
"Kill for Pleasure" (1987)
1. Menacing Thunder 2. Kill for Pleasure 3. Cannibal 4. Vampire 5. Suicidal Mission 6. Venomous Death 7. The Evil 8. The Darkside 9. R.I.P.
1. Menacing Thunder
Lightning flashers, thunder booms
Feel the rattle in every room
Trees burn, the ground it quakes
You see the walls thrash and shake
The trees, they flutter
People must die
From the menacing thunder in the sky
Feel the rush flow through your veins
The flash burns brighter
The acid pain
Nuclear war, destruction to all
The light greets me now
And then you must fall
The bolt in the clouds
The sign in the stars
The end of the world must not be that far
Menacing thunder in the skies
The clouds are deep
But now they rise
The storm is gone
The ending grows near
Menacing thunder shall take you far
The gods fall victim to the rain
And then you feel it's only dreams
The sparks fly through the blackened sky
Earth splits open for all who have died
A taste of the future
A bit of the past
A great shock of thunder
The ending at last...
2. Kill for Pleasure
He sees the body unprepared
Stalking the prey everywhere
Moves in for the kill tonight
Too late to run
Raise of the sledge
Bring it down on her head
Hunting victims out of lust
Embedding the terror
His sledge will never lust
See the body lie on the floor
You panic then race for the door
Kill for pleasure
Satisfy the need
Kill for pleasure
Make her bleed
Prowling the graves, he looks for souls
Fit for slaves, some heads are gonna roll
Stalking find clue at one hellish sight
Of the killers presence, end of his plight
Kill for pleasure...kill for pleasure!
3. Cannibal
Expedition of death our story begins
Aboard the barge deception
Down the river of sins the winging and the bends
There will be no tomorrow
Forced to take a path of land
The trail is over-grown
Your tour guides because they are scared
But some power is driving us on
You can't see - you fall into the sand
You struggle for life - but you are damned
It's futile to run - they're right on your heels
Your life's almost over - that is the deal
The cannibals are coming for you
They will hunt you down
Drooling all over themselves
Making all grunting sounds
We come to a clearing feel a gush of air
With a smell so disgusting
We all gasp and reel it smells like a meal
Finally see what we searched for
A village is this hell all people covered in mud
They look as they smell
As one looks upon that sacred pole of death
You shake in despair
Breathing not breath on you
There is no escape
All they want to do is chew
They'll have you on their plates
At last we realize we become distraught
The fear is too much to take
But too late to run, they surround us all
With their knives and stakes
Make a plan to escape, the cannibals move in
Wih hunger in their eyes
They get one person, time to dig in
And you will all die
4. Vampire
Sleep in the day, come out at night
Trapped in coffin all locked up tight
Chain won't hold he'll be free
When he comes around take your wives and flee
Looks upon you with his hypnotic gaze
You feel your thoughts blur then daze
Shows no reflection because he is dead
With his power he could crush your head
Shed hate unto the world unending terror
The bodies he's slain fallm on the heap
Decaying remains they cried and they weep
Prince of hell, vampires sleep
He lurks in the shadows hides in the doors
Seeking by smell it's you he looks for
The prince of the night lives by desire
One bite from his teeth - plunge into fire
Lust for the women always on his mind
Three bites and they're dead - not enough time
Only wants to eat warm fresh blood
The dirty old man, but he feels no love
Transforms his shape suit his needs
Attitude charming wanting to please
Some he kills out of lust and hunger
Others he saves to be with forever
When he comes around bar your windows up
Won't do any good he'll break them down
He'll stop and nothing when blood's around
God seems useless not to be found
Lock your windows bolt your doors
He comes around it's you he looks for
Scouring the grounds only at night
If he sees the sun to dust on sight
On bats wings he flies by the moon
The rest by his crypts daylight is soon
Back on his bed sheets of silk
He's filled with blood like mother's milk
Evil rules with sword of power
To watch his slaves by the hour
The king to all forced exception
Bought this way by deceit and deception
Sits on his thrown
He wants all life even unborn
They plot to kill they're master
If they fail pure disaster
In daylight hours they come to the grave
Armed with cross, stake and stave
But he has moved predicted their thoughts
So he kills again and this time they saw
Follow him back to his hole in the ground
Open the lid without a sound
Pick up the stake, drive through his heart
But by his death is only a start
5. Suicidal Mission
There you hung
Oh so sad
What went wrong?
Who took your life?
Your last breath?
He has won!
