
"...Reverence" (2002)
1. Remphan Rites 2. Uncreation... Genesis of Immortal Wisdom 3. Serpent Rise 4. Arokawa 5. Frozen Dark Ages 6. Thy Magnific Reverence 7. Dark Paramount 8. Necrophilymancyphagy 9. Tanatos 10. Come Yog-Sothoth
1. Remphan Rites
Into the sarkest forest
Unholy priests seek for
The sign of evil existence
Summoning the greatfull
Lord of the abyss...
Cold night, crimson frost
Dark woods, smoulder mist
Acclaiming, dancing and praising
For dacayed Archangel, Remphan Star!
"palas from Azinomas
Bagahi Laca Bachabe"
Arise from flamy pentagonal circle
The supreme marrow of eternal evil
Oh! My precious Master
Thou art lord - Lucifer
Wrapt us with your black mantle
Shelter of dark followers
2. Uncreation... Genesis of Immortal Wisdom
The evil prevail vigorous
Into the inverted heptagram
Spread the chaos and pandemonium
For the seven endless horizon
Banishing the seven spirits of god
Rising one devilish stigma
The mighty inverted heptagram
Turn reality the uncreation
The symbol of creation no more here
Reborn the glory of dark kingdom
War and destruction at Satan's command
Prevail the genesis of immortal wisdom
In the great vast frozen cosmos
Blow the winds of knowledge age
Through of millions of centuries
Prevail the genesis of immortal wisdom
His majesty omnipotent Lucifer
Shelter of the fire and ice
Touch my black heart
With your unshakable might
3. Serpent Rise
A new millenium is beginning
Bor the regent for the cosmos
From the deep black abyss
The flaming serpent rise!!!
A blaze bright in the land of frost
At long horizont from southern lands
Seven seals shall be unveiled
The sun turn under the bloody moon
begun the mystical pagan age
Rise the altars for ancient gods
Black legions cover the earth ...
...under total equinox...
Thirsty demons clain for blood
The light sons perishen in the dark
The pandemonium around the earth
Brought the laments to light orders
Spread the chaos dark prevail
Reborn the frozen dark age...
The thousandth doom was executed
God was dethroned and beheaded
The golden city was burned
From the smoulder land's flames
The flaming serpent rise!!!
The dark prevail above the light
The true lord take his throne!!!
Almighty god Darkness God...
4. Arokawa
Lumbrera que levanta
Guerreros andinos
Danzan macabros
Rituales de la guerra
En sus obscuros semblantes mortales maquillajes
De los pueblos andinos ancestrales
Cruzando los andes desde el pico Cacaca*
Cruzan la grande laguna Titicaca
Adentrán florestas en alegación de su pueblo
Contra bastardos invasores cristianos
* Altitude 6.666
5. Frozen Dark Ages
The ancient ones were, the ancient ones are
And the ancient ones shall be
From the dark stars they came
They descended to primal earth
Beneath the oceans they brooded while ages past
Till seas gave up the land where
Upon they swarmed
Forth in their multitudes and darkness ruled earth
At the frozen poles they raised mighty cities
And upon high places the temples of those whome
Nature owns not and the gods have cursed
And the spawn of the ancient covered the earth
And their children endureth through the ages
We're the poison fruit from ancient seeds!!!
6. Thy Magnific Reverence
Praise Lucifer!!!
Because finded my way in the dark
And my knowledge that's my protection
Against this dogmatic world
Preached by eclesiastics christians
I praise lucifer!!!
I embrace the dark for thee
When closed then my eyes
I discover my true visions
Of which people never fellings
Living like christians
And don't too wanted
To be named like... Pagans!!!
Conceded us greatfull lucifer!!!
The glory of know about light and dark
Turning for us was denied for Jeovah
Since than so noble existence
Only for thee we taken!!!
For all, I praise him omnipotent
Lord overall and everythings
Adam-Kadmon cai da graça
Surge o signo de Adam-Belial
Adam-Eve são banidos
Samael-Lilith tomam seus postos
Esmagando Kether-Adonai
Despertando Remphan-Lucifer
7. Dark Paramount
Millions and millions of centuries ago
In a cosmic sinister space
Dwelling for cosmic master
Looking through of the darkness
The evil ascension on earth
Wrapping human beings with evil
Turning black yours souls
Into the darkest atmosphere
Sending a spell from darkness
Trinity of the black forces
Lucifer... Beelzebu... Astaroth
By spell of the black forces
Come Dark Paramount
From the frozen dark places
Beyond the universal gates
Rise the evil majestous emanations
From beyond through dark gates
Come Dark Paramount
8. Necrophilymancyphagy
Running desperate at night
For quest of sorcery
Into the Onmulu home find
His morbid tale on the crypt
Break the seals after death
Take in your hands the exumed
Cadaveric, dark and cold rotten corpse
Of the black arts priestess
Necrophily, necromancy, necrophagy
Begun the necrophilous act
In a quest of lustfull pleasure
Begun the necromancious act
In a quest of sorcery secrets
Begun then necrophagy for his self
Satisfaction of devilish desires
Finded now in the
His pleasure and desire for sorcery
9. Tanatos
Trevas tomam a vastidão
Seres que vagam por vales sombrios
Ausentes de luz, imersos na dor
Anjo maldito que traz o saber
Conduzes teus filhos ao seio da morte
Com ventos possantes e frio tumular
Carne que rasga e o sangue que escorre
O amargo das lágrimas, o eterno sofrer
O crime que pesa a não existencia
A chama que arde traduz decadência
O abismo da alma no pesadelo suicida
A negra visão de um heretico império
Onde sob o esplendor da lua
Jazigos seculares aguardam seus senhores
... e Tanatos rege sua triste sinfonias
10. Come Yog-Sothoth