
"Hooked On Demonics" (1998 Demo)
1. Ray Bradbury 2. Edgar Rice Burroughs 3. Philip K. Dick 4. Harlan Ellison 5. Robert A. Heinlein 6. Jules Verne
1. Ray Bradbury
You did pretty good for never having gone to college Ray...
But when I saw you on TV I felt you owed me an apology!
But not for..
Farenheit 451!
Not for...
Something Wicked This Way Comes!
Not for...
Golden Apples of the Sun!
Not for...
Martian Chronicles, Book One!
2. Edgar Rice Burroughs
Some call it trash
but I think it art, are
He wrote John Carter
Warlord of Mars and
3. Philip K. Dick
chorus: -Nothing' s ever the way it looks!
The K is for kickin' your ass with great books!
Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
Genius! Paranoid lunatic!
Lies, Incorporated - Valis and Ubik
You got to stay the fuck back from Philip K. Dick!
Though he wrote some crap to pay the rent
Anyone could see his mind was bent
Everything is a lie. Reality is a sham.
Am I a Replicant? I don't know who the fuck I am!
Repeat chorus!
4. Harlan Ellison
Write in a store window, the girls watch your lobes flex
Still, no one could guess what you would write next
Like you might write just to read your own name
Your early work made good TV game
Still, no one could top you at your short fiction
No one could stop your dangerous visions
We wrote this song don't let it go to your head
You'd like it more if your name's all we said
Harlan, Harlan, Ellison!
Harlan, Harlan, Ellison!
A lot of people called you a prick
Maybe you talked a little shit 'bout Philip K. Dick
Mephisto In Onyx. Phoenix Without Ashes.
Couldn't write a real novel to save your ass!
5. Robert A. Heinlein
Grok this! Robert A. Heinlein, here's a dis
You're a misogynist. Known as the fascist of the Best Seller list
As you died in pain. You still had to persist
And make sure everybody knew you were pissed
Wrote about your great great great great Grandson
Only as Larzarus Long could you be that handsome
I swear as sure as your middle name is Anson
I heard you wrote a favorite book of Charles Manson
Starship Troppers. Podkayne of Mars.
Time Enough For Love. Time For The Stars.
You opened the door they could've followed
The future starts the day after tomorrow!
It's the day after tomorrow
6. Jules Verne