
"Pestilence From The Dragonstar" (1999)
1. Wrath And Vengeance 2. Death Thunder 3. The Chaos Magician 4. The Angel Web 5. Sirius Rebellion 6. Successor To The Plague Gods 7. Oruthaaht Xun Xihron (The Intellect Devourer) 8. Nibiru Assassins 9. Invader Of Darkness
1. Wrath And Vengeance
Amprodiar-Azoth (daath)
Baratchial-Tiriel (black priest/magus)
Gargophias-Atn (elder lilith)
Dagdagiel-Daleth (shakti)
Heretherith-Kerub (blood of isis)
Urient-Oriens (haunt of the dead)
Zamradiel-Chozzar (atlantean magi)
Characith-Apophis (the solar force)
Temphioth-Sekhet (mega therion)
Vamatu-Tzaphiriron (the death posture)
Kurgasiax-Gomorrah (the nightmare)
Lafeursiax-A'Abirion (plutonian current)
Malkunofat-Leviathan (the terror)
Niantier-Set (necrophiliac sorcery)
Saksaksalim-Nehashiron (regenerate the dead)
A'Anc'Nin-Ur Heka (gate of ingress & egress of Aiwass)
Parfaxitar-Lam (works of wrath and vengeance!)
Tznflitu-Shugal (chains of fire)
Qulielfi-Nashimiron (liars in wait)
Raflifu-Sothis (god of the crossing)
Shalieu-Choronon (the triple fire tongue)
Thantifaxath-Temenos (the great one of the night of time)
Bel Aossic-Armageddon!!!
2. Death Thunder
Crimson serpents of destruction blind with flames
and thunder attack from the ravenous sky
by the force of the ancient war demons with arcane
powers-came the storm reapers seized by the flaming
jaws of the infamous dragon jaws of the infamous
dragon kings Exaulted with the furious Zothyrian
horde spawned in the serpents of blood growling
Conjure the weapons of death thunder
Unbound the battalions of the Qliphoth
Conquering tempest of pestilent storms
Solar titans armoured for perpetual war!
The blissful assault of tyranny corrupt the light of
celestrial eyes pronouncing the malice of the Igigi
the reading venoms of the ancient dead
The skies are now shadows
In the furnace of aggression
To destroy the enemies of the Ixaxaar Lords!
The skies are scourged
by the claws of malignant death!
Conjure the weapons of death thunder
Unbound the battalions of the Qliphoth
Conquering tempest of pestilent storms
Solar titans armoured for perpetual war!
Death thunder enforces the blood charge
Death kings and reapers of flesh and blood
Conquerors of darkness from fifty gates
Great executioner of the dragon star!
3. The Chaos Magician
I am the mystic splendour of the metallic stars
Embracing the pestilence rapture
Through the shrieks of passionless gods
My craft is the snakes of fire
Ascending in the spine of perpetual darkness
My fists are pierced with the grip of madness
Yet I breath the poisons
Of the serpents soul
I spoke the tongue of chaos
And the fire tongue of old -
"Niiso laiden Choronzon-Zilodary Nanta!"
"Niiso laiden Shugal-Zilodary Nanta!"
I drift my eyes into the violent dreams of Arzulgh
I evoke the black blood of the carnivorous spectres
Spectres that have blistered the frozen desert
The flesh of my vortex is the transplutonic flames
Massing like a tower into my own flesh and veins
I've taken flight on the Atlantean phoenix winds!
Yet I breath the poisons
Of the serpents soul
I spoke the tongue of chaos
And the fire tongue of old -
"Niiso laiden Choronzon-Zilodary Nanta!"
"Niiso laiden Shugal-Zilodary Nanta!"
I am the lost majesty of the wisdom of S'lba
I am the warlord born in the trills of wretched chaos
I've become the olden-ones nebulous heavens & hells
Becoming the wraith of the ecstasy eternal
The wizard-soothsayer when the Qliphotic mind,
Has been hurled to abysmal destruction!
Yet I breath the poisons
Of the serpents soul
I spoke the tongue of chaos
And the fire tongue of old -
"Niiso laiden Choronzon-Zilodary Nanta!"
"Niiso laiden Shugal-Zilodary Nanta!"
Oannes communes to me
the essence of the hydra realm. Nothing is not- To
crumble the sinfull walls of the mind. I command
their visitation. When the mourning of the sun Has come to die! I am the invisiable path.
To the abominations of time. For my ancient spirits.
Can never die!
4. The Angel Web
From the summits of the Sirian domain
Benevolent sorceress
She is the love and wrath
That quickens the dead
She is the angel web
Behold the aeon of Maat
She doth shine-from the Sirian domain
I have been chosen-by her mighty passion
To stand from the pits-of the conquering end!
She is the web-
Opening out the withering path-
Of demented silence.
The seals of the 12 Olden
Are in the chains of fire
She is the web-
Genines in the stormgate
Transform throughout me
In the furnace of your vision in reptillian blue and golden skin!
My heart is black-with tyranny whisper your
screaming flames into my veins
She is the angel-That ignites the pestilant winds
For she does know the tongue of Oanner an the
dragon kings the powers of the 12 thunder beast
Are set encrowned upon her head the women of the serpents wind!
Her beauty is studded with the sovereignty eyes
Of my celestial chamber and my celestial shrine-
She bewitches-the red deserts-on the dark days-
of rebellion
She has shadowed her bewitching eyes welcoming the
zenith, of my storm-Form the maelstrom-of the earth-I have been chosen-by her mighty passion
5. Sirius Rebellion
6. Successor To The Plague Gods
7. Oruthaaht Xun Xihron (The Intellect Devourer)
8. Nibiru Assassins
9. Invader Of Darkness