
"The Archaic Course" (1998)
1. Oceans Rise 2. Universal 3. The Witching Hour 4. The Black Token 5. Nocturnal Vision 6. Ad Noctum 7. Winter Millenium 8. Fields of Long Gone Presence / Outro
1. Oceans Rise
Deify the depths of intimate caprice
The noble morsel of the grand eternity
Face the furious and black domain
From where all the wisdom once came
As a weak and stunning flare
Yet so completed and clear
In the eyes of the elementary existence
May the fallen of eternity explode
As primal instincts of devotion
Where the seeds of chaos blow
Where the almighty substance flow
When the oceans rise
And thunder calls
The shape of furious manners fall
Where the oceans rise
Between dimensions asunder
The maze of fragmented flare
Harvest the pain of the will and despair
Where the seeds of chaos grow
Where the almighty substance bow
Milleniums are falling
Milleniums are calling
The dawn of a new era
2. Universal
Mountains higher than mind can fly
Oceans deeper than sorrow
A distance of furious dreams
Random fields of tension
Where the sun comes blinding
When the moon goes hiding
I have seen the chaos in every course
Followed the solar dimensions of time
I have seen all the rivers stream
Yes, back to the end of the circle
Rivers longer than blood can flow
Horizons wider than complete wisdom
A distance of furious dreams
Isolated fields in convulsive motion
A distance of furious dreams
Random fields of tension
Where the moon comes glaring
When the sun goes dying
I have seen the chaos in every course
Followed the solar dimensions of time
I have seen all the rivers stream
Yes, back to the end of the circle
I can smell the air
I can taste the soil
I can tame all fire
I can spill all the water
I am the spine of the reversal nature
The blinding forces of complete defeat
Trace the universal steps
The shores by the course
3. The Witching Hour
In the hour before dawn
The Nordic mirror lies black yet calm
Reflects my shadow and heaven above
The frost force the ocean up
Past the shores towards the mountain tops
Spirals flash green glittering blitz never seen
By the eyes of the selfpronounced clean
Through shining mists past the planet of witz
Mysterious realms still exist
In this black and blue void schiziod creatures will toy
With fragments of what once where souls
Dreamlike I follow their path dark and hallow
My feet barely touch the ground
Ride the radiant waves into unexplored space
Obscure scenery changes
Into trance without end to lunatics glen
Spellbound I kneel down in pain
The lurkers and I
Become one
As a hunters eye like the moon
Together we ride the storm
magic unfolds at the crack of dawn
Like my fathers before me
I am shown the way
4. The Black Token
Behold the furious river
The river that comes with the time
Like a burning flood
A flood in the shape of every kind
>From the mountains to the shores
Trembling aflame within the core
I have come as far as the end now
To an existence where my soul belong
My cells forever redeemed
Recalling, the thorn so long gone
I have got an eagles freedom
And stormy power
I have got godly wisdom
And the silence of a flower
I am passing the orifice beyond
To the material origin, the elementary black
Behold the stunning blackness
Where the raging chaos steam
Like a token of flood
The dream that faces everyone
From the mountain to the shores
Still, trembling aflame within the core
5. Nocturnal Vision
The path was foreseen
In a feverish dream
and the riddle was shown
To the seven year grown
Reaching out for the thread he saw
It would cut through his fingers
As a razor sharp straw
Shaping the untouchable
Embracing the none-existable
It's force force drains
Slide into forever
Surface to surface
Nothing between
Faling forever
The illusion has been
But a fragment of time
On the thread of life
None shall pass
This fiery wall
None shall pass
No, none at all
6. Ad Noctum
Swept in a distant dream, I am bound
As a cunning waver trapped in it's line
Facing the cold, stuck in the mould
The magma here under makes fire seems cold
And I've been down below
And I've been high above
From flaring field of fiery formations
The sub dimensions aflame
Like a havoc in black when the force turns back
The surface tears open spills blood from it's cracks
The cause of the essence sharpen the lines of dimensions
I am raised by the fields, by the highlands
The minded mountains of old
Where the river starts roaring I roam
Where the wind comes moaning I wander alone
The course of the essence sharpen the lines
Of the dimensions I am trembling between
The inner cause of the utter cause
Reflections of the core
The furious nightmare of reckless erosion
Falling and climbing
A loop of convulsion
An eruption of evil takes form (it is I)
What once where shattered is gathered
Stand tall aim towards the night
The course of the essence sharpen the lines
Of the dimensions I am trembling between
The inner cause of the utter cause
Reflections within the core
Fire burn wisdom in me
Wisdom set mind and spirit free
Moonlight show me the mysteries of life
Winternight give me clearsight and storms to fight
7. Winter Millenium
Through milleniums of winter so waste
I have passed eras to following time
I have faced the force of the nocturnal course
Where the winter comes resounding
On the plains of the earthly wisdom
I have walked the silence yet furious fields
Seen the children of the cold
The elder and the bold
Burning by belief, yearning by deceit
Behind each embracing creature
I saw thousand fighting beasts
I saw the furious black colours
Like the jaws of a bloody feast
At the end of mans wisdom
I saw passion fly so terrible high
I heard sorrow groan
At the end which I found
Where live convulse resound
I came from a distance in time
From the hill where the sun for the first time came through
I followed every wind to every spot it blew
I rove the eternity of time, the history of existence
8. Fields of Long Gone Presence / Outro