
"Repulsive Conception" (1995)
1. Dilation And Extraction 2. Grind Box 3. Chewed To Stubs 4. Engorged With Impiety 5. Swallowed Whole 6. Erotic Zoophilism 7. Pitbull Grin 8. Into The Necrosphere 9. Essence Of Human Pain 10. The Internal Twin 11. Penis Envy 12. For Only The Sick 13. Freezer Burnt 14. Imprimis Obscurity 15. Captain Howdy (Twisted Sister cover)
1. Dilation And Extraction
Blurring the line between abortion and infanticide
D & X. the most impious form of terminating tots
Dilation and evacuation, such a problem for the doctors
By the second trimester infantile tissues are tough
Making adequate dismemberment and removal difficult
But the dilation and extraction procedure eases the grisly task
Children gruesomely murdered before they leave the womb
This full term abortion is obvious baby butchery
Tell me mother, can you feel the child kick?
Your unwanted pregnancy soon to be hacked away
Umbilical cord cut, but a tiny navel never tied
Another dead papoose for the pro-choice side
It's immortal and obvious butchery
Pulling the wee babes legs into the birth canal
Entire body delivered except for above the neck
Cervix won't dilate, the head cannot pass
Blunt surgical scissors stab the cranial base
A suction catheter is inserted into the hole
The premature brains are vacuumed out
As the tiny, soft infant skull collapses
The disgusting evacuation is now complete
Tell me mother, can you feel the child kick?
Your unwanted pregnancy soon to be hacked tied
Another dead papoose for the pro-choice side
It's immortal and obvious butchery
Infanticide legally done by detestable physicians
The Freedom of Choice Act soaked in baby's blood
Instead of adoption a massacre eventuates
Another generation of children they exterminate
Abortionist guided by an ultrasound screen
Using forceps to tear the babe from the womb
Eight months with child, now the cuntbag chooses to kill
Her offspring's brains sucked, and bodily bisected between her thighs
2. Grind Box
Piece by bloody piece
Entered into my sanguinary receptacle
Your fragments turned to ground beef
Bones crushed and crunched into skeletal splinters
A cubicle of soul-numbing terror
Implements within turn people into scarlet mulch
A contraption created from my maniacal mind
Bodies at my disposal, god I love to grind
The grindbox, a carnage carton
A device to hellishly butcher
Pushing your morsels inside the cube
I am peppered with a crimson spray
Grinding razors thirst for your substance
Reducing your structure to minced scraps
Your assemblage horrible masticated
Entire anatomy horrendously grated
Grinding continues, the box is starved
Your whole being incised, sliced and carved
3. Chewed To Stubs
Continued to a lightless cell, locked in solitaire
Denied food and water, a cruel form of punishment
Expecting me to die, I am never to be fed
In thirty days the jailers surprised when I'm not dead
I feed upon myself, my body is my repast
In gluttony I carouse in my corporeal cuisine
Taking in nourishment, literally from head to toe
Aside from the hair and pain the main course is great
Appendages devoured and chewed to stubs
The trunk of my gnawed body projecting nubs
My own flesh and pith taste delectable
As my hunger is satisfied by consuming myself
As the days roll on I ration on fodder
Nibbling slowly upon my shoulders and arms
I have to force myself to self-cannibalize
On my meaty parts I gormandize
Swallowing lumps of my personal provisions
Life prolonged by gorging on my bodily grub
What is to be the bill-of-fair tonight?
Will it be my left leg or my right?
