
"Live Scars" (1990 Live album)
1. Leave Scars 2. The Burning of Sodom 3. Never to Rise Again 4. Death Is Certain (Life Is Not) 5. The Promise of Agony 6. We Have Arrived 7. The Death of Innocence 8. I Don't Care About You (Fear cover)
1. Leave Scars
I am an angel of darknessAbhorrent to those who are frailThe strength inside me is my will to believeIn myself, with no self-betrayalMy force is my own preservationMy destiny mine to controlI don't live my life to be judged by anyoneSurviving intact is my roleLost time is never found againScreaming through my life of speed - insanity, mach tenI utilize the life I've been givenOr else it's as if I've never beenI take pains to make my presence knownIf it's a negative impression then I'll take the blame aloneI have no regrets and I call my life my ownI have no time for the words left in stoneI acknowledge only one thing;My own authorityAnswering to no one, I leave no trace of pityMy independence rules my lifeI can't help what you areFor this I won't apologizeBecause I leave scars!!!I promise you agonyIf you attempt to interveneJust pay attention to yourself, you're barely existingI'm thriving on the life I leadA veteran of human warsFor this I won't apologize...Because I leave scars!!!I practice angelic darknessMy convictions keep wolves from my doorI know what it means to have someone tamper with my dreamsDeflowering my essence, my coreI once sought no recriminationBut now I seek the price be paidForever wary, always guarded against anyoneWho's mistaken me for easy preyDefeatist attitudes are only in vainAs you wonder of my species - must I really be explained?Realize now that I'm ingrainedKnowingly, forever on your brainNemeses falter in their plebian waysEmploying methods to usurp my reign, my inner mazeSeeking clues to uncover the clever turn of phraseSalient words are found amidst the hazeI acknowledge only one thing;My own authorityAnswering to no one, leave no trace of pityMy independence rules my lifeI can't help what you areFor this I won't apologizeBecause I leave scars!!!I promise you agonyIf you attempt to interveneJust pay attention to yourself, you're barely existingI'm thriving on the life I leadA veteran of human warsFor this I won't apologizeBecause I leave scars!!!A mercenary I may be, I tend to feel I'm notMy only need is to maintain my lotI have a lust for life that stands to be my legacyI'm proud to say, "with my life, I am free"To leave a mark, necessity, my memory redeemedI suffer not from lack of self-esteemSomeday my confidence will be a mass contagionI assure you this is no self-exaltationI cicatrize myself upon your mindYou won't forget my actions as you will findI'm lord and masterOf my own future!!!I am the darkest of angels!!!Indomitable in my will to succeedI have a goal to ascertainEntrenching myself upon your brainThese words I've bled upon this pageHave come from inside, how quickly I've agedMy innocence has died and was buried long agoEternally joined with a part of my soulThe weak of heart need not applyI admit they're not for all - my caffeinated ways of lifeThose who oppose me will end in bitter strifeDefacing human minds until I dieThose with open minds will benefit from my vowsA self-betrothal where I pay no heed to sacred cowsFurther discussion time will not allowUntil we meet I'll take my bowAnd remember...I acknowledge only one thing;My own authorityAnswering to no one, leave no trace of pityMy independence rules my lifeI can't help what you areFor this I won't apologizeBecause I leave scars!!!I promise you agonyIf you attempt to interveneJust pay attention to yourself, you're barely existingI'm thriving on the life I leadA veteran of human warsFor this I won't apologize...Because I leave scars!!!
2. The Burning of Sodom
Once, the tale of SodomBrought anguish to the eyesOf all god-fearing peopleWith eternal afterlivesSin and lust run rampant nowPerversion on the riseReliving all the ways of oldGommorrah realizedSodom, an unholy placeAngels searched for a fewSouls who'd yet to fall from graceTo save them from the doomParadise of pleasures lostHerein the future liesLaughing at the "holy cross"As death rained from the skiesFalling from the heavensAngels lie decayedBurning, city of SodomOne by one, sinners paySkeptics failed to heed the callOf angels sent to tellOf the impending death to allIn blazing city hellConsorting with the demons craftThe ways of god repelledBurning cross, cause to laughLot, the one expelledFalling from the heavensAngels lie decayedBurning, city of SodomOne by one, sinners payThe sufferers' impalementInside the city gatesWorshipping the holy priestsThe masters of all hateThe flag of the inverted crossMenacing, held highLaughing at the "holy cross"At twelve, the virgin dies!!!Our righteous family did escapeThe family-father lotSinful daughters succumbed to rapeNot as holy as thought!!!Mankind throughout eternityBuilt on evils' designsThe resilience of iniquityLives on in christian mindsFalling from the heavensAngels lie decayedBurning, city of SodomOne by one, sinners pay!!!
