
"Necrotic Bibliophilia" (2001)
1. Frank Belknap Long 2. Isaac Asimov 3. Alfred Bester 4. Arthur C. Clarke 5. Ray Bradbury 6. Octavia E. Butler 7. Samuel R. Delaney 8. Kenneth Robeson 9. Roger Zelazny 10. William Gibson 11. Neal Stephenson 12. Jules Verne 13. H.G. Wells 14. Michael Moorcock 15. J.R.R. Tolkien
1. Frank Belknap Long
Blue Ichar! No corners!
Read Frank Belknap Long instead of eating food
With a Name like Frank Belknap Long It's got to be good
Turn away from the horror lest ye surely go mad
Frank gives you every tentacle and severed hand
And Others Shall Be Born!
The Hounds of Tindalos!
Mastered the mythos, wrote horrific poems
H. P. got him a slot on the amazing staff
On to tread the path laid by Lovecraft
2. Isaac Asimov
In '41 fandom was young, and Asimov's name was on every tongue
'Cuz in '41 Nightfall had come
Planet driven insane by an eclipse of the sun
A pair of lush sideburns & a bolo tie describes
The genius who brings us the story of I, Robot
So what, the term was coined by Kapec?
The Three Laws of Robotics ain't been broken yet!
Hey! He had to get paid writing fiction, non-fiction, teaching biochemistry
Fact: He wore so many hats.
Was in the Navy with Heinlein & L. Sprague De Camp!
No big thing, 'til Campbell took him under his Astounding wing
Foundation published before his sideburns had even grown an inch!
Psycho-historian, prophetic creation
Mule had to go and fuck up the equation
That's what you get when you make a sport of mutation!
3. Alfred Bester
$50 winner, S.F. contest proved Alfred Bester better than the rest
A few more stories pseudo-science non-stop
Like the plot of the Bester book you couldn't drop!
Wrote comics & radio on an 8 years break
'Til commercial TV proved more than he could take
He wrote... The Green Lantern Oath!
He Knew... What the Shadow knows!
When Campbell fell under L. Ron's spell
Alfred said, "You can fuckin' go to hell!"
Bloodhag think and drink to him still
Left his estate to his bartender in his will
Man is not slave to science. Science slaves for a man's mind
When that man unwinds- that's when Alfred Bester writes!
The Demolished Man!
The Stars My Destination!
Fondly Farenheit!
4. Arthur C. Clarke
Is this just a myth? Consciousness exists
Because of this monolithic obelisk genesis
Rewrite the ironic bit. His literary gift's eclipsed
By Kubrick and a Script, but undiminished by it!
Matters of security, he wasn't kept in the dark
For his help in the direction and perfection of radar
Now his life's one long weekend he's only speakin' in Sri Lank
Nobody parts the sea or starts an odyssey like Arthur C. Clarke!
Give it to 'em hard!! Hard SF!! ...Hey!!
Rendezvous With Rama. The Nine Names of God.
Childhood's End and then The Fountain of Paradise.
Then when we land on Venus or maybe Mars
Then when we touch the monolith-
Then we see the truth: Oh my God. It's full of stars!
Give it to 'em hard!! Hard SF!! ...Hey!!
5. Ray Bradbury
You did pretty good for never having gone to college Ray...
But when I saw you on TV I felt you owed me an apology!
But not for..
Farenheit 451!
Not for...
Something Wicked This Way Comes!
Not for...
Golden Apples of the Sun!
Not for...
Martian Chronicles, Book One!
6. Octavia E. Butler
After armageddon shredded pieces of the human race
Xenogenesis, mated into creatures free of hate
Immortals burn patterns through infinity
To shape the face and fate of Humanity
Don't make Octavia write for a hundred years
Because you treat black women as good as guys with pointed ears
Teach Kindred in a history class
Your kid's a guaranteed genius if they pass
Her characters evoke the same rich note
As if spoke from the baritone of her own throat
After Wild Seed's sown a new society's regrown
You'll never be alone, you'll sit beside her throne
Mind Of My Mind!
7. Samuel R. Delaney
Einstein Intersections and Babel 17
Tweaked sex roles, language, and all in-between
Subversive insertion of your progressive mores
Into standard Sword and Sorcery
Passion plays
Forget the old white writer smoking a pipe
Try a bisexual black man with a lust for life
No more fiction that's his decision
Making a religion of incisive criticism!
Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand!
The Motion of Light in Water!
We In Some Strange Power's Employ!
Move On a Rigorous Line!
