
"Varg Fjerne A Tornet" (1996)
1. Rassekaya v Krov, Razbivaya v Prah 2. Okrylennoj Neobozrimoj Dali 3. Padenem Vechnyh Iskr Nebes 4. Varg Fjerne a Tornet (Instrumental)
1. Rassekaya v Krov, Razbivaya v Prah
The Gusts of Wind
Are Crushing against the Horizons
The Scarlet banner of Sunset
Breaking into the halls of Souls
Of the Lands and Skies
Tearing away all the armors and shields from them
Everything what is gained in hard everyday tries
Rots and dissolves
While only what was taken by force
Is able to uphold with strength
To stand or to ascend and storm
To shatter the calmed down Fates
Cleaving to Blood
Crushing to Dust
2. Okrylennoj Neobozrimoj Dali
The Groan is Torn
And Downthrown with Curse,
With the Strengthened Thorn grown up…
My Sword of the Warmonger is still unpacified, self-sure
With dented, blood-stained blade and nothing would ever
Melt it or reforge or take away…
Still Hungry is my Venomous
Will to Power, the One which fall Down Once
As a Curse Upon the Heads of the peace-loving,
Well disciplined hearts
And Wisdom is not in the Greyness of the Hails of Old
And Strength is not in the wounds,
Those wounds which would be the scorging memory
Of happened once, but never surpassed
I threw the Power of the Curse
Into the Chest of your Honour
And torn away the Groan with blood
I set free
3. Padenem Vechnyh Iskr Nebes
Emptiness…Desolation and Calm
Drown into…Silence…
Coldness, Piercing
Like the Sharpest blades,
Strikes the chest of Earth
Twilight burned away
When the heavy clouds,
Grey as oldness, have disappeared
When the decapitated common sense of good
Have opened to my Evil Eyes
4. Varg Fjerne a Tornet (Instrumental)