilhar. Mesmo mortas esperança têm para me dar.
Será a Morte o caminho a alcançar? Mesmo morto poder assim viajar?
Esse sentimento forte que me fita. É incicatrizável cicatriz. A tristeza de ter vida. Mas serei como sempre quis?
Pálido olhar na penumbra do escuro. Na sua solidão da vida me ausento. Verto o som neste espaço impuro. É aqui mesmo que me invento…
No gelo sinto-me quente. Transponho o viver mortal. Renasço em cada poente. Num inóspito portal…
O partir trará o meu sorrir. Triste será quem não souber ir. O vento levará o meu lamento. À Terra descerá todo o tormento…
Terei sido aqui um condenado. Outrora julgado e aqui deixado. Sendo agora livre o direito tenho de deixar. Pena cumprida! Meu espírito o Universo quer irradiar…
(Words by Kepler, Lord of Nothingness. Music, composed and recorded by JA during the year 1997. Vocals by JA in December year 2001)
This song is dedicated to One far away…
12. Outro