8. Kenneth Robeson
Kenneth Robeson. You wrote some, of my favorite fiction
Like Doc Savage, The Avenger
So I don't even give a shit
That your name was just a surname
For thousands men's pens
In the thirties, I could buy your books for just ten cents
And you'd get what you paid for they were made for
They're the one only that I can read
When I rot in county jail!
Kenneth Robeson!
You wrote some of my favorite fiction.
9. Roger Zelazny
The page of New Wave bore Roger's fresh face
Set the taste and the pace for his time and place
In the Courts of Chaos, Corwin struts in Amber
Only those of the True Lineage may walk the pattern
Bloody family feuds and a super-computer in Limbo
A pack of Trumps under the pillow
Worlds of the fantastic. Dense and specific. Unscientific.
New twists on old Myths. Man to Gad metamorphosis
So what his new hits ain't as good or as thick?
It's not his fault Damnation Alley flick sucked shit
My name is Legion. Will leave no doubt.
Or The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth!
10. William Gibson
Fragments Of a Hologram Rose
Immortalized in Burning Chrome
His success rode on ominous crest
The death of traditional SF!
Neuromancer's sequels are written here and now,
Each day we live in Example of Canuck pessimism
Examination of Global pessimism
Examination of global schism. Dystopian vision.
Forged with typewriter ribbon
Jack the chip right into my brain
Mnemonics was just a scheme
Absolution for Gibson's dream
The Faceless control everything
No heroes to save the world
No future. No history to be told.
11. Neal Stephenson
On All Hallow's Eve in Fort Mead
In the shadow of the National Security Agency
Away in a mainframe, no crib for a bed
Born and bred by Propellorheads!
Snow Crash ensconced you as a prophet
Silicon Valley copped it to profit off it
Mysteries with just hints of SF Twists
Sealed with a kiss, language virus!
The Command Line Is The Beginning, where does it end?
Quicksilver writing with a fountain pen
Decode and encrypt! Decode and encrypt!
And write! Write now!
12. Jules Verne
Jules and his brother, watching the boats
Tellin' stories to each other of the places they'd go
At twenty-thousand leagues meet Captain Nemo
Not much of a plot and owed a lot to Poe
From Phineas Fogg to Impey Barbicane
He fit his fiction to the science of the day
Practically invented the N.R.A.
Wrote Around the World in 80 Days!
Jules' dad sent him to law school in Paris
He wished he was with his brother on a ship
Supposed to go to class but always skipped
Did the coffeehouse bit, started to get Lit
Wrote a couple of boring plays
Soon, Jules was amazed
Writing fiction pays
So, he wrote Around The World In 80 Days!
13. H.G. Wells
The ladies didn't want H.G. for his money
He spoke soft and sweet, and smelled like honey
If his wife found out, he wasn't worried
Just set his time machine back before he was married!
Want to see a Morlock? Keep watchin' the box...
Want to see an Eloi? Just watch Baywatch!
The plot device to all life's stories evolutionary
British scientific romance revolutionary
Writers still swipe from you most famous books
Yet they forget the social satire of your later works
When The Sleeper Awakes. The Holy Terror.
The World Set Free. A Mind At The End Of It's Tether
The century turned the way you said- no mistaking
Mankind was yours for the making
14. Michael Moorcock
Corum. The last of his race
Had to kick ass over sixteen planes
Elric. Kept alive by his sword
Stormbringer stole souls for the Chaos Lords.
Eternal Champion. Multiverse of the mind
Everything he wrote somehow intertwined
Michael Moorcock born in 1939!
The Sundred Worlds! The Wrecks of Time!
Moor...cock..cock...cock! Moor...cock..cock...cock!
Moorcock smoked pot with Lemmy
You think you wrote a lot of books, he wrote twice as many
Von Beck was Mike's Grandad
Best Eternal Champion a kid ever had
The Golden Barge or any of his stories
Ironic fables, simple allegories
The great rock-n-roll swindle... Well, why the fuck not?
Hawkwind and Moorcock write books and rock
Moor...cock..cock...cock! Moor...cock..cock...cock!
15. J.R.R. Tolkien
Who wrote the Hobbit, Two Towers and Return of the King?
J.R.R. Tolkein!
Who wants Rankin/Bass's ass in a sling?
J.R.R. Tolkein!
The only fantasy I'd ever read to my children
But not The Simarillion!
Who wants to kill Ralph Bakshi for the Lord of the Rings?
J.R.R. Tolkein!