Play with fire
You'll get burned
No mercy given
You're being used
Each day you die
No use livin'
You took your life
Convinced by all
You were the one
Satan's son
Won't cry no tears
Cause you're gone
It's all the same
You're here today
Gone tomorrow
Same old story
You lost your life
You must pay
Endless sum
You stupid fool
Your day has come
The chosen one
Rituals begun
Each one, his son
Spiritual life has come
Demons work is done
You, yeah you die
No tears fall for you
You, yeah you die
A victim of his curse
He waits in the pits
Now your death is worse
6. Venomous Death
Out in the wild in a forest so deep
Walk unsuspecting, not knowing all that creeps
It slithers and snakes through all the high grass
But if you're not careful, he bites your ass
He lies in wait for victims to walk by
To strike in hatred
You fall to the ground to lie and wait
To fulfill the pleasure of all who hate
Seeking shelter from the blaring sun
The dessert, hot and balmy
You're becoming we'll done
You find shade at one lone tree
But to your misfortune it's not as you see
For on the limb all curled up tight
Is the killer scaled one ready to bite
You hear a hissing up above your head
But you're too late, and now you are dead
You have fallen upon venomous death
Weary traveler you should have never left
With the bite of the serpent's fang
Your soul shall never rest
Trudging through swamps on a cold rainy morn
Exiled to this place out of hateful scorn
You slip and you fall in mud up to your nose
The slime overcomes you, you struggle for your hose
In the trick of the moment you notice it moves
As it turns to look strait in the eyes
The snake coils around you like vines to a pole
Crushes like a vice you sink in the hole
7. The Evil
The burning power flows through your souls
Filling you with unholy thoughts
Engulf your body and soul in lust
Your life he now has bought
He who watches your mortal soul
And points to death all around
He grasps you in his merciless hand
Then you hear the sounds...of death...
In flames...tomorrow..you're dead!
You try to run, try to hide
His grasp you can't break free
The prince of darkness, ruler of hell
Stands in front of me
Evil thoughts run through my brain
The signs point to my way
You feel that you will go insane
But still you have to pat...with death...
In flames...tomorrow...you're death!
Kill! Rip! Seize!
Your heart begins to bleed!
Lust! Tear! Flesh!
Drink the blood of victims!
Heart! Eat!now!
Purest flesh of virgins!
Death! Now! Has come!
Tormenting souls of god!
No escape frm this world of hell
End is coming for you
The time of rain and storm draws near
Coming to the masters doom
Crucifixion in the blood red moon
Watch the impalement of the fools
Un-soul the bodies they do not move
They died! In flames! They're dead!
You'll die!
8. The Darkside
A nice old lady sits on her chair
She looks so peaceful with her streaked white hair
Her family is gone, her husband has died
All this loneliness brings out her darkside
She's the crotchety old bag that everyone knew
When you played as a kid she'd yell names at you
If you went by her house she would call the cops
You hates her so much you hoped she would drop
Ooh! It's in your brain!
Ooh! You feel the pain!
Now that you're older a bit more mature
You understand now that no one is pure
A little bit of evil inside any of us
In some it's noticeable and actually a must
Others you must search deep within their souls
But with a little bit of prodding you bring out that troll
If overflows goodside and corrupts you and me
Trials and tribulations, we all go though them
Sometimes they end up in death
The good and evil fighting for the top
When will we ever be free
Torment! Torture!
The ongoing force to be seen
Penance! For whom?!
The only way to know is who wins!
There is one other darkside that everyone can notice
It's ever present and very hard to stop it
The threat of destruction by one man's band
The instant annihilation of all man
Yes, you've guessed it, it's the big boom
If it ever goes off the world will be our tomb
So we live our lives day by day
Hoping that the reaper will never ask us to pay
9. R.I.P.
With the destruction of the land
Death will be close at hand
A mishap long, long ago
Who taught us to fight, no one knows
Terrorism a thing of the past
The power in the wrong hands kills at last
Survivors are few and scattered
Their remains are torn and tattered
Get your guns! Get your weapons!
We're going out for the killing
Don't get in our way we'll stomp you
If you live we take no prisoners
Sick! Disgust! Eternal! Rest!
They come from all sides
Better make sure you put out your best
Sick! Disgust! Eternal! Rest!
The ultimate sacrifice has come to us
Worse than exploding a school bus
The time to regroup and strengthen
To the earth's end will make us legends
Kill all mutated and birth-defected children
Leaving no sight for anyone to catch them
The endless winter is cold and harsch
Remembering when you thought it was a farce
Sick! Disgust! Eternal! Rest!
The world as we know it never regains
It all changes in time, not quite the same
The marauders reap, havoc in time
But they all run around the world more or less blind
In all the confusion no one knows
The evil one plans for everything to blow
One last bomb was left for some strange reason
Ot goes off now there will be
No more seasons