
"Horror On St. Lime's Hill" (2000)
1. Entity In the Forest 2. Cylindrical Presence 3. Bedtyme Story 4. Horror On St. Lime's Hill 5. Frankenstein's Castle of Sorcery 6. Raven In the Courtyard 7. Chamber of Torture 8. Zekey Zombie 9. Basement Tales 10. Vampire Stalks the East Wing 11. Dr. Vulcan's Laboratory Experiment 12. Dungeon of Horrors
1. Entity In the Forest
(verse 1)
Creepin' through the woods at night, suddenly i see the sight
Looking around a sudden fright, a branch grabs me from my right
Knocks me to the ground tonight, eyes appear within the light
Strive to reach the castle sight, system breakdown leads to fright
Blacking out the cold of night, awaken the horrid fright
(verse 2)
From my right, a feeling of fright, the haunting red lights
Forest lies, these lights are red eyes, listen to the cries
Screams of pain, deep within my brain, chills within my veins
See the eyes, and horrid night cries, those gleaming red eyes
Bright moonlight, of cold winter's night, a mystical sight
Entity in the forest
(verse 3)
Dark tonight, faces in the night, the eye piercing sight
Visions clear, they want me to hear, i try to stay clear
Crawl from trees, like once inch size fleas, mouth opened sneeze
Inch in size, green with red eyes, the forest tells lies
Move tonight, tree moving night, a wicked night sight
Entity in the forest
(verse 4)
Fear dark light, i shiver tonight, writhing lashing bite
Blood seeping pain, my darkened blue vein, drips to make a stain
Ripping slash, another sacred lash, a bloody red flash
Inflict the pain, unleash a new pain, bloody drippy stain
Ride tonight, in gleaming moonlight, racing fast tonight
2. Cylindrical Presence
3. Bedtyme Story
4. Horror On St. Lime's Hill
5. Frankenstein's Castle of Sorcery
6. Raven In the Courtyard
(verse 1)
Racine, living the life, soaring thru the airways loving the life
Jonny, visit my site, gather in my courtyard scream at the sights
Countdown, diving at night, digging thru the garbage hover in site
Racine, swarming at night, biting at your victim devouring bite
Showdown, chasing the life, hanging in the gutter running from light
Raven in the courtyard
Raven in the courtyard
(verse 2)
Racine, living the life, scaring all you victims enjoying the life
Jonny, visit tonight, horrifying victim visit my site
Countdown, tearing at life, bleeding on the outside hemorrhaging bite
Racine, shivering site, lurking in the shadows queen of the night
Showdown, ripping tonight, tearing out your eyeball bleeding in light
Raven in the courtyard
Raven in the courtyard
7. Chamber of Torture
(intro voice)
Come into the light.
Are you traveling alone?
Will you be dining alone?
Care to play a game of chance?
(verse 1)
Slicing your skin, ripping thin
Breaking your bone, crunching zone
Sticking with pin, piercing in
Smashing your face, bleeding trace
Chamber of torture
Chamber of torture
(verse 2)
Blinding your eye, burning cry
Plunging your ear, melting tear
Burning your skin, frying in
Cracking your bone, moaning groan
Chamber of torture
Chamber of torture
8. Zekey Zombie
(verse 1)
Zekey Zombie Zekey Zombie
I know you're out there
Zekey Zombie Zekey Zombie
Heard you call my name
Zekey Zombie Zekey Zombie
Time for a new scare
Zekey Zombie Zekey Zombie
Master i hear you
Zekey Zombie Zekey Zombie
Focus on the task
Zekey Zombie Zekey Zombie
Master tell me when
(verse 2)
Zekey Zombie Zekey Zombie
Voices in the wind
Zekey Zombie Zekey Zombie
I'm inside the room
Zekey Zombie Zekey Zombie
Will you haunt Jonny
Zekey Zombie Zekey Zombie
Look Stane in my eyes
Zekey Zombie Zekey Zombie
Make him ooze with pain
Zekey Zombie Zekey Zombie
Come with me tonight
9. Basement Tales
10. Vampire Stalks the East Wing
(verse 1)
Now he's soaring high at midnight, now he's runnin' from the daylight
To his castle in the starlight, from a blinding look at sunlight
Scaring victims in the moonlight, fangs piercing under skylight
Stalking victims under starlight, penetrating in the moonlight
Feeding frenzy in the dark light, drinking frenzy not at first light
Vampire stalks the east wing
Vampire strikes his victims
Vampire stalks the east wing
(verse 2)
Peering down a cliff at midnight, standing down within the green light
Now he's soaring from the moonlight, radar reflex locking in sight
Chasing vision under starlight, falling victim to the far right
Dragging victim under moonlight, no reflecting mirror nightlight
Sinking fangs deep in the dark light, screaming terror from the daylight
Vampire stalks the east wing
Vampire strikes his victims
Vampire stalks the east wing
11. Dr. Vulcan's Laboratory Experiment
(verse 1)
In the corner of castle at west side, not east side, lies pleasure to inmates of castle the fools
Down the hallway of hallways, he stands in the doorway, he's looking, he's standing, he hopes that you come
Dr. Vulcan the chemist, the madman, the psycho, the nightmare, the victor, the screamer, the freak
Dr. Vulcan he calls you, he begs you, to enter the palace, the voices, the echoes, come in
Dr. vulcan he'll call you, he'll greet you, now enter, this hallway of hallways, the pleasure, the pain
Walk to the entrance, the doorway is opened, it calls you, it haunts you, walk in now, enter at once
(chorus 1)
Dr. Vulcan's laboratory experiment
Dr. Vulcan's midnight masquerade fantasy
Dr. Vulcan's laboratory experiment
Dr. Vulcan's smoking mirror magic showdown
(verse 2)
Step through the doorway, it's smoking, it's freezing, it's calling, you're screaming, welcome the diner of pain
Stands at a table, he'll turn on the fire, the burners, no leaving, acid seeping out his veins
Standing at nine feet, he jumps up, he calls you, the bird man, he's smiling, he's laughing, half bird, half man
Look at the lab coat, it's covered with blood spots, it's dripping from pockets, vulcan looks angry at life
All the test tubes are lying, in venom and poison, and dripping, and vulcan remains at the helm
Lighting at match stick, he lights up the fire, the burners are flaming, raging vulcan starts the show
(verse 3)
Aligning the test tubes, with poison and blood drops, the chemist will call you, to watch his little show
Look in the eyes of the bird man, the fire is raging, this psycho unveils a kind of show.
Mirrors are smoking, a crimson smoke screen, a shattering mirror, glass breaks in red freezing room
Lab isn't sterile, or germ free ,the snakes, and rats, and bugs, residing in cracks of the walls
As the fire is raging, at midnight, the burners have fallen, fire creeps up and down the walls
Vulcan jumps up, he raises his arms up, he's chanting, he's screaming, the fire beginning to cease
(chorus 2)
Dr.Vulcan's laboratory experiment
Dr.Vulcan's chemical test tube invasion
Dr.Vulcan's laboratory experiment
Dr.Vulcan's magic chemical illusion
12. Dungeon of Horrors