
"No Pate, No Mind/Rock Stars - Money Wars" (1998 Split)
1. You Can't Help Falling in Love (Elvis Presley cover) 2. No Pate, No Mind 3. He Makes Shit Who Makes Shit Last 4. Death by the Master-Key 5. We Are All Polish 6. Where Is the General 7. Uncontrollable Flatulence 8. Nature Warning/Human Extinction 9. This Filth Stinks 10. Lay Off Me (Agathocles cover) 11. Government Shitheads 12. Hope against a System 13. Mendacious T-levision 14. Violence against Fascistic Cunts
1. You Can't Help Falling in Love (Elvis Presley cover)
2. No Pate, No Mind
3. He Makes Shit Who Makes Shit Last
4. Death by the Master-Key
5. We Are All Polish
6. Where Is the General
7. Uncontrollable Flatulence
8. Nature Warning/Human Extinction
The first warning was a flood
Oh, another chimney grew here
And another factory
We haven't to wait until a nature eradicated us
We do it ourselves
I can't wait to !!!
9. This Filth Stinks
Government - parliament
Bullshits - lies
Government - parliament
Bucks - authority
10. Lay Off Me (Agathocles cover)
11. Government Shitheads
Defy a fucking fascism !!!
Defy a fucking racism !!!
Don't you understand enough that you haven't made
just a step yet to wipe out that shit ?
Don't you see that the fascists kill, but nothing happens ?
12. Hope against a System
Good morning, Mr Klaus !!!
We would like to ask you :
Why are you such a pig,
lying in people's face ?
"There's going to be no crisis,
everything is all right !!!"
Yeah, we see it now,
only now, it's a late !!!
"Live within your limits,
tighten your girdles"
What a funny idea !!!
And people will fight along the streets again !!!
13. Mendacious T-levision
Intentional reducing of people's intelligence
Whith these fucking stupid TV serials
The useless things imposed by a help of publicity
You laugh, but you'll buy it !!!
Political farces, accusation of one to another
Realize that they're making the next idiot of you !!!
14. Violence against Fascistic Cunts