
"The Brainwashing machine" (2005 Demo)
1. The brainwashin' machine 2. Out of control 3. Disciple of Go(l)d 4. Perspective of Decrepitude 5. Hundreds of bottles 6. Spit your hate
1. The brainwashin' machine
Another casualty is falling again
Aged of four, but already addicted
It depends now of its will
Telling it its future
Billions of people are now dependant
Maybe you, maybe I
The brainwashing will continue tonight
A dark harvest unrevealed
As soon as you will keep the habit
To turn the button on every evening
You'll be tied hands and feet
For the best, for the worse
You're convinced it's used for entertainment
Convinced too you master everything
All about something you'll never turn back
You'll be teached what to be
Sadistic suppostions
Take them as they come
Preached as advises
They become your goals
False democracy
Through real TV
A choice you didn't do
Just eat what they shit on your face
Washin' your brain
Now you're insane
Slowly you become the sheep
They forever want you to be
You're now brainwashed
Buttfucked, kept on a leach
It was a choice to do
'Seems you did the good one
2. Out of control
An approach of atrocity
Symbolic acts through perversity
A perfusion of lies to mislead you
Do you really think our world is so pure ?
Illusions scattered through society
To calm down those who’d seen the deceit
To cheat on those who love this fantasy
Their job is done, chains locked at your feet
Out of control
Without any kind of sense
Drawning through despair
Only to control
Look, taste, smell
Is that what you expected ?
Feel, hear, agree
‘Seems you don’t have a choice
A mind fashionned by consequences
Of pain injected through behaviors
Domination hidden by peace
Obssessed with power, just kill to lead
Abolition of sincerity
Drowned into the lake of stupidity
They now breathe toxicity
Without emotions, killed slowly
An approach of atrocity
Symbolic acts through perversity
A perfusion of lies to mislead you
Do you really think our world is so pure ?
Hatred, betray, trapped, out of control
3. Disciple of Go(l)d
All eyes turned to the light to contemplate his face
Kneel down and show your devotion in the face of grace
Allmighty,the force who can decide how you must live and die
The way you blindly follow hypnotising you with all his lies
Your fears
His power
Eternal circle of superstitions
Your faith,
His business
Leading the market of crucifixion
Disciples of God
Sell your soul
Follow the way it should be
Disciples of Gold
Send your lie
By the mouth of your false prophets
Disciples of God
Pay again
Disciples of Gold
Lie again
Disciples of God
Live in pain
Disciples of Gold
Take your gain
Your fears
His power
Eternal circle of superstitions
Your faith,
His business
Leading the market of crucifixion
4. Perspective of Decrepitude
Failed, there's no hope for me,
The pain that I fell, so intense, so real
Missing me, this poisoned shit
Flowing in my veins I cannot be free
I'm cold but I sweat, the end is near
Hallucinations seems so real
The way to destroy all my fears
Fix, and fix again
To afford my death I must steal
It's not only me that I kill
The feeling of faintness I feed
Pulls me under again
Blades are now slashing me
It's just in my head but I feel it strong
Needles in my arm I need
I don't give a fuck even if I'm wrong
I know it has to be the last one
My heart will stop beating tonight
Enough of this shit had been cast
Too much up my veins
It will make me die without pain
Morbid irony, am I insane ?
Or just a waste without fate ?
Perspective of Decrepitude
Escaping the prison I made
My life was too short but I can't keep it
Disgust, that's the way I fade
Aborting my life is what I have to do
There's nothing more for me now
My mind is gone and my life too
5. Hundreds of bottles
Broken, I cannot remember
Yesterday Alcohol flew a lot
My head Now is like a sponge
But I Know for sure I will
Do it again tonight
That's the way I like
Completely stucked
My bottom on the chair
But my whiskey bottle
Is only half empty
That's precisly why
I feel reasured in here
Girls, So easy to catch
Pils, A cure for not bein' shy
Abused, Like the bottles I boozed
But the last was awful,
I didn't noticed she was
If only I could
My stomach hurts, my chest burns
And my throat is smokin'
But nevermind
My soul's away
Far from the pain
Close to delirium
Control The only thing I lose
When I get this free
Stupidity Is all I win
When the sweet drink honey toasted
Reaches my tongue
Jack's nectar runs in my veins
I'm ABSOLUT' drunk, that's clear as Vodka
Forget Cola And fruit juice
My head starts to boil
I need some more
Hydromel / whiskey
Vodka / Plum liquor
Beer / an abbey's one
Wine/ fuck chateau Laffite's
I need the more alcoholised one
Legs, I can't feel them no more
I just drunk My 4th liter
I attack the 5th
Shit, I fell
My nose banged the table
I'm bleeding but I don't care
I'm dead fuckin' drunk
Thank you, Oh Lord
For giving us this precious matter
But take care of the drawbacks
To fuck ugly chickies
Can be one of them
6. Spit your hate