
"The Jewel Throne" (2002 Best of/Compilation)
1. Intro 2. Trolls, Skulls and Mysterious Grave 3. Sylvan Night 4. Kummituspaikka / Intiaanipolku 5. Observatorivm Tenebrarvm et Daemonarvm 6. Neter-Khert 7. Offerings 8. Affection for the Energy Body 9. K.A. 10. Of Sniffing the Air 11. A Hymn to R.A. 12. The Opening of the Tomb 13. A Hymn to O.S.I.R.I.S. 14. The Rite of Coming Forth Upon Earth 15. Perfected Soul 16. Passing the VII Arits 17. Passing the XXI Pylons 18. A Hymn to R.A.II: the Child & the Priestess 19. At the Sepulchral Shrine 20. (Opening) the Book of Netherworld 21. A Hymn to R.A.V: the Stars & the Ladder 22. Divinity 23. Breaking Up the Earth 24. In the Dungeons of Repulsive Heat 25. Tonttukirkko 26. In the Dungeons of Old Mörskom 27. Cremation (Death of Mr. Assuan) 28. Trolls, Skulls and Mysterious Grave 29. Opening the Gates of per/se/psi/on (IV) 30. Outro
1. Intro
2. Trolls, Skulls and Mysterious Grave
While crossing the Fields to the West
I come across a Stone Statue, grim with Spikes
Demanding to know of Me, of My Intentions
’the Woods of non-Life can not, will not
be entered by Those with Tainted Blood’
I ask to be let in, this Knowledge would make me Pure
Sharp sound, clamor of Bells
The Landscape distorts and twists
Eaten by the Trolls
Regurgitated and maimed
Hunted by the Beasts
I learned the meaning of Attention without Fear
The Dreams intensify in the Deeper Circles of that area
Towers, tombs, lost artifacts
A Twilight Realm of Magical Life
3. Sylvan Night
Their whisperings embrace Me
Their talons caress Me
Come to me
Come to me Woodspirits
I can See Your Heart
From between the Lights
I pass
Into Thy Furnace
Of Malevolent
4. Kummituspaikka / Intiaanipolku
The Air is filled with Obscured Movement
The Granite coloured Sky drips with Ancient Blood
Dead Birds Sing
Cadaverous Insects Buzz
Great poisonous Spiders with the Eyes of Demons
The Ghosts are Whispering
They whisper of Veils, Stones, deserted Huts in the Wasteland
They give me Reason enough to be Afraid
Of what I shall see Next
Forest in the distance where Snow Crystal Towers shine Proud I hear the Roar of Thunder Is this to be My Last Journey?
Hills in the Distance where Tracks lead into the Mounds of the Dead Did I already Pass beyond the Borders of Life without knowing it?
Finally I can smell the Salt from the Sea
Stalking further
Into the Shore the Trail has led Me
As a Leaf I set Myself to Flow with the Current
5. Observatorivm Tenebrarvm et Daemonarvm
I must Break the Seals of this Portal
Whose Presence below the Ground vibrates through One and Many Worlds
By the Dimness I must Hide to Survive and Observe
To Enter this Passage that was Revealed to Us in Our Dreams
For our Initiation and Sacrifice
I must Travel to the Roots of this Eternal Mystery
Whose Blood in my Veins crackles and burns Striving to Unite its Kin
I Will Find the Lost Stone that was used by the Ancients
To Gain Passage through Annwn, the Kingdom of the Dead
For Our Powers Lost in Years of Disgrace
I must Build the Temple that was requested by the Spirits of Evil
In the Darkest of Pacts known to Man
I shall Serve as a Host for their Acts of Vileness and Impurity
And my Flesh will be cut, my Bones will be broken, I will suffer through Cruel Acts of Worship
For the Master and His reptilian Servants
The Ascent through the Spheres of the Demonic is an endless War
Armed with Steel and Spell We Leave no Towers standing and no Fortress untouched
Ride the Wind, Command the Flame, Mold the Sand and Sail the Darkest Seas
There is no Salvation for We are the Sons of Thunder and Might and shall never Fall, Hail
TENEBRAE Invincible Force
DAEMON the Silent Watcher
Give Me Your Orders
6. Neter-Khert
7. Offerings
Saith Osiris Ani, Triumphant
Homage to Thee Who Art the Lord
The Lord of Right and Truth, the One, the Lord of
Eternity, the Maker of Everlastingness
I Have Come to Thee, O My Lord Ra
I Have Made Food Offerings to the Lord of the Cows
Seven together with the Bull Belonging Thereto
O Ye Who Give Cakes and Ale to the Shining Ones
Grant Ye to My Soul to Be with You
May He Come into Being upon Your Thighs
May He Be like One of You
For Ever and for Ever
May He Be Glorious in Amenta the Beautiful
Osiris Ani, Triumphant
8. Affection for the Energy Body
I. Chapter of Not Allowing to Be Taken Away the Heart of a Man
in the Netherworld.
Saith Osiris Ani: Hail Takers Away of Hearts, Hail Stealers of Hearts.
Ye Have Done. Homage to You, Ye Lords of Eternity,
Possessors of Everlastingness, Do Not Take Away Heart This of Osiris Ani
with Your Fingers, and His Heart this thither.
Not Make Ye to Come into Existence Words Evil against It
because belongeth Heart This to Osiris Ani,
Heart This of the Great of Names, the Mighty One,
His Words are in His Limbs, Goeth Forth His Heart to Inhabit His Body
Pleasant is His Heart to the Gods, the Heart of Osiris Ani,
Victorious is He, He Hath Gained Power over It,
Not Hath He Said what had been Done to It. He Hath Gained Power over His
Limbs His Own, Hath Obeyed Him His Heart, He is Thy Lord,
Thou Art in His Body, Not Mayest Thou Fall away.
