
"None to Sell" (2002)
1. Real Lapse 2. On Behalf 3. Itching 4. Successful Collapse 5. Latest 6. Dry Well 7. None Sequitur 8. Ever-New 9. None To Sell 10. The Odd One Out 11. Not Granted
1. Real Lapse
2. On Behalf
Rule and divide
For the sake of glory.
We scatter dust
Ancient pillars of honesty.
Evading the rules
For we have reached the truth.
On behalf of the pristine youth.
Lose and forget
Don’t break with the tradition.
We blow ashes
Old flaws in the foundation.
Shuning the rules
Since we have reached the truth.
On behalf of the pristine youth.
So many washed-out lights on the way
Even more dazzled, I went astray
Severed limbs and spirit, shall I flee ?
On behalf of me.
All recumbent now but cinders settle
Ignorance waiting in the castle
On behalf of the very despise
Knowledge in disguise…now !
3. Itching
You were blind, a small defect
“Soon you’ll see”, some saviour said.
Let me know where you go
So that I can put you now in your shed.
Been wise, so wise
Bored now ‘cause face to face ?
One tongue, sweet tongue
To tie a perfect, a perfect lace.
When reasonable thoughts don’t have time,
Fantasies lie.
Still you’re deaf, yet can get:
The weird one who awaits will win.
Let them choose how to lose
So that you can laugh with your mouth open.
Scratch and rack your brains to suffer
Stroke and stop the fight with a pause
Put on innocence – your cover
For me and them and everybody to applause.
Unruly, and deadly, and no one can tame…
Been wise, so wise
Bored now ‘cause face to face ?
One tongue, sweet tongue
To tie a perfect, a perfect lace.
When reasonable thoughts don’t have time,
Fantasies lie…
And who’ll cry ?
We’ll scratch the itching sin
As long as it’s swaying within.
Unruly, and deadly, and untamed.
4. Successful Collapse
Darker and darker as I rot on, body and soul.
Purer and purer yet not in the largest stall.
The mind grows fed up, feedback fed up,
Frustrations converge to hate.
Swallowing gall, expurgating gall,
I’m losing time to compensate.
I’ve reached halfway – a long way to crawl
Still climbing on up the slippery wall.
(wall)…le regard détruit
Frôle…le répit imparti.
Time out of sight and shattered at first glance.
Fixe l’endroit où je me donne du sens.
I know now I once was, erase before they awake.
I despise your disguise, to eradicate the fake.
Blindness is lost, old struggle lost,
Youth is gone as well as light.
Game is over, time took over,
I’m losing strength to get the might.
Free to fade now – welcome dismay.
Enjoy the seconds, my minute decay.
(decay)…le regard des truies
crée…la fange où tout s’enfouit.
Time out of sight and shattered at first glance.
Fixe l’endroit où je me donne du sens.
La carence est prête à remplir les paumes.
Aware of the state, blinded by the foam.
Believe me when I’m home.
5. Latest
Time forgot
The latest fright
Them – well-tamed
For we must be right
All’s full and fools shed a tear now
Cause agony’s in history.
I will, we lie
Minds masterly bringing no harm
A hiss, a longing
Won’t break their keep – unsatisfied
Crush and rule
Inject the regret
Forsake and break – beware
( we’ll ) stay here to stare.
I will, we lie
Minds masterly bringing no harm
A bliss, a coming
Will rise to keep well satisfied
Now we shall overcome
The ruins and time
Take heed – our need – our home
Replace the grime
Nonsense – remains of a trivial past
Last hope – find a hope, built to last
Smile back – the lack of your time
May be useful to men
History’s proved to be wan … so far
… too far
Now you’ve taken sides !
6. Dry Well
Some certain sins to purge
Nonsense for free.
You’ll wait to see the urge
Till I’m ready.
first impression – just can’t see – what about
what to shun – are ready – comes the bout
Dry well – frustrate – neo-pun
Dry well – first-rate – real, great, full fun…right now !
To depict and disclose…
A waste of time.
Who needs another dose,
A gush of grime ?
second thought – lost in blank – and my day
what have caught – before sank – easy way
Dry well – frustrate – neo-pun
Dry well – first-rate – real, great, full fun…right now !
It’s a shame that I can’t see your face and laugh !