When the captors finally open my sealed cage
An astonishing, appalling sight they find
Their prisoner disarticulated and terrible gnashed
Belly bloated with dissevered bites eaten of my mass
My nipples bitten off and ground between my teeth
Now I prepare to dine upon my bloody, severed tongue
Unable to eat belching erupts from my bloody chops
4. Engorged With Impiety
5. Swallowed Whole
6. Erotic Zoophilism
As I pet and fondle animals, I get arosed sexually
Feeling with the deepest desires to indulge in bestiality
Whether it was dogs, cattle, sheep or horse
Animals are raped easily, they cannot scream for help
Though they must be restrained as they kick, bite and yelp
Erotic zoophilism, a sexual abnormality
A behavior disorder that's controlling me
With women I'm stuck with complete impotence
I've found the best piece of ass walks on four legs
The kind you can ride, herd or rolls over and begs
I must muzzle a dog to prevent a serious bite
Rear limbs spread and tied, I fuck a canine tonight
As I orgasm inside, thoughts cause me to wonder
I imagine a litter of man-pups suckling the bitch mother
Sexually stimulated at the sight of fur
My erotic preferences shall disgust for sure
For lesser creatures I am lust crazed
My finest fucks in the pasture laid
With livestock of all kinds I've had intercourse
Only with animals I wish to have sex
Erotic zoophilism, a sexual abnormality
A behavior disorder that's controlling me
With women I'm struck with complete impotence
I've found the best piece of ass walks on four legs
The kind you can ride, herd or rolls over and begs
I must muzzle a dog to prevent a serious bite
Rear limbs spread and tied, I fuck a canine tonight
As I orgasm inside, thoughts cause me to wonder...
Deep in my being, I tap my primal core
Plunging into the worst form of impiety
As I betroth in sacrilegious unions
With the most feral zoological breeds
My most primitive instincts take controls
Excited by various wild and barnyard scents
Into a bovine rump I will soon trespass
Relinquishing human milt beneath a quadruped tail
Animalia in heat ignites unwholesome desire
Coitus with certain species quenches the fire
Slipping into the vaginal gape of a mammalian mate
Hybrid horrors created, if I inseminate
Domesticated and wild brutes sickenly laid
Pregnancies prevented with the beasts are spayed
Erotic zoophilism, a sexual abnormality
A behavior disorder that's controlling me
With women I'm struck with complete impotence
I've found the best piece of ass walks on four legs
The kind you can ride, herd or rolls over and begs
I must muzzle a dog to prevent a serious bite
Rear limbs spread and tied, I fuck a canine tonight
As I orgasm inside, thoughts cause me to wonder...
7. Pitbull Grin
A beast spawned from a deadly lineage
Maiming impulses descend
Instilling urges to mutilate
Tiny brain only programs rage
Horrendous jaws bite down on your wetting crotch
Unrestrained chompers bite clean to the bone
Lips curl back to reveal a pitbull grin
You run to escape the impending slaughtercide
Unfortunately you won't get far at all
Brutish jaws locking down, never let go
With a rabid instinct it viciously shakes you apart
Fierce teeth flash as it furiously growls
Soon you will feel the agony of its piercing jowls
Easily it rips out your soft, fleshy throat
It bites your naked face and goes berserk
Bones break friend is a canine nightmare
Blood lust is the nature of this beast
It only knows its own intercine ways
Torn and biting like a human chew-toy
Lips quivering, curling back, revealing a pitbull grin
It relentlessly pounces with inhuman aggression
Tooth and nail gouge making you a masticated mess
The dog backs away as you lay and die
It can now take its time to play
Your terminal distress is the pitbull's amusement
It possess a very sick sense of humor
But before you endure any more pain at the teeth of the animal
Your luck comes in as your bloodless heart stops
Your punctured eyes take in one last fanging sight
The threatening attack of a snarling, toothy muzzle
As lips curl back revealing a pitbull grin
You run to escape the impending slaughtercide
Unfortunately you won't get far at all
Brutish jaws lock down, never let go
As lips curl back revealing a pitbull grin
8. Into The Necrosphere
I work the graveyard shift, cadavers lay silently in wait
My utensils are ready to perform degrading autopsies
Through the sinews of dead flesh
And within the dried marrow of old bones
I have discovered the secrets of the dead
Mercilessly I pit out what the dead cannot hide
I become enlightened with a knowledge that makes me strong
A power I now possess launches me into the afterworld
Travelling paths in the innermost niches of putrefaction
I will become a god of suppuration in this dead domain
But to enter the putrid portal I must frantically carve
Tediously I labor over crude necropsies, bizarre necrotomy
My entire being soon liquefies as I cross over
I take on the form of foul cadaverine
Now through the perished, hardened veins I flow
