
"A Nihilation" (2004 Demo)
1. Keskelle Ikuisen Pimeyden 2. Cold 3. A Nihilation
1. Keskelle Ikuisen Pimeyden
Sylissä talvisen pimeyden
Nuo verijäljet, minua johtaen
Vihaa antoivat, loivat sen
Ylle polkuni niin lumisen
Alla tähtien kirkkaiden
Jälkeen aamunkoiton viimeisen
Tuon taivaan liekeissä näin
Syksy harmaa jo taakse jäi
Taivaan ylle jäisen maiseman
Revontulet maalasivat
Ja tuo verinen tie
minut järvelle johti,
jonka jäälle kuu paistoi kylmästi
ja niin kirkkaasti
Yö päivän valon kun voitti
Silloin aika talven taas koitti
Jäin syleilyyn kylmyyden
Keskelle ikuisen pimeyden
Hiljaisuuden verhon repi
Huuto kaukainen susien
Alla lumisen kaamoksen
puhalsi tuuli pohjoinen
Oli jäässä maa
Ei vettä nähnyt
Ilma kylmältä tuntui
Peittyi taivas tuliseen huntuun
Jäällä järven tuon näyn kohtasin
kaikkein kauheimman
Neito kaunis maassa makasi
verta huulillaan
Hänen ihonsa kalpea oli
hennosti lumen peitossa
Se hänet pimeyteen raahasi
siihen loputtomaan
Syksy jättää, en värejä näe
Lehdet tippuvat, on kylmempää
Iltaruskoon valo häviää,
Elämääni mitään ei jää
Taas saapuu lohduton talvi,
tiedän sitä kestä en
Kun nousee uusi täysi kuu,
liityn hänen seuraansa...
2. Cold
It so seems to the ignorant eye
That the space lies dormant
But it just may be that the universe
strengthens deep within
The apparent frailty
It may also be fallacy
like drawing an analogy
between us and the society
The constellations bleed of despair
As the core of the earth is being grazed
The fateful error of human acts
being born in the first place
their utter fragmentation
eventually leads to a downfall
the lifeblood of the nature
runs wasted…cold
existence strengthens inconspicuously, covertly
taking actions to ensure continuity
and the stars will gather
for their tolerance is limited
the surplus of matter
human overflow eradicated
They have wounded this earth fatally
as they predicted so wisely
the critical mass theory
equilibrium lost for eternity
The constellations bleed of despair
As the core of the earth is being grazed
The fateful error of human acts
being born in the first place
their utter fragmentation
eventually leads to a downfall
the future of our race
seems freezing…cold
3. A Nihilation
Red is the color which so perfectly fits with black
Death I aspire to see and the hypocrite spine crack
The end of impurity has finally come to hand
Total cleansing and bloodletting wherein I am the device
Of the purest brand
Tear the veins open
Make the red fluid fall
May the chain of life be broken
Once and for fucking all
The constant hunger for pain
Feels like cold murderous rain
The stream inside your veins
When released, it will stain
Violence - is the key so I am told
Aggression - towards your corpse, soon so cold
Hate - for you and your kind, my only feeling
Pain - your bloodstained skin I am peeling
Under a darkened sky you die
Drowning in the flowing wine of life
You led your lives with closed eyes
But since you are leaving now
The plague of our time finally dies
The infection that you once were
Now makes way for a reign of the strong and the wise
The residue, the remains of you
Lingers to witness the feast of blood, the wine
the new beginning of time
Fear - it hits you like a thousand nails
Grief - when all you love is being raped
Blood - I get from you with my knife
Death - but just the first for all mankind
Every piece of shit (man) who is breathing
At the end will be bled
The nations now alive and screaming
Soon can be declared dead