
"Epic" (2004)
1. Future Reminiscence 2. Traveller 3. Origin 4. Sealed Chambers of Electricity 5. The Weight of Wind 6. Resonance 7. Relate 8. Cyclus 9. Circled 10. Inner Ocean Hypothesis 11. Quintessence 12. The Wonder
1. Future Reminiscence
The mysteries of a hidden past.
Precession of the planetary relations.
Cosmology, a linear or circular cast?
Restitution of a genuine consciousness.
Return to the haven of the first and the last.
Beware, stare towards the horizon new.
Sear, tear the sensation of distant propinquity.
Through the secret moments I flew.
As one among the very few.
The everlasting zero, a glimpse of a million.
The forever million, yet a ubiquitous presence.
Coronate the path of the Gods, the Elder.
I am a remnant of the forever origin.
I am the soul of every phantom fallen.
I am rising as I am falling, silent as calling.
"The precise prelude of the cataclysm".
Apocalyptic visions of the future fall.
The aberrant taste of the conceiving past.
As a slave of the next moment of presence.
The ones among the very few.
Restitution - summons the sight.
Emancipation - circles in presence.
Renunciation - for a new era to enlighten.
2. Traveller
Existential matters ignite in circulation.
A motion to bend, towards the swift end.
Encompassing a visionary plead to defend.
Liberation of the five senses, the ego phrase.
Metamorphosis of perceptual principles.
Platonic illumination of Natures' quincunx.
Which hemisphere is mine to hold?
Traveller of the x-scape, through endomorphism of time.
Hybrid existence - through spirituality endures the reality.
Traveller of the x-scape, through the gravisphere of wisdom.
Hyper potency - the predominant endurance through infinity.
The iridescence of the solar glimpse.
Through the eyes of Himm and Hippo.
Just another sole strike of the sun.
A stone in the hand or the thought of it?
Traveller of the x-scape, through endomorphism of time.
Hybrid existence - through spirituality endures the reality.
Traveller of the x-scape, through the gravisphere of wisdom.
Hyper potency - the predominant endurance through infinity.
Thoughts of a thinker.
Infinity of numbers.
Numbered thoughts.
Thoughts of infinity.
"Numbers are the essence of all things and the metaphysical
principle of rational order in the universe" (Pythagoras).
Liberation of the five senses, the ego phrase.
Everlasting metamorphosis of perceptual principles.
3. Origin
In coherence of the universal clue.
The elements served as our dictionary.
The vast and the narrow's rendezvous.
Where abstraction and the precise momentarily.
Shared an equal confounded abode.
But soon we entangled ourselves in that maze.
Then, nature's stratum began to erode.
As our fire burnt soil's face.
We suddenly changed our mind's nutrition.
To outshine the forces, became our probe.
Beauty we turned into perdition (to prove that). - "man is
greater than a microbe".
We're the voice of thunder and image of lightning.
It rove inside us since day one.
In past times we tamed the frightening.
A heritage leaping, from father to Son.
But the Son became imperial.
As soon as he mastered gravity.
World's resources were immaterial.
For his ennobled colony.
His urges with chaos reconciled.
Throughout land's and ocean's enormous spectrum.
The alliance continues until he defeats the fossilized.
History, sealed in a petrified museum.
But, we can't transform our origin.
Atoms stay atoms forever.
The senses of Nature will always win.
In this earthly endeavour.
From quantum theory to rustic haven.
The laws of origin control birth.
From feeble fool to strong maven.
Everyone inherit the earth.
4. Sealed Chambers of Electricity
From the lonely, grey bricks of inaccessible places to the
massive stones of a shared foundation.
From a Mental clarity of inverted liberation to the
intricate web
forming ever-changing mazes.
Numerically understanding east to west,
only to snap in a single contraction.
Failing to grasp what all should know best as a perfect
circle of interaction.
An electrical chamber of vast capacity,
storing the pieces gathered by senses,
pushing through filters to see if it cleanses anything
leaning on intricacy.
A matter of movements in a cul-de-sac.
A set of sealed chambers - no compromising.
Collecting raw data - defeat or attack.
Remembering, storing and schematising.
