
"Lyden Na (The Now Sound)" (2007)
1. Intro 2. ThreeOhSevenOhh 3. PissStomper 4. TheKidsCanGetFucked 5. RockNRollJihad 6. BrokeAssBitch 7. MyspaceYourFace 8. AngryDragon 9. ILoveThePills 10. DusterDuster 11. TheNightTheyBurnedOldEmoDown 12. RapedWithATyreIron 13. ISawYourDadSuckingOffAnotherDudesDad 14. OrgansForAProfit 15. StrungUpWithCockInHand 16. BalladOfHenryAndotis
1. Intro
2. ThreeOhSevenOhh
I used to praise the North
And High St gave me a fat
But that’s changed a fuck of a lot
And now I can’t afford a flat
Artists and business men
Moved in overnight
Turned slums into apartments
Now how bout that?
Northcote sluts, trendy cunts,
Go and get fucked.
Northcote sluts, trendy cunts,
Go and get fucked.
Used to breathe the Northcote air
And it smelled like the dole
‘Till all the artists came
It has taken a toll
Now everyone thinks its cool
It’s not the Northcote I know
Out to Preston, I move out
Of the three oh seven oh
Northcote sluts, trendy cunts
Go and get fucked.
Northcote sluts, trendy cunts
Go and get fucked.
Three oh Seven oh
3. PissStomper
Stomping piss, everyday
Making sure it’s alright
Stomping piss, all the way
On and on through the night
Inherited job for the Fullers
Stomping’s all we do
Doesn’t matter what the fuck you say
Piss stomping’s the only way
Piss Stomper!
Piss Stomper!
Piss Stomper!
Piss Stomper!
Piss Stomper!
Piss Stomper!
[Random noise generator sounds?]
4. TheKidsCanGetFucked
5. RockNRollJihad
It’s a rock n roll Jihad
Don’t you know?
Time to take out the trash
Crashing planes onto stages
And into bands who suck ass
It’s a Rock N Roll, It’s a Rock N Roll,
It’s a Rock N Roll Jihad,
Doncha know?
Taking out the lame ass Rock N Roll
To help our god spread the news
Its our way or the flyway, doncha know
Gonna get on the news
It’s a Rock N Roll, It’s a Rock N Roll,
It’s a Rock N Roll Jihad,
Doncha know?
6. BrokeAssBitch
Don’t you know it’s a long way,
To the top if you wanna rock
Earning money the hard way
Or should I just go get a job
Being broke as a broke ass bitch
Nearly all the time
Struggling with all the rent and shit
Just trying to earn me a dime
Oh yeah, I’m a broke ass bitch
Oh yeah, sellin’ meth I’ll get rich
Name a band and I’ll tell you
They aint got but a cent
Jed Whitey will tell you
It aint all about the rent
Its about making fun of people
And all the things that they do
And when it comes to the bills and shit
I’ll leave that upto you
Oh yeah, I’m a broke ass bitch
Oh yeah, sellin’ meth I’ll get rich
Boom ShakaLaka Boom Boom
Oh yeah, I’m a broke ass bitch
Oh yeah, sellin’ meth I’ll get rich
Broke as a broke ass bitch
7. MyspaceYourFace
Myspace, your face, disgrace
Your face, Myspace
I see your photo there
And I believe
It’s hard for me to see
If I should stay or leave
Its often way too dark,
Or angled weird
To tell if you’re a pig
Or as hot as you appear
Myspace, your face, disgrace
Yourspace, my face
Don’t care about your friends
None of that shit
Just want some dirty pics
So I can wank a bit
So get your gear off and turn on a light
Take yourself a decent photo
Then add me yeah alright!
Myspace, your face, disgrace
Yourspace, your face
[Piano Interlude]
8. AngryDragon
I love the ladies, I treat them right,
I feed them cocaine, and keep them up all night.
I share the wealth, the spoils of the game,
While Rizzo gets his dick sucked, I’m in the cunt again.
That’s how I move,
That’s how I keep my groove,
Cock rock
While we’re fucking, Beltys will steal her stash
And when she’s gone, I’ll find another gash
To get my dick wet is what I do
Im gonna find the perfect girl and pass her onto you
That’s how I move,
That’s how I keep my groove,
Cock rock
9. ILoveThePills
I got a knack for taking everything in sight
Xanex and Stillnox baby
Help me sleep at night
I love the pills, the pills
Uppers and downers junior
That’s what I crave
Walk like a zombie baby
In a fucked up foggy haze
Don’t need no doctor know-how
To get no script
I got some mental mates
Who get me ripped!
Vals and Phernergan that’s all I need
To bring me back just feed me speed
Daryl Cotton (Zoot):
“C’mon everybody take those pills out, throw em at the stage…clap your hands, c’mon, c’mon”…clapping & crowd cheering
Vals and Phernergan that’s all I need
To bring me back just feed me speed
10. DusterDuster
Duster, Duster
Duster! Duster!
[Drum machine]
11. TheNightTheyBurnedOldEmoDown
A little spark in the band room
Started slowly while they played
No one noticed, it was too late
The venue now becomes a grave
I stand and watch the people crying
Licking flames they kiss the sky
The scene is swallowed in a cloud of dirty smoke
All those emo have died
Fire engulfs the back packs
Singes fringes and burns tattoos
No one noticed it was too late
The venue now becomes a grave
I stand and watch the people crying
Licking flames they kiss the sky
The scene is swallowed in clouds of dirty smoke
All those emo kids have died
I stand and watch the people crying
Licking flames they kiss the sky
The scene is swallowed in clouds of dirty smoke
Box of matches at my side
12. RapedWithATyreIron
13. ISawYourDadSuckingOffAnotherDudesDad
14. OrgansForAProfit
15. StrungUpWithCockInHand
16. BalladOfHenryAndotis