Wanna try to see
Wanna pry to be
Gonna cry… gotten dry…
Dry well – frustrate – so long !
As you read the words now,
Decipher the remains
Of a barren, abusing soul;
As you read the prints I’m far away.
7. None Sequitur
Feel it, feel the noise that’s drawing near,
Will you escape or let it soothe you, break you ?
Yes, another part is gone
As you put away reason.
No way, light is still nowhere to be found.
As the light goes out and the mind underground…
I feel empty – full of grief
My paragon of relief
Shaken by the shock and shared.
Shed it, shed the skin that’s got so wet,
Won’t you keep it right by your side, your treasure ?
Play the part of the glad who brawl,
Ostracized from the sad who fall
On and on and down so forget the bound.
As the cross stands on and the knees on the ground…
I feel empty – full of grief
My paragon of relief
Shaken by the shock and shared.
As the mind sinks out and the body aground…
Feed it, feed the strength that‘s drawing near,
Will it escape or let you come and seize it ?
Now to take part in your pain again,
To put away this grain of gain
Would annihilate every word around.
As the light comes in and rises from the ground…
I feel empty – full of grief
My paragon of relief
Shaken by the shock and shared.
I am empty – the void filled
My lexicon to rebuild
Shattered, still I’m sure to share.
8. Ever-New
Brave – I’m being brave
Because I swear and I changed and live and will be
Safe – forever safe
I cleansed, I face and will stand still. I go back to get
And now it all seems perfectly true – even me
For sure I will tell you when I feel ready, surely, maybe.
All doors are shut,
Everything’s been closed for years.
Strangeness well known,
The void to postpone
Smacked back in the face through the tears.
And now that all is new – but for me
For sure I will tell you when I feel ready, surely, maybe.
All windows barred,
Everything’s been left outside.
When inside…
…The same things exchanged for themselves
Brave – I felt but brave
When I swore, I promised, then betrayed and still I
Crave – forever crave.
I cleansed my face for the soul to rave.
Wait on and again until I feel ready.
Wait on and again until I feel ready.
Wait, no now I’m not really,
Wait, I will never really be fulfilled.
I’ll never be fulfilled – never be brave.
9. None To Sell
A second-handed poem with nothing to reveal,
Still 21 lines left and you are down to nil.
Study the scansion,
For lack of tension.
I’ m always purging air and then blow up the thrill.
Is nonsense understood ?
At least I wish I could…
You’re watching those prints that shouldn’t shine.
You’re reading essays without a line.
Cells of bright, trite paper, just burn to feel free.
None to say nor tell nor sell,
(Give) medicine to those who got the remedy.
Pick up a few good words and some threadbare ideal;
Add a conspicuous phrase to get run-of-the-mill.
Then in the distance,
Watch in abhorrence.
The smile I’m seeing now tells me it called for zeal.
Still paradoxical
Intoxicating, again I write my silent call.
You’re watching those prints that shouldn’t shine.
You’re reading essays without a line.
Cells of bright, trite paper, just burn to feel free.
None to say nor tell nor sell,
(Give) medicine to those who got the remedy.
-Nil –
You’re watching those prints that shouldn’t shine.
You’re reading essays without a line.
Cells of bright, trite paper, just burn to feel free.
None to say, none to tell, none to sell, no remedy.
10. The Odd One Out
Communities dead on time
In narrow streets,
Waiting for the bell to chime
To kiss the floor beneath the priests.
Shallow smiles and marble eyes will feed the talk.
Hear the sight, here the sigh of a dumb bloke…
…and cry…
See the small guy’s eye,
Now he’s away.
Straight away.
Ready to suffer for hours,
They’ll have some fun.
Well prepared to face the choirs
But creation craves for light, chump !
They can see sweat, blood and tears, of course they’re cross !
Exorcise your inner fears before the Flood comes…
…then cry…
See the small guy’s eye,
Now you’re away.
They stifle, you choke,
But you’re saved by the stroke.
Don’t stretch out your hands to me,
I just witness.
Inverted parts, far from free,
They’ve locked you up in the recess.
Get ready, a new time comes, now join the row.
Converted, you forgot the loss, I can feel it now…
…and cry…
See the small fry pry,
Now I’m away.
Straight away.
11. Not Granted