An electrical chamber of vast capacity,
storing the pieces gathered by senses,
forcing trough filters to see if it cleanses anything
leaning on vivacity.
The mind's electricity clearing the vanity,
grasping the world through keyholes of sanity.
Anything leaning on vivacity.
Numbness in speech - not in visualisation - forms
intricacy's silent coronation.
An electrical chamber of vast capacity,
storing the pieces gathered by senses,
opening filters so that nothing cleanses all that is leaning
on complexity.
5. The Weight of Wind
Through every thought.
On every surface.
Crossing every idea.
Lifting, gentle movements.
A certain direction.
Turning tides, opening skies.
Measuring the weight of wind.
6. Resonance
Thunderous events below the atmosphere.
Hibernate within my fissures.
Mind has compressed what it lent from the ear.
Like a diamond that sings of external pressure.
But this zenith is chased by a curse.
That time seems cruel to our memory.
Expressive bow strokes in the bodily universe.
Soon fade into a monotonous symphony.
Like solar flares that reach our plexus.
Through the cloud chamber's web.
So we learnt to forget about essentiality.
And deny the primal frequency.
But its spirit still exists in me.
As my existence is its gree.
Like fertility found its mother in fallow.
We found our ethics in each other.
Organic development was to follow.
And intelligence defeated pother.
Earthquake: Its stentorian chord.
The core's hollow choir.
Fields tremble where Alps aboard.
The resonance, that even deletes fire.
7. Relate
A flat planet in the centre of the universe.
Who punctured us?
Who thrust the needle into our flesh?
Geocentrism came crawling back - licking the needle marks -
"Copernicus was never right", and our world turned as
introvert as our minds.
Kepler, Copernicus & Galilei suffocating in the vacuum of
the microcosms.
The inside can wait as long as we're preoccupied with
shining the facade.
We brought this upon ourselves - the connection breach.
We cut the rope, we shut the power down.
The line does not reach out any more.
Diagonal traded for horizontal - there is no up and down.
Gathered, trapped, closed into a linear thought.
Kepler, Copernicus & Galilei suffocating in the vacuum of
the microcosms.
The inside can wait as long as we're preoccupied with
shining the facade.
Somehow we lost the ancient connection.
All perspective eaten by newborn abilities.
Entangled no more? - Simplicity the order of absent
Complexity a distant relative or a strange rumour.
Reflective surfaces mirroring skin, cores diminish slowly
and silently.
Nourishment torn away, light dimmed to the unrecognizable.
Show us your universe and we'll give you our world - we do
not recognize it anyway!
8. Cyclus
I am soon to reach the pith.
My spherical vile so sacred.
Engendering the divine fusion.
Visions of emerging stars.
I am about to stake my stance.
Fly above the precluding fence.
The cosmic feast I am to gasp.
To honour the divine cast.
Cyclus - frames the core of the causes.
Circle - the way of the forces.
Gods, I am here to prevail.
End the subsequent existence.
The resound of thousand tales.
Hear the call, stirring the fall.
Reinstate the lurid, lunar existence.
The renaissance of primal founders.
Stamina, the retrace of revival.
Synergy of entire universal courses.
Energy of the stellar host.
Cyclus - frames the core of the causes.
Circle - the way of the forces.
Gods, I am here to prevail.
End the subsequent existence.
The resound of thousand tales.
Hear the call, stirring the fall.
Gods, I am here to be and become.
Combine the rotating sequence.
Trig the fall of the presence.
Here the call, stirring the fall.
I am about to stake my stance.
Fly above the precluding fence.
The cosmic feast I am to gasp.
The honour the divine cast.
Gods, I am here to prevail.
End the subsequent existence.
The resound of thousand tales.
Hear the call, stirring the fall.
Gods, I am here to be and become.
Combine the rotating sequence.
Trig the fall of the presence.
Here the call, stirring the fall.
9. Circled
Thought formed the earth as earth formed the thought -
it flew with the wind as the wind always sought the fire of
the soma of motion,
producing the sweat that set off the corrosion that made the
flesh turn into earth again.
So let the water drink you as Ophelia did -
beloved daughter and cherished sister.
Or worship the earth that Pompeii once hid,
differing not between vagrant and minister.