3. Never to Rise Again
Reality has come to callA modern-day plague upon us allAs we've come to pass and deal with strifeAfflicted ailments dissipate lifeFor all false prophets predict time of doomThe demise of man shall come too soonWith each passing of the dying dayThe false ones predict and finally say,We are...Never to rise againNever to rise againWe are never to rise againNever to rise againThe time for peace for all is deadThe coming of christ - "I'm here", he saidWith each passing monarch depressions' toolThe people submit to the false one's ruleAs the world turns now in reverseHonesty in life shall be dispersedWith each passing of the dying dayThe false ones predict and finally say,We are...Never to rise againNever to rise againWe are never to rise againNever to rise againWe look to the sky in a constant wonderWith ideals collide and bring us underVeils of death lifes' mysteryProfits are claimed but never seenAll that we ask is life to shareFree from hatred, pain, despairWith each passing of the dying dayThe false ones predict and finally say,We are...Never to rise againNever to rise againWe are never to rise againNever to rise again
4. Death Is Certain (Life Is Not)
Respecting your wishesMy brother, you wish to dieIn a bed surrounded by tubesImmobility's cast its shadowIn your body numbness reignsYou've calculated your demiseYour future racked with painI'll take the life behind your eyesThere was a time when death was distantAnd the fire of life burned brightNow we realize life's no constantNo will to life, death's a rightEuthanasia, not murderAct of mercy to escapeSociety's form of tortureTo let you live this wayDeath is certainLife is notYour mind's in tormentWaiting to rotThe final curtainAlways draws it closeWhen death is certainThe end unfoldsFrom the neck down, you're senselessFrom the neck up, you're aliveAnd the politics of humanityRefuse to let you dieAnd all the while you plot your deathWith me at your sideYour last wish, your brain to restYour bondage ropes untiedAnd the prayer for miracles is throughFor there's no god to careDo unto others as done to youWithout a doubt he isn't thereI won't make a mistake with faithChrist's a waste of timeHow can I put my trust in godWith innocent people dying?Paralytic disease infests your brainDebilitates your mindA vegetable wasting, decayingYou're running out of timeAll I know is what you saidBefore the comas' gripDon't want to live your life brain deadTo death you crave to slipThe needle's pulled from in your armThe pulse of life has stoppedYour granted plea, a painless deathTo arrive at the end you'd soughtThe cryptic statement - bonded truthLie peaceful in your graveDid we just give up on you?I hope you have been saved...Death is certainLife is notYour mind lies dormantProceeding to rotThe final curtainHas drawn its closeWhen death is certainThe end unfolds!
5. The Promise of Agony
You tell me what will become of us?Are the lines so drawn and the stage so set,That as we age what reamins is burdened sufferance?My mortality looms in its visage is doom,And it's speaking to me alone.The years will unfold but what is the use?In solitude I'm left to atone.The sins of my past are returning to gnaw at my core,The scars I have left and those that have been left on me.My purpose in life, is it unfair to assume I have one?I'm not fooling myself, what now awaits is a nightmarish end.What I'm saying, do you understand?Do you know what it's like to feel inadequate?And the future ahead has no place for you,As if you ever thought it did...Alone in my shell, if I come out I'll die,I don't want to escape though I should.No, just leave me alone, *I don't want your help!!! *Yeah, if you could ease my pain you would... (right!)No, you don't even know me!And your words of comfort fall upon deaf and frightened ears,I lament my bitter fate, lachrymation upon examining my fears.I've built a fortress around my soul, impregnable the door,I refuse to admit you to my netherworld.You're correct, I've absolved my self-control,This spiraled course depression has me on.AGONY!I'M A STUDY IN DESPAIR, DOMINEERED BY THE PROMISE OF AGONY!AND THE HAPPINESS IS BOUND, AND THE HOPELESSNESS IS FOUND.I'M IN AGONY!!!CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND, DESPONDENCY COMMANDS MY AGONY!and I'm waiting to die alone...As I'm drowning in a sea of abused visions and shattered dreams,A chilling descent into a phobic hell,Insanity's blade performs it's correctional surgery.Impending doom in this blackened room, I can give this all away.It's all so easy to capitulate, Nothing is making me stay...Retreating within and hiding behind my wall.Dealing without, there's no escape from this moribund state.Awaiting deep sleep, we don't care if I don't wake.In darkness' hands though terrified, I feel safe.I don't fit into the scheme of things!These years as an outcast are quickly wearing thin.My carefree days are a thing of the past,And I welcome the fact that I'm coming to an end.Melancholy, my bride, I devote unto thee,My, breath, my mind and my soul.As silence washes over me, I've never been so tired, so cold...Confusion seizes unto me,Manacled and beaten, chained up by it's frozen vice.This is killing me, but my mind is set, and I'm too weak to fight.Have you any idea what it's like to want to die?Then you will know from where I speak.This winter in my soul,This winter in my soul...AGONY!I'M A STUDY IN DESPAIR, DOMINEERED BY THE PROMISE OF AGONY!AND THE HAPPINESS IS BOUND, AND THE HOPELESSNESS IS FOUND.I'M IN AGONY!!!CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND, DESPONDENCY COMMANDS MY AGONY!and I want to be left alone...Yet again, I have no answers,The confusion of my fate takes it's toll.Symbolically speaking, what's another lifeThat lists "ending itself" as its one and only goal?I've examined my options and I see nothing in my sight,Is there an avenue I've yet to explore?As of now, I'm decided I have nothing to live for...Defeated, alone, yet you laugh at the state I'm in!I can't help what I am, but you think this is all in my head.I'm not asking for help, but I want you to understand,That I'm going away, you guess if I'm coming back.You wish I had a will to live?This condition I'm in didn't happen overnight.I've hated myself for an eternity,Now I finally feel that I'm doing something right.As darkness descends I behold the Candlemass,I seek intimacy with death.Again, you're correct, these feelings will pass,When my memory is all you have left.My life has metamorphosed,Into a marriage of the twisted and macabre.I'm sitting here now feeling the effects of my words,Trying to see a reason why I should go on.I have to wonder, do I still believe in God?'Cause God no longer believes in me.I lay myself down for my final peace,I welcome Death, my spirit is free...AGONY!I'M A STUDY IN DESPAIR, DOMINEERED BY THE PROMISE OF AGONY!AND THE HAPPINESS IS BOUND, AND THE HOPELESSNESS IS FOUND.I'M IN AGONY!!!CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND, DESPONDENCY COMMANDS MY AGONY!and I'm pleading to die alone...