Immersed into the deceased where no life resides
Except for wriggling fat white maggots filled with smegma and decay
Apparitions haunt the viscera, my presence they avoid
In terror they try so hard to hide
Disappearing into the offal of the butchered
When the dead go the way of all that is flesh
And the burdensome mortal coil is shaken off
Moving as I wish between the living and the dead
Carcasses are tenements for all spectral souls
An actual cosmos existing within a corpse
The morticians could not fathom what I see
Like a scalpel I cut my way through the necrosphere
Plunging into the deepest recesses of the carrion
They are unable to flee from my disembodied grasp
The dead scream as I infernally enslave them
Truly I am gifted, empowered with necromacy
Originating in dead matter makes me necrogenic
The interior decomposed membranes of the stiffs from a necrosphere
Which has always remained unseen by mortal eyes
Until I found the concealed secrets of the rot realm
Now I am divine, the dead now worship me
As if I am a god
9. Essence Of Human Pain
10. The Internal Twin
Inside my fertile mother, the egg fertilized
And from one egg, two individuals originated
A pair of identical twins began to grow
But in an unnatural quirk the embryos fused
And I absorbed my embryonical sibling into me
From my earliest fetal stages into adulthood
His displaced cells grew as I did
We matured together in the oddest ways
Together as one we were born to be
I grew up as a freak, a walking monstrosity
A living abnormality for scientific study
Tumorous growths on and in my body cause me pain
Of dermoid origins, these tumors are pieces of my brother
These teratomas sprout across my body
As my fragmented sibling develops from my torsos
My brother lives within
Inside lays the internal twin
My stomach contains rows of his teeth
Molars and incisors grow from the organ walls
And scalp hair clumps from external teratocarinomas
His bulbous eyeballs protrude from my right temple and ear
They twitch inside misshapen sockets
Sightless they roll and gaze into black
A toothless cartilage mouth opens from my chest
Its rubbery spasms will never speak a word
And his retarded raging thoughts I hear
He bellows and cries inside of my skull
His berserk, confused substratum shrieks drive me mad
His underdeveloped brain grows from mine
And his retarded raging thoughts I hear
He bellows and cries inside of my skull
Always he has shared my vital organs
My heart, my lungs, and pulsing blood
Since birth his survival has depended on me
His nurturing has me to thank
I am sorry brother I can no longer live like this
It is time to finally set you free
Subconscious echoes as my twin horrifically scrams
The surgeons' scalpels cut him out piece by piece
11. Penis Envy
Surgeons implementing superior technology
Using advanced lasing as a circumcising technique
Intense mini-lasers used to remove baby boy's foreskins
An electronic mishap ruins the operation
A power surge causes the laser to castrate
The infant boy's penis is now burnt to ash
Excision of the prepuce by amplified light waves
Only weeks old, the child now emasculated
A horrible malpractice nightmare for the parents
Testicles eliminated to stop testosterone production
Androgen manufacture totally obliterated
The infant will begin its life as a girl
Mass doses of effeminate hormones injected
Estrogen forges distant cells into female working parts
Of a little girl
As the child matures, ladylike nature will be enforced
Raised to be so pretty and feminate
Never at all told she was born a boy
Modern surgery changed the sexes
Between the legs, man-made cunnus
The pseudo-girl has grown, refusing conformity to womankind
Although lacking testes, many thoughts prevail
She finds other women so attractive and alluring
A freak in life, lesbianism becomes her role
The womanly shell holds a screaming man within
Alone she sadly strokes a rubber prong strapped around her waist
So envious of men, endowed with actually fleshly rods
Intense mini-lasers used to remove baby boy's foreskins
An electronic mishap ruins the operation
A power surge causes the laser to castrate
Unknowing she came into the world with a geniune shaft and glans
An actual fleshy rod
12. For Only The Sick
A universal movement began from the dark side of music
Creating images of evil, horror and worlds of death
A genre for the true who strain against conformity
It devastates, laying waste to pathetic corporate norms
A musical form so horrible, glorifying corporate norms
It adopted the name of expired life
The ugly, dark side of melody in a subterranean home
The relentlessness of death metal and extremes of grind
Are only for the macabre who possess a unique frame of mind
The naive and ignorant simply take it, take it for face value
But they cannot ignore what's stabbing them
And for those of you who deny your unwholesome origins
May you choke to death on your hypocrisy
Is your ego that inflated that all integrity is lost?
