
"Into Battle" (1984)
1. Metallic Fury 2. Into Battle 3. Here to Rock 4. Beneath a Haunted Moon 5. Warriors of the Dark 6. Preludious 7. Ravenwreck 8. Dark Rider 9. Night Siege 10. Into the Ithilstone
1. Metallic Fury
Blackness is my music
Dark silver my guitar
Starlight feeds my power
Of flashing metal
Crescent moon must find me
Within a smoke of screams
Flames fingering my body
Wind howling through my dreams
I live in metallic fury
It seems I'm in control
For my fingers bring the thunder
To this storm called rock and roll
The songs afire inside me
Atingle with my fears
Will blaze and shriek a silence
That only you can hear
Blackness is my music
Dark silver my guitar
Starlight feed my power
Of flashing metal
2. Into Battle
Into battle
Into battle we ride
Throught the dark forest
With halberd by my side
In to battle
Into battle we ride
I've got the memory
Of my lady love deep down inside
And I'm crying
The demon lives in the king
His fire burns without sin
Broken hearted
Broken hearted I ride
I know I'll never see
My queen my love alive
Who is to blame
For the misery of I
You'll find the answer
If you stare the single eye
And I'm crying
The demon lives in the king
His fire burns without sin
Into battle
Into battle we fly
In my metal fortress
With my lazer at my side
Nothing has changed
The game's played the same
We fight the battles
So the foolish kings may reign
Oh I'm crying
The demon lives in the king
His fire burns without sin
3. Here to Rock
I know
You know
We know
That it's time to rock n' roll
I know
You know
We know
That it's time to rock n' roll
Heard it on the radio
Seen it on the streets
Drives my mother crazy
But oh how I love the beat
Nothin' else I'd rather do
There's nothin' else for me
Standing up in front of you
For all of you to see
We're here to rock
We're here to roll you
We're here to rock
We're here to rock n' roll
I know
You know
We know
That we're gonna tear the roof down
I know
You know
We know
That tonight it's comin' down
Comin' down
Heard it on the radio
Seen it on the streets
Drives my mother crazy
But oh how I love the beat
Nothin' else I'd rather do
Nothin' else for me
Heavy metal music's what I need
to set me free
We're here to rock
We're here to roll you
We're here to rock
We're here to rock and roll
Come on, come on, come on,
We're here to rock n' roll
4. Beneath a Haunted Moon
The fountain sprays blood this night
Our blades have sung a thirsty tune
The castle sleeps now silent indeed
A corpse beneath a haunted moon
And we, we ride like thunder
I and my lady of crystal hair
Laden with fire jewels
Mortal or demon, you'd best beware
Of the wizard and his lady
We smoke on the wind, my love
Woman frost-haired, diamond eyed
Soaring like a wave beside me
Pale as the deadly steed you ride
(repeat chorus)
The sky is so clear tonight
The stars are explosions of light
As from your beast I lift you, lady
To take you with me on a closer flight
5. Warriors of the Dark
The wind is made of thunder
The dark is made of dreams
The wizards ride the hills tonight
Doing battle with electric screams
And against a spear of lightning
A figure rides the stars
His steed a dragon red and gold
His weapon a black guitar
My fingers played like hellfire
As I played the killing chord
The dragon screams and falls from sky
As if pierced by magic sword
But it's rider find a stabbing note
Before they crash to flame
I am caught in a mighty storm of devils in my brain
Warriors of the dark
6. Preludious
7. Ravenwreck
Young man full of power
Sparkle in his eyes
Rock n' roll his only desire
Practiced until he died
On a ship he called the Raven
He would meet his doom
With the wind and spirits howling
He faded into blue
Sailing the sea
Electric guitars and amplifiers
Strung stem to stern
He made a sound of monstrous power
Never before heard
His friends said he was a crazy high flyer
So they left him that day
With the sounds of guitars crying
He sailed away
Sailing the sea
Sailing the sea
8. Dark Rider
In a twilight blue and shadowed
As the faintest stars were born
In a month of summers ending
Earth's peace was shattered by a storm
Came a rider helmed with lightning
Racing down the skies
Magic weapon in his hands
And madness in his eyes
Lifting high his blade of music
To the world again he comes
Scarlet-eyed and masked in metal
Summoned by the battle drums
The sky is filled with screaming music
Anthem to a dream of hell
Lashing men to killing madness
The song of war will cast it's spell
In a twilight blue and shadowed
As the faintest stars were born
In a month of summers ending
Earth's peace was shattered by a storm
Warrior of both past and future
Let your magic sing
Chimes of peace or battle thunder
Which message do you bring?
Thunder rider, cloaked in darkness
The past burns in your eyes
On the quest for ancient treasure
Do you know where it lies?
Dark horseman
Caped in shadow
Sliding down the wind
Stranger to this place and time
Where will you begin?
9. Night Siege
Chill and grim, the coming dawn
Seems a century away
For mist and dark first brought them here
And in dark and mist they slay
Arrows arching through the night
Bring flame within our walls
And spells they've sent to steal our souls
Hold many here in thrall
Night is a fantasy take it away
Metal's unreal in the morning
These five million warriors
Belong in a dream
You'll wake up if you scream out a warning
Night siege
So chill and grim, the castle now
Our prison and our grave
Yet, surely dawn will slay these fiends
If it comes in time to save
(repeat chorus twice)
10. Into the Ithilstone
I watched for you by the Eastern gate
Till the bloody break of day
Then I drove the needle deep
And slowly ran away
Dragons to the left of me
Demons to the right
The dark lord smiles with scarlet eyes
As the silver vampire bites
A million stars blaze in my hand
And moon flames in my hair
So like the time you touched me first
But this time you're not there
Instead a rider cloaked in black
With deadly dreaming eyes
Soars near me on a ghastly steed
Whose thunder fills the skies
Now lurking near the Eastern gate
I hold a crystal blade
It's edges greened with venom stain
It's orc-hilt pitted jade
I feel his will gush through my brain
In endless waves of gore
Yet, still the question breathes within
Who am I waiting forr?
Into the Ithilstone
Reflection searing bright
Burning in my private hell
Caught in the grip of night