6. We Have Arrived
We'll hit the blazing stage
In a glare of smoke and fire
We will provide the metal
Just for your desire
We have arrived 4x
We're on the top now
And the lights are shining bright
We're faster than ever
Can you feel how tight
We'll thrash you with our spikes
Can you take the power
Can you take the strain
We have arrived 4x
Now the lights are off now
And the curtain is closed
We'll keep moving on
Another town another load
We have arrived 4x
7. The Death of Innocence
My imbalanced mind is unaccepted by society,My life is ruled by urges - sickened impropriety.In this day and age, strangely enough, some factions remain blind,To my manipulation of a puerile kind.Their impressionable minds cannot tell wrong from right,A degenerate, I am an immoral blight.Upon the attitudes of "Unliberated" souls,I'm sick I know,I'm sick I know!As a lower form of life with a psychotic rage,That's identified intensified against underaged.They have no fear yet to share what is theirs,In act of love intended for their older years.I crawl into their brains, they love me more each day,They're old enough to know, I don't care what you say.They're old enough to love, I don't care what you say,Aren't they?Aren't they?!?!I beg not forgiveness, just a cure for this sickness,As it stands now, there's no hope in sight.My brain is filled with degradation, tormenting excruciation,Decadence is ruling my life.Bloodless lambs' purity lost, victims of my holocaust,My unclean hands defile without reason.More sinned than sinning, anguished memories just beginning,When thoughts turn upon this bitter season.A rapist of naivete, a killer of virginity,I stand for the death of innocence!!!Young bodies cannot stand the pain,I'm torturing their little brains,I am the death of innocence!Only sickened filth, disgusting scum,Would do the appalling deeds I've done,Crushing with psychotic malevolence!I can't control my gross addiction,Feeding mental pain infliction,Fall to the death of innocence!Ostracized by my peers in my formative years,I've grown up craving unconditional love.That's why I've turned to my friends with our illegal, illicit trysts,They'll only understand me if they're young.God, I can't believe I'm scarring their young lives for all time,Not only bodies but their sweet, chaste, virginal minds.I'm more than willing to, if caught, let death be my fine,Someone catch me, I deserve to die!!!Somebody please stop or kill me!My actions must be stopped before I strike again.Before, I didn't care what I was doing,But now I know I am an aberration.Demented brain keeping youthful slaves,I'm a man obsessed, committing mentacide.Sending innocence to its grave,Standing at the coffin, set to eulogize.A rapist of naivete, a killer of virginity,I stand for the death of innocence!!!They cannot understand the shameThe torture of their little brains,I am the death of innocence!Only sickened filth, disgusting scum,Would do the appalling deeds I've done,Crushing with psychotic malevolence!I can't control my gross addiction,Feeding mental pain infliction,Fall to the death of innocence!
8. I Don't Care About You (Fear cover)
Down on South Street Philadelphia,
Out from Avenue C,
I seen it in the eyes
it was ready to freeze
from the valley hotel!
I don't care about you!
Fuck you!
I don't care about you!
Fuck you!
I see Hollywood boulevard,
welfare hotel,
I spent the night in jail,
near the Wicox hotel!
I don't care about you!
Fuck you!
I don't care about you!
I've seen an old man have a heart attack in Manhattan.
Well he just died while we just stood there lookin' at him.
Ain't he cute?
I don't care about you!
I don't care about you!
I see man rollin' drunks,
bodies the streets.
Some man was sleepin' in puke
and a man with no legs crawling down 5th street trying to get something to eat!
I don't care about you!
Oh noooooo!!
I don't care about you!
Fuck you!
I don't care about you!
Hey! Hey!
I don't care about you!