
"Bog Bodies" (2003 Demo)
1. Tollund Man 2. Grauballe Man 3. Lindow Man 4. Virvatulet (outro)
1. Tollund Man
without your black fate
without your sacrifice
bearing bronze swords
bearing horned helmets
the cycle would be
without its end link
to the old cult
death was neccesity
go to a deserted place
to reach higher being
the end link of cycle
is sacrifice
fertility of strong
relies on tollund
the flickering fire
needs your body
fire will complete
the cycle
as christ came
the cycle was broken
dark age of life
would reign then
christ will end the cycle
christ will end the cycle
2. Grauballe Man
blood dried black
in the river of himself
bone gone black
his throat deeply slit
life had to be
paid for with life
grauballe man
with you lay
black oxen and pigs
they are your equal
life had to be
paid for with life
swamped purgatory
hold the fearful soul
an ancient example
of dishonor
life had to be
paid for with life
time burnt corpse
eternally haunts
weak grauballe
twisted and torn
life had to be
paid for with life
3. Lindow Man
slumped into shoulders
a dark leather face
from the long slumber
in a grave of peat
beard stained red
sinews around neck
of ritual killing
iron age execution
dark green casket
eternalized from acid
the black offering
to worship the sun
old lindow man
an inevitable victim
of barbarous rite
to worship nature
4. Virvatulet (outro)