I Have Commanded that Thou shouldst Be Obedient to Me in the Netherworld,
Osiris, the Scribe Ani, Victorious in Peace, Triumphant in Amenta
Beautiful in the Mountain of Eternity.
II. Chapter of Not Being Carried Off the Heart of the Deceased
in the Netherworld.
Saith He: My Heart is with Me, Not shall happen its Being Carried Off.
I am the Lord of Hearts, Slaying the Heart.
I Live in Right and Truth, I Exist in It.
I am Horus Pure of Heart within the Pure of Body.
I Live in My Word, Existeth My Heart.
Not May Be Taken Away My Heart from Me, Let It Not Be Wounded,
Let There Not Be Wounds and Cuts upon Me Being Carried Away It.
9. K.A.
10. Of Sniffing the Air
Chapter of Not Entering to the Block
Saith Osiris Ani: Bindeth Up for Me the Vertebrae of My Neck and Back
in Heaven the Guardian of the Earth, Ra.
It Hath Been Granted on the Day of Establishing My Rising Up from Weakness
upon My Two Legs, on Day that of Cutting Off the Hair. Hath Bound Up the
Vertebrae of My Neck and Back Set and the Cycle of the Gods in Their Strength
Pristine; Not May Happen Their Separation.
Make Strong Ye Me against the Slayer of My Father.
I Obtain Power over the Two Earths. Hath Bound Up My Vertebrae Nwt,
Seeing Time Their First, Seeing Them in Meet Order, as when Not Were Born
the Gods in Visible Forms. I am Penti. I am in the Condition of Being the
Heir of the Gods Great, I Osiris the Scribe Ani, Triumphant!
11. A Hymn to R.A.
12. The Opening of the Tomb
13. A Hymn to O.S.I.R.I.S.
An Adoration of Osiris Un-Nefer
God Great within Abydos
King of Eternity, Lord of Everlasting
Traversing Millions of Years in the Duration of His Life
Son Eldest of the Womb of Nwt
Engendered by Seb the Chief, Lord of the Ureret Crown
Lofty of the White Crown, Prince of Gods and Men
He Hath Received the Crook and Flail
and the Dignity of His Fathers.
Gratified is Thy Heart which is in Set,
for Thy Son Horus is Established upon Thy Throne.
Thou Art Crowned as Lord of Tattu and as Ruler
in Abydos.
Becomes Green through Thee the Earth in Triumph
before the Hand of Neb-er-Djer. He Leadeth in His Train
That which Existeth and That which Not yet Hath Become
in His Name ”Ta-her-seta-nef”
He Toweth the Earth in Triumph in His Name That of ”Seker”.
14. The Rite of Coming Forth Upon Earth
15. Perfected Soul
16. Passing the VII Arits
17. Passing the XXI Pylons
18. A Hymn to R.A.II: the Child & the Priestess
19. At the Sepulchral Shrine
20. (Opening) the Book of Netherworld
21. A Hymn to R.A.V: the Stars & the Ladder
22. Divinity
23. Breaking Up the Earth
24. In the Dungeons of Repulsive Heat
25. Tonttukirkko
Scales of the Dragon
Green and brown solid Life-Force
Cover this Land
Mutations rise and Appear
Herald each new Dawn
Each new Journey
Never forget where the Master has bid Us to Journey
Fear is Conquered by the Brave
Future is Conquered by the Brave
26. In the Dungeons of Old Mörskom
27. Cremation (Death of Mr. Assuan)
Maybe the Trees lent Their touch to the Feeling
That the Hierophant was about to Record by Engraving
In the Hieroglyphs, in the Stone that Was Found
At the Ancient Site by the Ocean
Well-Feeling upon the Revival of the Execution
Of the Old, Once Forgotten, now re-Discovered Rite
To Cremate the Long-Prevailed Spirit Mr. Assuan
From the Multi-Millennial Ages of the Shaman-Ancient Egypt
See the Fire Burning
Hear the Roar of the Pyres
Now Devour the One
Who volunteered for Self-Sacrifice
Smoke is Rising from the Candles in the Room of the Inscriptions
And the One to die is Settling His Body on the altar
The Ceremonial Audience handles the Script of the Esoteric Burial
But Mr. Assuan knows: This Death shall be just a Transcendence
Wield, the Weapon of Ultimate Purgatory
View, the Horizon as it Blazes in Hues of Damnation
These Eyes were Here to Receive this Rite Incomprehensible
No Man could Compare to anything else without questioning His Reason
Burn, Mr. Assuan, Burn without Regrets
This Temple has Served as a Place of Your illogical Ascendence
Burn, Mr. Assuan, You Will Die into Another Plane
Into Another State of Existence, which was Destined to be
Your Eternal Destiny
Walls of the World They Crumble Down
Lava Flows from the Transcendental Eruption
Of the Volcanic Pit of Re-creation
Of Unholy Life of another Twisted, Mutated Soul
To Breathe and re-Live the Civilizations of the Aliens
28. Trolls, Skulls and Mysterious Grave
While crossing the Fields to the West
I come across a Stone Statue, grim with Spikes
Demanding to know of Me, of My Intentions
’the Woods of non-Life can not, will not
be entered by Those with Tainted Blood’
I ask to be let in, this Knowledge would make me Pure
Sharp sound, clamor of Bells
The Landscape distorts and twists
Eaten by the Trolls
Regurgitated and maimed
Hunted by the Beasts
I learned the meaning of Attention without Fear
The Dreams intensify in the Deeper Circles of that area
Towers, tombs, lost artifacts
A Twilight Realm of Magical Life
29. Opening the Gates of per/se/psi/on (IV)
30. Outro