
"Raping the Ancient" (2004)
1. Midvinterblod 2. Haunting the Runes 3. Superior Winds 4. Threshold of the Unseen 5. The Burning Season 6. As Creation Wept 7. Loki's Fury (Instrumental) 8. Drifting of Ull 9. Thirteen Oar's of Misfortune 10. While You Lie Bleeding 11. Gammellandet
1. Midvinterblod
Viking Ritual Of Killing Animals
And Letting Them Hang In Trees
A Sacrifice To The Gods...
...Some Say They Drank Their Blood
2. Haunting the Runes
Baptized by North Winds
Master of the darkened seas
The shadow upon the your shoulder
Ancestor of nocturne breeze
Haunting the Runes
Destroying the Myths
Raping the ancient ones
Ordained by the majestic
Ruler of Arctic lands
The cold within your heart
The fear within man
Haunting the Runes
Destroying the Myths
Raping the ancient ones
Reserected by faith
King of all gods supreme
Savior to the Northland
The one eye has seen
Haunting the Runes
Killing the untrue
3. Superior Winds
In Autumn skies
Witches of November rise
Call upon the wind
Of many names
Blood stained sorrows
Cry the false idols
Upon the sea of tears
We set sail
Feel the Superior Winds
Drift the endless horizons
Ride the storms of the infernal
Feel the Superior Winds
Longboats of Wolves
Frost upon the breath
Eyes of fire
Dragons of the sea
Three ravens fly
Into the dismal night
Soar upon the dark and dreary North
Blood banners wave
Vikings we are
Destroying the church
With Odin's force
Feel the Superior Winds
Drift the endless horizons
Ride the storms of the infernal
Feel the Superior Winds
Bow to the master
The wind is the way
A man without Gods
Is barren in his heart
4. Threshold of the Unseen
Threshold Of The Unseen
Grasp The Throat
The Killing Of Life
Bleeding The Wounds
To Savour The Pain
Embracing The Knife
I Taste Your Sweet Suffering
To Feel Your Breath Upon My Knife
I Devour Your Weakness
Crush Your Face
Into The Hate I Breed
Savour The Flesh
My Consuming Need
I Taste Your Sweet Suffering
To Feel Your Breath Upon My Knife
I Devour Your Weakness
5. The Burning Season
The Burning Season
Pour Out The Gas
I'll Light The Fucking Match
Burn Your Lies
Down To The Hallowed Ground
Ashes Of Your Faith
Scattered In The Pagan Skies
Curse The Plague
Seething Within
Embrace The Flames
It's The Burning Season
It's The Burning Season
Raped By The Flames
Judeo Christian Slaves
Charred By The Truth
Hypocrisy Is Your Savior
Cut Out Your Throat
While It's Still Beating
Where's Your Fucking God
Your So Needed
Embrace The Flames
It's The Burning Season
6. As Creation Wept
As Creation Wept
Guided By Northern Lights
Master Of Ancestral Rights
Buried Within The Lies
Ragnarock Begins Its Ride
As Creation Wept
Laughter Filled The Skies
Slaughtered By The Need
Severed For The Feast
Served With Blood And Wine
The End Complete
As Creation Wept
Laughter Filled The Skies
Faded Violets Bleed
In Porcelain Dreams
Nine Seasons Thunder
Beyond Northern Lights
7. Loki's Fury (Instrumental)
Loki's Fury
Jester Of The Gods, Not To Be Trusted,
Friend And Enemy Of The Gods.
Associated With Fire,
Earthquakes And Magic
He Can Quickly Transform Into
Different Shapes And Sexes.
Muscular, Handsome,
Knowledgeable, Humorus And Smart,
But Evil By Nature.
His Wife Is Called Sigyn
And His Son Narve.
His Father Was Called Farnaute.
He Carries The Dead
Across The Ocean To Nivlheim.
Loki Begot Three Children,
The Fenris Wolf, Jormundgang
(The Midgard Serpent)
And Hel, With The Giantess Angrboda,
Who Can Forbode Grief.
Responsible For The Tricking,
Which Begot The Death Of Balder.
8. Drifting of Ull
Drifting Of Ull
I Am Winter
The Wind In Your Sails
The Archer In Dreams
The Frost Upon The Tundra
Glacher Light Reflects
Upon The Halls
Riding Amongst The Stars
I Am Your Savior
The Hope In Your Tears
The Vision In Glass
The Blood Upon Your Lips
Oceans Currents
Tides The Shores
Drifting Amonst The Seas
I Am The Blizzard
The Mountains Supreme
The Forests Of Solitude
The Answer To Your Prayers
Flickering Beneath
Creations Demise
Walking Below The Land
I Am Salvation
The Battles Helm
The Victory Salute
The Northern Force
Rising Above
Fortunes Gaze
Death Is Immortal
Sail Away
Odin's Son
All Will Be Forever
Sail Away
Northern Son
All Will Be Forever
9. Thirteen Oar's of Misfortune
Thirteen Oars Of Misfortune
Drawn By The Visions
Of The Dark Nocturnal Seasons
We Set Sail, Admist The Iceberg Flows
Sworn To The Hammer
Of The Far Northern Tribal Magiks
We Spill The Blood
Upon The Dog Christion Lands
Bound By Chains Of Disillusions
Enslave Forever Within
Tormented With Failure
Guided To The End
With A Corpse Smile
Hunted By The Shine
Of The Dead Arctic Winter Sun
We Become Lost Within The Fog And Mist
Beckoned By The Deep
The Waves Carry Our Souls Away
Lost Forever In The Grey Sea Chamber
Bound By Chains Of Disillusions
Enslave Forever Within
Guided To The End
Carried By Valkyries
To The Great Halls Of The Dead
We begin The Feast With The Ancient Warriors Slain
Valhalla Is Ours
We Ride Forever In The Northern Skies
The Sun Never Sets
Upon The Glorious Halls Of Gold
Bound By Chains Of Disillusions
Enslave Forever Within
Guided To The End
With A Corpse's Smile
Thirteen Oars Of Your Misfortune
Three Fates Of Midnight Creeping In
I Am Living Inside Of Suicide
The Storms Of Tragedy
I Shall Ride
10. While You Lie Bleeding
While you lie bleeding
As the blood flows
from out of your wounds
I gaze into your eyes
and rape your soul
While you lie bleeding
As the warmth leaves
from out of your beaten flesh
I steal your last breath
and laugh upon your defeat
Noble warriors
who die upon the battlefield
live forever
in the halls of Valhalla
A toast and a feast
let the gods smile upon you
Winter bares its teeth
and soon the summer
swallows you whole
While you lie bleeding
As I raise a toast
to your pathetic demise
I smile to the stars
and piss upon your corpse
While you lie bleeding
As you drift away
from the unbearable pain
the last thing that you see
is the grin upon your face
Noble warriors
Who die upon the battlefield
live forever
in the halls of Valhalla
A Toast and a feast
let the gods smile upon you
Winter bares its teeth
soon the summer
shall swallow your soul
Silence becomes the son of a prince
to be silent but brave in battle
It befits a man to be marry and glad
until the day of his death
The coward believes he will live forever
if he holds back in battle
But in cold age he shall have no peace
though spears have spared his limbs
Fortunate is he
Who is favoured in his lifetime
with praise and words of wisdom
evil council is often given
by those of evil heart
11. Gammellandet
(The Old Land)
Rennebu, Sor - Trondelag