Take heed to the wind and its soft fingertips and fire's red
thoughts and smouldering lips.
So let the water drink you as Ophelia did -
beloved daughter and cherished sister.
Or worship the earth that Pompeii once hid,
differing not between vagrant and minister.
Sense - will you show me the way to the matter of radiant
of having to shatter the fundamentals of intoxicant
Opposing the stream , never stirring or blinking,
but firmly preserving Sisyphus' work.
The boulder rolls heavily - is it in vain?
Deducing the truth again and again.
The wind speeds up as the earth turns hard.
The mountain swells up but reaps pure disregard from
history and all in between.
So let the water drink you as Ophelia did -
beloved daughter and cherished sister.
Or worship the earth that Pompeii once hid,
differing not between vagrant and minister.
10. Inner Ocean Hypothesis
Algae and plankton sporadically rinsed up effectively.
Seaweed clad naked continents in green veils.
From stardust constructions, cells elusively.
Rearranged the scenery in numerous scales.
A primitive organism, predecessor of mutations.
Along the evolutionary ladder crawled ashore.
In water transformed during thousand generations.
Then made its debut on the primary action floor.
Still its ensemble accumulates our presence.
The expression of oceans lurk inside.
The building block, water, is our essence.
We're like a moving, perpendicular, biological tide.
Salt spices blood, sweat and tears.
As the bodily recipe's most essential grain.
Due to the wave creator, Heart, pulsation rears.
As rivers through what anatomy calls veins.
And limestone-white structures hold our marrow.
As in marine animals that swim free.
(But we're) separated, through tiny variations along time's
Unknown to the fetus in the Amniotic Sea.
The quintuple man, the five senses division.
Add two for the number of world's oceans.
And two hidden gene threads may fulfil that vision.
Intuition and instinct create the seven faceted motion.
Particles that once streamed astray.
Now form the basis in our DNA.
Salt spices blood, sweat and tears.
As the bodily recipe's most essential grain.
Due to the wave creator, Heart, pulsation rears.
As rivers through what anatomy calls veins.
11. Quintessence
The principles of the quintessential four.
Surrounds the inevitable future lore.
Untangle the path of a circular cast.
The symbiosis of earth, air, water and fire.
Soaked by water, a blinding tear.
Nothing to see, nothing to flee.
Burnt by fire, the future I sear.
Everything I'll see, everything I'll be.
Raised by earth, womb of all origin.
Nothing to seed, nothing to breed.
Exhaled by air, puzzle of gaseous spinning.
Everything I'll breathe, everything I'll feed.
Midst of the parallax, I mirror the illuminations.
Fall, rise and further evolution.
Midst of the parallax, the maze of illustrations.
Fall, rise and fatal conclusion.
Soaked by water, a blinding tear.
Nothing to see, nothing to flee.
Burnt by fire, the future I sear.
Everything I'll see, everything I'll be.
The principles of the essential four.
Strengthen and bond, the core.
Tangles the math of a circular cast.
The erosion of earth, air, water and fire.
Omnifarious - earth.
Omnipresence - air.
Omnipotence - water.
Omnivorous - fire.
Ominous for the omniscient.
Soaked by water, a blinding tear.
Nothing to see, nothing to flee.
Burnt by fire, the future I sear.
Everything I'll see, everything I'll be.
Raised by earth, womb of all origin.
Nothing to seed, nothing to breed.
Exhaled by air, puzzle of gaseous spinning.
Everything I'll breathe, everything I'll feed.
12. The Wonder
Celebration of life in all its forms.
The visionary scope of wonders.
Confluent and figural scenery.
The resilient existence of the past.
As a drone of the inevitable progress.
The carrier that breach the horizon.
I see the winter all summer through.
Moments inducing the way and sight.
Dark is the astray, as the olden domain.
Illumine the wonder new.
Spiritual moraine, a phantom brew.
The wonder - of the solar/lunar peak.
Through the glimpse of the moments.
Query presence of celestial wisdom.
Mirrors summoning fires igniting.
Fires inducing the day and light.
I see the winter all summer through.
Moments inducing the way and sight.
The path I have chosen is the spring of you.
A wonder ignites, ahead, towards infinity.