Whenever you are faced with your own deceit
Your insincerely will shine through your plastic personality
The ugly, dark side of melody in a subterranean home
The relentlessness of death metal and extremes of grind
Are only for the macabre who possess a unique frame of mind
The naive and ignorant simply take it, take it for face value
It's all about roots, origins from the nether
Who to the spurious who have forgotten
This type of music offers no compromise
Pummelling with a force that few can fathom
It takes a certain fortitude to comprehend
The heaviest from of music known to man
13. Freezer Burnt
Intensely gelid, shivering uncontrollably in a frozen hell,
As the meatlocker cold chills me to the core
Locked inside an icy room, among rows of hanging meat
Beef slabs on chrome metal hooks offer no warmth at all
My gooseflesh skin begins to cake with frost
Inhaling algid thinning air into my icy lungs
I scream for help, my breath turns to snow
No one hears me in these soundproof surroundings
As I pound my hands against glacial steel walls
My palm flesh instantly sticks to the frozen metal
The extreme freeze bonds me into the wall
I pull away, tearing off my skin in gruesome, panging strips
Now scorching, bloody pain in joined with the cold
This hurtful infridgate situation becomes inhumanly unbearable
I long for heat in any type of form
For flames I would give my soul
To be free of this frozen doom
It is my only concern, my wish, my hope
The deadly cold encloses and shrouds
As my desperate cries go unheard - go unheard
Fingers, toes, and limbs become rigidly numb
My blood slows to a cool, congealed flow
Inside this giant ice-chest, the cold nips and bites
The inclement conditions are no less than arctic
My entire body involuntarily curls as frostbite consumes
Frosty clumps of hair fall out and shatter to the floor
My scalp and face crack from the sub-arctic cold
Countless pieces of flesh brake off like broken eggshells
A plunging cold so brutal it actually burns
My lips, nose, and ears crackle, snap and bust
The digits on my hand - frozen
Skin turns dark blue
And purple as blood vessels chill
I bang my wintered arms together to induce circulation
My efforts split and fracture my frosted flesh, frozen into frigid claws
Blood streams from the cuts immediately turning to crimson rime
The lacerations become frozen gashes of red ice
This rigor winter atmosphere seeps deep into my being
The cruel freeze cuts to the nucleous of my corpus
My body temperature has dropped at an alarming rate
There is no doubt that this locker is my sepulcher
My skin continues to split and cleft across my coiled anatomy
Internal fluids iced, my organs in stiffed horripilation
Jaws are frozen shut, my teeth cease their shatter
A brainfreeze will be the chilling coup de grace
Desensitivity, I cannot feel any portion of my benumbed carcass
Immobilized, I cannot move any body part
As I lay on my back, the cranreuch overwhelms
My eyeballs freeze over into icicle orbs
Entwined in the clutches of a deep polar grasp
I will never leave to see myself thaw
These severely boreal circumstances will take my life
Only to leave a frost preserved body - freezerburnt
14. Imprimis Obscurity
15. Captain Howdy (Twisted Sister cover)