
"Soul Struggle" (1994 Demo)
1. The Body of Christ 2. Overflow 3. Unholy Glee 4. Hanging Man 5. Megalomanic Masturbation
1. The Body of Christ
Drums of death fill the jungle sky
Bring in the warriors who survived the fight
How they wish that they had died
Human sacrifice
Feasting on their flesh
A trophy of(f) their heads
Hoping to seize their power and their youth
By magical deed, this eating their own kind
They feel new energy coursing through their veins
Even if it's only in their mind
Behind the altar, a by us reviled priest
Dividing bread and pouring out the wine
Celebration of the Eucharist
His mindless herd's forming a line
The bread symbolizes the Body of Christ
They eat his flesh and hope to see the light
To be granted his power's what they came for
Where have I heard that before ?
Rituals they adopt - from a cultur less developed
A similarity undenied - so tell me where the difference lies
To me your Christianity - is much estranged from reality
Reflect on what you' ve done - you' ve eaten your own god
2. Overflow
Buried deep within
Isolated from our consciousness
Lies the solution to many things
The abidance of ugliness
Venturing to deep
The nearer you draw to reality, the more you estrange
Venturing to deep
Searching and finding out the truth and than labled insane
Intelligence commensurate with the sence
Of the narrowness of our consciousness
This train of thought is commonly repudiated
Far to recondite
One million associations at a time
Overflowing my mind
Can you relate
Words fail to explain
What needs to be shut out
With this blinders on
I hardly see the essence
Not to mention the matters beyond
Despite of their equal presence
3. Unholy Glee
With unholy glee, I witness your defeat
Now that I have opened my eyes
The ambiguity of your argumentation
You cannot deny
Ad nauseam, I tried to empathize
It could have been a misconstruction
Now I see you otherwise
Only one thing you understand ... AFFLICTION
Vengeance is mine
The smell of death's anigh
Crossing the line
Between love and hate
Unable to distinguish truth and lies
Therefor you'll receive something that has died
Loss of faith in humankind
By my present of gore
I want to get more than even
You dirty little whore
Now that you've revealed
Your true face
The only thing I'm feeling now
Is a desideratum to abase
4. Hanging Man
Here I'm lying on my bed
Sick of it all, sick of myself
Everything seems insurmountable and dejected
Want to stop the pain, desperate
I have lost all mainstay
Aggressive rage turns inside
I take revenge on my entourage
My death shall mark the rest off their lives
They will certify me posthumously insane
For fear of their own finiteness
A disgrace for the family they will live with the stain
Forgive me mother, I want to leave this hell
If I die everything still exists, thus proving my uselessness
So I start to hatch a plan to die as quickly as I can
Drowning, self-poisoning, asphyxiation,
Self-combustion or electrocution?
I will end up with Judas in hell
For I've decided to hang myself
Now the final stage off my morbid desire
I write a note to explain why
I choose a rope, it mustn't break
For I'm determined my life to take
I put my head right in
and place the rope beneath my chin
I give the chair a yank
And everything goes ...
5. Megalomanic Masturbation
Now I rise above my own humanity
And in my solitude I see clear
The true nature of our species
Sickening things you ought to fear
In impudent haughtiness
We call ourselves god's creation
If anything, we're the offspring of the devil
Even calling ourselves animals would be self-complacent
Dragging everything down to our poor level
Speaking without sound - sound without substance -
Substance without a value - a value of no importance
You! Do you feel you have a reason
To feel good about yourself
Transparently recycling ideas
That couldn't possibly emanate from your inferiour brain
Thinking of yourself as the center of the universe
Does it even come to mind I could feel the same
Megalomanic masturbation is your crime
Megalomanic masturbation - an act so vile
You'll find out the hard way pride goes before a fall
Fake social behaviour, such a nauseating sight
I'm waiting vainly for you to be sized up by all
Considered honest 'till they find out about your lies