
"Mextremist! Greatest Hits" (2001 Best of/Compilation)
1. 666 2. Santa Lucia 3. Sacrificio 4. Machetazos 5. Padre Nuestro 6. Molestando Ninos Muertos 7. Castigo del Brujo 8. Matando Gueros '97 9. Narco-peda 10. Brujo Cirujano 11. Asesino 12. Hechando Chingasos (live '97) 13. Poseido 14. Cristo de la Roca 15. Papa Capado 16. Seran Mios Para Siempre (fantasma remix) 17. Mecosario (pinche peach torsido remix) 18. Marijuana (escobar remix, dj juju)
1. 666
Father forgive me for my sins
I sold my soul to protect the baby king
In the name of the father, son,
and the holy spirit
The day of the dark king is coming
You awaken because he kicks your ass
Six six six Six six six
In June a very great child will be born
The body of Christ will be bullshit
Six six six Six six six
He fucks you in the day and fucks you at night
The devil's dick now knows you
Six six six Six six six
If you want to leave you have to die
Like Ricky Ramirez he sucks your eyes out
Meanwhile I eat the brains of a virgin white boy
My father Satan is giving me kisses
2. Santa Lucia
St. Lucy friend of blinds
There was a man who give cum baths
His dick always grew
When he see St. Lucy
He said "suck my dick"
She said "!I am the mother of the poors¡"
St. Lucy ripped her own eyes
With her sharp fingernails
Didn't want the idiot's dick
Didn't want to sin
St. Lucy I want your eyes
Friend of blinds
3. Sacrificio
I look for assholes, virgins, and white boys
The table awaits you
To mistreat you with metal sticks
surgery with a machete
Sacrifice of brains for Satan
Witchcraft with candles and blood
Black masses for el Brujo's pleasure
praying before removing your brain
If you want to leave my table of death
A (broken) to open your belly
The machete doesn't break cutting bones
I remove your guts with my sharp fingernails
You peel my dick with your ass
I expect you to be on my table
4. Machetazos
Come headbangers, roamers and junkies
My table needs a fresh body
Bring him alive, I'd rather a white
with machetazos I take out your tongue
with machetazos we rub your dick
Satan, black king - a machetazo
Christ without life - a machetazo
with machetazos I grab your eye
with machetazos I broke your head
Satan, black king - a machetazo
Christ without life - a machetazo
Hey How well I was treated
I was hunted by a fagget boy
Prepare my table we have the dinner
Black father give us your blessing
5. Padre Nuestro
Our father, who crawls on the floor
Satan be your name
Come adore our evil king
Champion of negative will
As it was in Christ's days, so it is in
the day of El Brujo
Give us today satanic power, in order to fucked this day
And pardon those fools without black faith
Just as we praise you on our knees
Don't turn from believing in Satan
And help us deliver all cursed
6. Molestando Ninos Muertos
My asshole with a joint
To be brave and ready
Now dead and buried
The children aren't waiting
Your god gives little protection
Molesting dead children gives me an erection
Molesting dead children
Dead molested children
Hours last for unearthing you
To wet your body with pee and shit
Opening your final resting place
Tearing your guts for animal dinner
How much I like the scent of death
Molesting dead children
Dead molested children
Meanwhile I light a joint
I find a virgin without worms and clothing
7. Castigo del Brujo
Listen my word, and save your soul
without spiritual help you are damned
Get saints, plants and lizards
Without protection you don't resist punishments
Brujo's punishment leaves you fucked
Poor Asshole you are punished
Now punished your soul controlled
Bring your little daughter to give me a blowjob
The pain you have, I won't stop it
Brujo's slave, what a damned pleasure
ö Brujo's punishment, eat bullshit!
8. Matando Gueros '97
Americans use us for wiping their asses
They treat us like pig shit
Have balls and be men
A fucking trip to the north
Centuries pass and our race is fucked up
American bastards, they give us dick and pee
Forced into poverty,
We are always mayates
Your vengance will be your dark destiny
Killing white boys - Long live the race!!!
Killing white boys - Like Pancho Villa!!!
Killing white boys - Satan takes care of you
Killing white boys - Killing white boys!!!
Machete in hand and hot native blood
Satanic force, looking for vengance
In the north we will take over
Killing white boys - Long live the race!!!
Killing white boys - Like Ricky Ramirez!!!
Killing white boys - Satan takes care of you
Killing white boys - Killing white boys!!!
Machetes, pistols, metal sticks,
Kill a white man, accept the devil laws
Vegance for our people
Put a fucking stick in your belly asshole
Come here, come here, asshole I kill you white man.
That's it, Long live México asshole.
9. Narco-peda
10. Brujo Cirujano
11. Asesino
Muerte cayó de el cielo
Chingo todo tiene nada
Hoy solo la sangre ama
Busca Tuya y de tu madre.
Uso lo que me encuentro
Te estrello con la pala
Dejo tu verga perforada
Traigo alambre y unas pinzas
Mato fresas a cien pesos
Esos jotos dos por uno
Por un negro no te cobro
Me vale madre mato todos
No me pelo a el bote
Con un shank mato güeros
No le temo a la muerte
Solo putos muertos quedan.
Soy maldito
Soy maldito
Mueres violado.
12. Hechando Chingasos (live '97)
Brothers Headbangers - light the joint
People see you as donkey asses
for ugly ass, they want to fuck you
You have to fight - You have to kick
for ugly ass, they want to fuck you
You have to fight - You have to kick
Locals, they order to hunt you
Too headbanger and ugly, human rat
The city hates you, wants to kill you
You have to fight - you have to kick
The city hates you, wants to kill you
You have to fight - you have to kick
Those rockers are fags
Crazy headbangers, are bigger pimps
Don't let them bother you, don't run away
You have to fight - You have to kick
13. Poseido
14. Cristo de la Roca
Christ of the rock
Selling pure cocaine
Made him rich
With the Help of children
Singing and praying
And weighing pounds of weed
Screaming "I'm christ of the rock"
You are mine now
Go to the fucked
15. Papa Capado
Mi destino desde niño
Fue pa satisfecer a mi padre oscuro
Hallarte es facil pero pararnos es duro
Soldados de satanas no temen a la muerte
Despiertate guey porque queremos tus ojos
El papa nos da el premio mas grande
Capando y comiendo el cuerpo mas santo
La mierda que quede sera pa los perros
Te cortamos los huevos con un alambre
Dejandolo vivo pa los soldados con hambre
Con mi mano de unas filosas
Te arrancamos las tripas por tu culo
Mi sopa del papa no esta completa
Busco el machete pa sacarte los ojos
La tina se llena de sangre, carne y sesos
Las leyes de dios nos valen madre
Pinche chivo de roma, tu culo
16. Seran Mios Para Siempre (fantasma remix)
17. Mecosario (pinche peach torsido remix)
18. Marijuana (escobar remix, dj juju)