
"Nitko Nas Ne Vidi... Ali Mi Ipak Postojimo" (2006)
1. 2,000,000 grinja spava sa vama 2. Crvenilo i parfem 3. Èuvaj zdravlje 4. Poludjeli psihijatar 5. Savršen dan za samoubojstvo 6. Supernova budala 7. Melem za uši 8. Uvijek problemi 9. Idemo na papu 10. Nesavršen svijet (jebiga) 11. Lauf 12. Produkt progresa 13. Biraj: budala, debil, kreten ili imbecil? 14. Gusti sloj septièke 15. Zbog love 16. Sam protiv sebe 17. Exploziv (akustik)
1. 2,000,000 grinja spava sa vama
2,000,000 OF MITES IS SLEEPING WITH YOU The mite a little parasite that lives with people the human a big parasite living with mites they can't see each other but still they are disgusted of the other. What to do? buy a fuckin' vacuum cleaner use the biggest guns get ready for the worst 'cause 2,000,000 of mites is sleeping with you What we have done the shit we put ourselves in pour the gasoline over and light it up the whole country should be burned down what we have done the shit we put ourselves in don't you worry i've got the solution nuclear warhead is ready to go ready to go the mite!
2. Crvenilo i parfem
Your parfume smells very nice
you use it all the time
but nothing can help you to hide
the stench of drugs you are wearing around
you whore!
Rouge and parfume
can't hide
the stench of drugs
You just came home from rehab
you gained the weight and you look fine
but it's all over pretty soon
and old habbits take you over
3. Èuvaj zdravlje
Only not to get sick , now when the health is business
You feel the pain , you visit your doctor
you get your antibiotics , the value of shares is growing
you pay when you get out
And if antibiotics don't help , they send you to private clynics
where you get skin broke
we've got to realize that the health care is nowdays business
don't go anywhere without money
'cause money is your health
What about little children
what about my old mother
nowday when the health is business
what about the old men
nowday when the health is business
what about my old mother
nowday when the health is business
You can swear,yell and break
you can argue and discuss what's wrong or wright
but nothing can ease your fuckin' pain
nowday when the health is business
you can swear at them
but nothing can ease your fuckin' pain
4. Poludjeli psihijatar
Why I always have to listen to someone else's problems
does anybody know what's going on in their own brain
I've got to listen to all that shit
it's enough my mind is breaking
I've got to listen all those sad stories
hey you crazy fucks - fuck off!
Mad psychiatrist
I drink everything I don't give a shit I drink everything I drink I drink
Diagnosis , what diagnosis?
there's no diagnosis
I don't give a shit
5. Savršen dan za samoubojstvo
It's a perfect day and i've got a gun in my hand
I'm only one step away from madness
my spine is shivering , the preassure all over my head
it's over , the end is near
It's a perfect day for suicide , it's a perfect time and place
You better run before it's too late , it's becoming all clear now
'cause the countdown starts
Fucked up,alone,and crazy as hell , only few seconds 'till end
The whole destiny in his palm
the sweaty palm looking the trigger
looking at finger
to finaly determines the end
Misserable life , always alone , alcohol
6. Supernova budala
All those fools in one place
all those morons in one place
I don't believe what I see
The anchors are making fool out of you
you laugh and just say yes!
you want to be seen on tv,you want to be big
but if you ask me you're just a plain fool
Show-big money-everything's ok
coca cola-the sponsor-it's all clear to me
everyone's-watching-and me too
drinking the beer-laughing-at fools
I really hope I'll be a star
I really hope I won't be fucked
Let's make a show , let's make a load of money
it's working there , why it would not here
Brandnew fool
7. Melem za uši
8. Uvijek problemi
always problems,always problems,wherever i go,always problems
always problems,whatever i do,always problems
Half of my life and even more I dedicated to solving problems
maybe I'm crazy and maybe it's all because of this fuckin' system
always in shit'til neck,fighting to get money I earned
but don't give up,don't give up / hang yourself,hang yourself
wherever I go
whatever I do
One hundred tons on my back - my pockets are empty
9. Idemo na papu
The pope is coming , tonight he's visiting Rijeka
the pope is coming , he tours Croatia
oh no,the crazy old men who can't walk
on his own,his hands are shaking
He can't even say two sentences
he can't walk,he's carried around
that's the pope?he's the main man?
there are no women,there is no sin
there is no booze,there is no gain
what? that's life! not for me!
The pope is coming,let's go and see him
Hey pope,listen to me - when you come back
bring over some girls,bring over some booze
'cause I know you drink as much as me
your hands are shaking without alcohol
Pope John Paul ll
millions spent on promotion
tomorrow the same shit
10. Nesavršen svijet (jebiga)
If you think it is all good and that everything's ok
you're wrong , everything's fucked up
I just want some dynamite
he's just wants some dynamite
to make everything disappear
I'm not guilty because all around me is
Imperfect world
fuck it! this is imperfect world
Disasters,wars and killing
blood,tears and hunger
Too late for us
too late for this world
I don't want to be a hero
I don't want to be god
I don't want it
just leave me alone
11. Lauf
I'm sitting behind the wheel stepping on the gas
breaking everything , it's the salvation
get away from me , can't you see I'm mad
I've got the road in front
I take down and brake 'til I take it all
take down and brake until I burn down
taking it slowly
until all you are crashed
12. Produkt progresa
Confused,deceived,mentally fucked up,tortured
Looking from inside but can't see nothing,this funny game called life
the voice of sense is telling me - get more poison
to poison all you and go back to roots,anyway we're just monkey
the voice of sense is telling me - get more poison
Is it possible the life is so shallow?
Maybe we're just an experiment?
maybe we're just at the bottom of the bottom?
the system falls down and nothing's there
fuckin' technology
Maybe we're just an experiment?
maybe we're just at the bottom of the bottom?
finally I see everything,finally I see everything
I am the product of progress
13. Biraj: budala, debil, kreten ili imbecil?
Let's go people
Your choice , you can easly become a tragedy
or maybe the fool , there is also the retarded
inspired by this world you can become
choose: the moron , or maybe the imbecil
inspired by this world you can become
The fool,retarded,the moron or imbecil
14. Gusti sloj septièke
The thick layer of shit
slowly covers you up
you can't get out
slowly takes over
the smell is spreading all over the (septic) tank
your body is frightened,it wants to get out
the stench is unbareable,the panic start
the thick layer over your head,
it's the death in septic tank
The thick layer of shit
slowly takes you down
15. Zbog love
If I should not have the money I need
because everything's expensive and far away from me
should I cheat the people around me
to lie them and hide from them
with their own money to pretend I'm tough
and when I see them to hide in hole
Because of money
Don't have money - that's it from me
I'll borrow some money , 'cause I don't have it
in the world I live in , and it's all I need
without the money,I don't have the power and I
don't think what will happen when I should return the debt
will they search for me to beat me,to crush me,to kill me
Give me the money , can't live without it
I don't have the power , my world is falling apart
game over , game over
16. Sam protiv sebe
Everyone's minding their own business,nervousness everywhere
and I ask myself - where do I live?
A little blood,sweat and luck,noone wants to get involved
asking myself - what's it to me?
You can - survive
you can't - live
just bang your head to the wall
Constant fight against them and everything else
I hate myself,him and her,I hate this country too
fighting myself,the devil and god himself
I'll fight you all and send you to hell
I swear and I'm angry asking myself
where do I live?
I just wanted normal life that's not black and not
grey and ask myself - what's that to me?
You can - survive
you can't - live
just bang your head to the wall
Always alone and always against
against everything and all
always alone and always against
me against me
Alone against all
alone against me
17. Exploziv (akustik)